The shame of beloved Mexico - Morrissey statement at

Well of course. Never mind saying something about Morrissey's Mum, let's just insult Morrissey all day everyday, he's fair game and he definitely deserves it, he obviously just spends all of his time smiting everyone and everything and is the Lord of Super Evil.

He needs to be attacked 24/7 by utterly superior beings who are absolutely perfect and have never done anything wrong ever.

f***ing idiot.

so you claim that moz is attacked 24/7 and his 75 year old mom is responsible therefore she its ok for her to be dragged thru the mud? let me repeat that, moz gets attacked and in response his 'fans' attack his mom? are you from iowa?
you are clearly moronic.
Well of course. Never mind saying something about Morrissey's Mum, let's just insult Morrissey all day everyday, he's fair game and he definitely deserves it, he obviously just spends all of his time smiting everyone and everything and is the Lord of Super Evil.

He needs to be attacked 24/7 by utterly superior beings who are absolutely perfect and have never done anything wrong ever.

f***ing idiot.

this coming from the simpleton that said
1 he only debated jb
2 was going to take a breat
1 responds to everybody but jb
2 back the same day he said adios

LOL they dont call you apologists for nothing.
yes you do, you think the forum is yours. its not. i know that you all would LOVE to control what is posted here a la moz but its not happening, learn to live with it.

Yeah you're right, 417 posts in eight and a half years, Imma ALL over this sucka :thumb:
Really!!!! That´s a stupid way of think!!! the stupid that you adore (yes, the f***ing Morrissey) it´s a asshole for saying this bullshit. The animals over the human beings??? only the stupid and ignorant people think like this, f*** you all!!!! and yes, I´m from México.
I would care a bit more about what Julia posts from Morrissey on her web site if she hadn't unquestioningly posted (some years back) a note from Morrissey where he expressed admiration for those (in the Animal Rights Militia) who send nail bombs in the mail to the family residences of scientists. Does Julia question ANYTHING before she posts it?
I would care a bit more about what Julia posts from Morrissey on her web site if she hadn't unquestioningly posted (some years back) a note from Morrissey where he expressed admiration for those (in the Animal Rights Militia) who send nail bombs in the mail to the family residences of scientists. Does Julia question ANYTHING before she posts it?

The same could be said for DavidT allowing trolls like Benny and Barleycunt to post here. DavidT talks about being pro "Freedom of speech" and against censorship. Julia simply posts Morrissey's words without any censorship or editorialising - just like this site does with people who post here. Oh, but of course there's one rule for So_Low and another for TTY.
The same could be said for DavidT allowing trolls like Benny and Barleycunt to post here. DavidT talks about being pro "Freedom of speech" and against censorship. Julia simply posts Morrissey's words without any censorship or editorialising - just like this site does with people who post here. Oh, but of course there's one rule for So_Low and another for TTY.

Is it me, or did it just get stupider on this thread?


Re: Injured bullfighter who Morrissey labelled a 'serial killer' returns to standing ovation

I'm against bull fighting, but don't know if I'd wish death on a bullfighter. But I'd certainly welcome her being taken out again by a bull -- preferably the same one (is it still alive?)

Bullfighting is awful. Suffering as entertainment is awful. Also - wishing suffering on someone is awful.

Re: Injured bullfighter who Morrissey labelled a 'serial killer' returns to standing ovation

Why do people call this barbaric,vile activity "bull fighting" ?????????
It is bull killing !!!!!!!!
There is no contest,and there is only ever 1 winner !!!!!!!
That apology for a human being chose,i repeat chose the profession of inflicting suffering and humiliation on a defensless animal,and i wish her nothing but bad luck throughout her life !!!!!!
There is no excuse,and none should be accepted !!!!!!

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