~ The 'All things UNPLEASANT' thread ~

Codreanu said:
I'm afraid it gets much worse, by EXACTLY fifty percent. Ah, the dyspepsia of natural mathematical sequence...


I'll hold the barf-bag for you (aren't I a gentleman?). :p

Good lord, Cod. That photo you added has to be one of THE funniest Smiths/Moz related images of all time :p (i mean, once the bile has settled of course).

And thank you for being such a gentleman - I knew I could count on you in the pinch. :D
MrRoboto said:

That was my 1st Smiths T-shirt, I wore it so much it nearly fell to pieces but still, I persisted until one day I saw this MADE IN THE 3RD CIRCLE OF HELL PHOTO OP.......its at the bottom of a box somewhere.
kingdai said:
what is unpleasant about attractive women????

20.Liverpool council dumping waste and rubbish in Wales
19.casual racism towards new Polish people in my town who work dead hard whilst many people who criticise sit about all day doing sod all
18.the extortionate 'call out fee' that I had to pay the plumber this morning
17.You Are the Quarry/Ringleader of the Tormenters
16.My mate who works in a nursing home recently had to locate a missing emergency buzzer which someone had stuck down her...you know what
15.The tune Chestre fans sing "Denis Smith is illigitimate, he aint got no birth certificate,he's got AIDS and can't get rid of it,f*** off you welsh bastard"
14.Harry Redknapp, Barry Fry, Mark Lawrenson, Ben Thatcher, John Hartson
13.People who disrespect their mums for no reason
12.stepping in dog shit,my road must have more dog shit than anywhere else in the world
11.having to work 8am the day after your 21st birthday
10.extortionate rent charged by most scumbag landlords
9.Woodville Fish Bar in Cardiff (back garden is full of rats)
8.cokeheads who fight in town
7.the paedophile home up by Plas Madoc
6.some of Morrissey's outdated and unrealistic views on race and nationality
5.Liverpool council flooding Welsh villages to build a reservoir for Liverpool
4.people who fancy Nikki from Big Brother- SHE HAS THE BODY OF A TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY!
3.a video I saw on a mobile phone of a bloke shitting on a woman...horrid stuff
2.imaging famous lesbian Claire Balding from horse racing having lesbian sex
1.Rugby.I can't imagine why anyone would want to play it unless you wanted to touch up other men

I find this person particularly unpleasant.
If he doesn't like Morrissey's last 2 albums, why is he here?
He also appears to be homophobic, which is never a good thing.
Martin McCann said:
I find this person particularly unpleasant.
If he doesn't like Morrissey's last 2 albums, why is he here?
He also appears to be homophobic, which is never a good thing.
No, what is truly unpleasant are disdainful posts questioning the fandom of long-time Moz zealots like Andy Fozzy from callow users who think that silly, tenditious, words like "homophobia" denote anything beyond the moral incoherance of those who use them.
Codreanu said:
No, what is truly unpleasant are disdainful posts questioning the fandom of long-time Moz zealots like Andy Fozzy from callow users who think that silly, tenditious, words like "homophobia" denote anything beyond the moral incoherance of those who use them.

You seem to be somewhat confused my fascist friend.
My post is obviously referring to 'kingdai', a fact indicated by my quoting his post.

The only word that is truly silly is the word 'silly'.

Many thousands of people have died as a result of homophobia, in all it's insidious forms, and comments like these really have no place on a Morrissey fansite:
2.imaging famous lesbian Claire Balding from horse racing having lesbian sex
1.Rugby.I can't imagine why anyone would want to play it unless you wanted to touch up other men

Now might I suggest you go back to polishing your jackboots, or whatever "red-blooded heterosexual" virgins like you do with your vast amounts of spare time.
Although chemical weapons, poverty, animal cruelty and greed are all pretty unpleasant, there is nothing more unpleasant than french manicured toenails, especially when the person wearing them has used acrylic tips.
Martin McCann said:
You seem to be somewhat confused my fascist friend.
My post is obviously referring to 'kingdai', a fact indicated by my quoting his post.
Sorry, I carelessly took it the quote was from fozzy's imperfect list. How embarrassing. :o
Martin McCann said:
Many thousands of people have died as a result of homophobia, in all it's insidious forms
That homosexuality was often considered a capital crime under several totalitarian regimes and/or the laws of Sharia, and that many were humiliated, treated uncharitably, and lost their lives is, indeed, very much a tragedy; and an unnecessary one at that, for some of you seem to be doing a good enough job demoralizing and killing yourselves (Tragedy in the fullest, grecian(!), sense) as it is.
Martin McCann said:
2.imaging famous lesbian Claire Balding from horse racing having lesbian sex
So, the normal, honest, revulsion most people feel toward depictions, imagined or otherwise, of homosexual sex is a) a mental disorder (like an hysterical fear of heights or clowns) for which the individual is somehow, paradoxically, responsible because b) it is also a judgement of value issued with free moral agency -- yet this is what we must accept in remaining faithful to the way "homophobia" functions in modern discourse. Perhaps silly isn't the best word.

