The Drivel Thread

Free insults, honey bunny?? FREE!? Has Christmas come early?
I was DEFENDING you, honey bunny! They think you're a fatty boom boom, and how could you be if you're a twerpy lil wigger?!
full concert audio from Dec 5
if having friends is the worst than you have the wrong friends!!!!
Maybe. My Mexican Is a sweetheart though and he looks like an angel when he wears his hair down, but it's true that he is really not MY kind of person, as in, he's a bit of a hippie and he sings the praises of chatgpt, and is decidedly NOT nicky wire or neil codling.
Maybe. My Mexican Is a sweetheart though and he looks like an angel when he wears his hair down, but it's true that he is really not MY kind of person, as in, he's a bit of a hippie and he sings the praises of chatgpt, and is decidedly NOT nicky wire or neil codling.
What on earth is a mexican?
I just confirmed that Shay is a nickname for Sharon. ‘Shay!’ My ears prick up to this now.
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I had a meeting with my psychiatrist and some mental health workers, and am now a voluntary patient, so it’s a relationship based on trust now, rather than me being legally bound to have further appointments and take medication. So, based on trust, I will take the medication and then six months down the road, it will be my decision whether to begin tapering down my medication or not. My plan is to think about the pros and cons for six months before deciding to take the medication down a notch or not. The main side effect of the medication that I dislike, is that when I need to take a dump, it won’t wait. I have to rush to a bathroom. I know my mental health workers would worry if I were to go off medication, so I won’t be doing that, because I don’t want to worry them. They believe the medication works. I don’t, but based on trust, I’m taking it. But now, it’s voluntary, and that is a big difference to me, rather than feeling like a grounded child.
I dreamt that I was in a taxi with an ex boy’friend’ and had to borrow twenty bucks from him, because I had no immediate means with me of making some payment or other. Let Me Kiss You is in my head. I have an appointment on Monday to get my lungs looked at again. There’s still often a rattle to my cough. It comes and goes. I’m quite sure it’s a mold infection from inhaling that cloud of spores from the French press nearly a year ago, and I believe I’m f***ed, but, I carry on as best as I can. Hope for the best, and expect the worst eh? I’m enjoying life more than I ever have before, so I want to recover, but I doubt I will be able to.
really not MY kind of person

Not unlike how I’ve felt about you recently on account of your Zionist cheerleading, and your inability to learn anything new about the situation even when you have people giving you the facts :mad:. Anyway, you should probably stick with this Mexican of yours because at your age it’s about the best you can hope for really, if you don’t mind my being blunt! Have you ever given any consideration to having a lil beaner baby with him, honey buns? This could very well be your last chance to have a child, you know!
More playing around with paint on Glum Morrissey, while listening to the December 5th concert.
Not unlike how I’ve felt about you recently on account of your Zionist cheerleading, and your inability to learn anything new about the situation even when you have people giving you the facts :mad:. Anyway, you should probably stick with this Mexican of yours because at your age it’s about the best you can hope for really, if you don’t mind my being blunt! Have you ever given any consideration to having a lil beaner baby with him, honey buns? This could very well be your last chance to have a child, you know!
I've learned tons of new things about the israel/terrorist conflict, honey bunny! I have the best teachers in dougie murray, Niall Ferguson, Ben Shapiro, Konstantin kisin, etc! Now I know all I need to know, so if you have any questions about what's going on over there, feel free to ask, mmkay?!

As for my Mexican, he's the best most women could hope for. You couldn't find a sweeter, more handsome guy around! But I won't be having children with him, that's for sure! Have my identity subsumed by that of the communal, generic identity of that of 'mother'? Are you out of your everloving mind, honey bunny?! You do know I'm one of those whom the gods love, right?!? Did you know, honey bunny, that in the whole course of my life not for so much as five seconds have I ever thought to myself, "hmm I might like to give birth to an amorphous slimey mewling little lump of flesh"? It's true, honey bunny, even when I was a toddler (well aware as I was from infancy of being one of those whom the gods love and therefore beholden to a different system of values to everyone else) it was a done deal that I was NEVER having kids. But if I DID have kids, honey bunny, it would make much more sense to have them with you, since you know how much I love The Riotin' Irish (not that YOU were out there rioting, since you're all talk, no action!) . As well, it would be a great act of generosity on my part, wouldnt you say, honey bunny, as it might be your one chance to escape inceldom since it doesn't look like that thing with the married church going woman worked out! Of course, upon giving birth, I'd have to quickly remove the child from the home, because I don't want my child growing up around a disgruntled, jew hating, black culture loving, wigger influence!
More painting Glum Morrissey while listening to him in concert and missing him.
anxiety bloody awful poetry testing the waters trying to feel good in your own skin trying to make friends wanting to alleviate anxiety wanting to feel safe to be honest wanting to have integrity
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