Thankfully, Our Morrissey likes grown Men and not little boys!

Shut up you idiot, the PIMP is right about you - you do blow baboons
You Fool! Don't ever mention our Morrissey in the same sentence as that freak.
Yeah, and thankfully, he doesn't have a secret arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (nt)

Re: Making friends again I see huhn anonnymute????

The list of people who despise you and your gift for blowing baboons is growing by the day. Ive always known you were a baboon blower,Its about time,others did as well. Shame though,too bad i dont know what you look like or where you live,id give you the beating you so well deserve. You're a f***in ass clown needledick. Go back to the zoo where you belong.
Who is deeper in their closet? Morrissey or Propey?

They both have the passion.But is it for picthin' or catchin'?
Re: Who likes to get tea bagged from baboons?????

But I ask you like to give...or receive?????
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