EDIT: I only wanted to point out that a phobia, by definition, afflicts only a marginal element of a given population; moreover, phobias are always recognized by patients themselves as unreasonable.
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Codreanu said:
No, what is truly unpleasant are disdainful posts questioning the fandom of long-time Moz zealots like Andy Fozzy from callow users who think that silly, tenditious, words like "homophobia" denote anything beyond the moral incoherance of those who use them.

What does "tenitious" mean? Nothing, I'm pretty sure. (And by the way, it's "incoherence," and you don't need the comma after the fictional word. I know how important these things are to you.)

As for your remarks about the torture and murder of homosexuals throughout antiquity--that this constituted their being "treated uncharitably"!--this pretty well confirms my longstanding intuition about your ludicrous pose as a bedsit fascist. You sit there in your rooms full of camp, dressed and made up in the campiest way possible, no doubt licking your lips and fondling your kimono or whatever it is you fester in as you enjoy your callow (note my use of the word, much more apt than your own), bedwetter's fantasies of widescale subjegation of the vulnerable. That you claim to feel "revulsion" against "imagined or otherwise" images (and why would you be imagining them, dearie?) of homosexuality while spending nine tenths of your life on the fansite for a singer who has has drenched his work in such imagery since his first album cover--well, this makes you, to lower the tone for a moment, an absolute f***ing laughing stock.

Think that does it. To learn more about Codreanu's type, visit your local library:

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William said:
What does "tenitious" mean? Nothing, I'm pretty sure.
typo: tendentious
William said:
As for your remarks about the torture and murder of homosexuals throughout antiquity--that this constituted their being "treated uncharitably"!--this pretty well confirms my longstanding intuition about your ludicrous pose as a bedsit fascist.
You are excused for not being aware of the ENORMOUS extension the term "Charity" ranges over in Catholic moral thought.
William said:
Thanks, Freeyourself, looks like a good read. :)
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Codreanu said:
So, the normal, honest, revulsion most people feel toward depictions, imagined or otherwise, of homosexual sex...

I rest my case.
You really are a silly man.
You got the life you deserved.
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20.Stomach pains
19.People who tell me eating meat 'is a way of life'
18.People who tell me i should be happy because i'm young and got my 'whole life ahead of me' i'm sorry that just makes me feel a million times worse
17.Reality TV
16.Simon Cowell
15.Doctors waiting rooms
14.Tooth ache or gum boils
13.Teenage mums who think they own EVERYTHING just because they have a child
11.public transport
10.Rap music
9.Rappers who take the view of women back 100 years
7.People who harm animals in any way
6.Being constantly bored
3.Psychiatrists who fail to tell me anything new about myself
Martin McCann said:
I rest my case.
You really are a silly man.
You got the life you deserved.

You had no case.

That is a pretty common thought.
Most of my straight friends think the idea of homosexual sex is pretty gross.
And some of my gay friends think heterosexual sex is gross.
It's the butt (no pun intended) of many jokes.

I find all sex pretty gross.
Well, maybe that's because I haven't experienced it yet.

Besides, you think the last two Morrissey albums were great. Psh.

Something I dislike, Codreanu hate.
But it was nice to see freeyouself make an appearance again finally. As well as show us that he might be something of a reader?
dallow_bg said:
You had no case.

That is a pretty common thought.
Most of my straight friends think the idea of homosexual sex is pretty gross.
And some of my gay friends think heterosexual sex is gross.
It's the butt (no pun intended) of many jokes.

I find all sex pretty gross.
Well, maybe that's because I haven't experienced it yet.

Besides, you think the last two Morrissey albums were great. Psh.

Something I dislike, Codreanu hate.
But it was nice to see freeyouself make an appearance again finally. As well as show us that he might be something of a reader?

"That is a pretty common thought."

Perhaps, on a KKK website, but I believe you do the vast majority of Morrissey fans a great disservice to attribute to them such despicable views .

"Most of my straight friends think the idea of homosexual sex is pretty gross."

I don't doubt that your friends would think that. Any friend of yours would. That you have friends is the most surprising aspect of that statement.

"I find all sex pretty gross.
Well, maybe that's because I haven't experienced it yet."

Why doesn't that surprise me.

"Besides, you think the last two Morrissey albums were great. Psh."

Yes, I do, and what's more the most recent album is my favourite album EVER.
The fact that a revolting creature like you doesn't like it makes me like it all the more.
You're dismissed.
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