Southpaw Grammar

I still think it's his lamest album.

but some people said 'kill uncle' sucks and I totally love that one.
I still think it's his lamest album.

but some people said 'kill uncle' sucks and I totally love that one.

Ah, the old "Kill Uncle" appritions thread. Those were the days. No "SG" atleast got something:).
I absolutely love Southpaw Grammar, it is better than Vauxhall and I and The Queen is Dead. Tear me apart for that all you want, but I stand by that statement.

The Teachers Are Afraid of the Pupils - This song, to put it as best I can, "deserves" to be 11 minutes long. It never gets boring, I mean I actually prefer Southpaw, but that song just drags on. This one flows the whole way through beautifully. But, only by comparison, it is my least favorite on here.

Reader Meet Author - A brilliant song, and truly thrilling the whole way through. The tempo changes, the strings, the whole thing is fantastic and incredibly unique.

The Boy Racer - I don't have much to say about this except that I love it. No comments, just praise.

The Operation - His absolute most underrated song. Now, I love the drum solo and the long outro, but they completely distract everyone from the main part of the song. Whenever the song is mentioned, all I hear are things about the drum solo, whether positive, negative, or neutral, all I hear about is the drum solo, and it is very frustrating because the song is so great. The guitar riff is one of the best Alain has ever written.

Dagenham Dave - An undervalued track, with another good guitar riff on this album and another effective use of strings on this album. But, even though I like the lyrics and everything else about the song, the repeating the title over and over again thing is unbearable on its own but I can stand it when apart of such a good track.

Do Your Best and Don't Worry - Fantastic guitar work but somewhat simple lyrics and a good but not great vocal. So in short I think the Morrissey contribution is lacking but the Alain Whyte component is superb.

Best Friend on the Payroll - Never even noticed by anyone, which is such a shame. Sure it only has like three lines and is mostly instrumental, but I rather like it. More excellent guitar work, and it possesses an unusual atmosphere that I love. And there's a few small touches at around 2:10 or 2:20 that I just adore.

Southpaw - The lyrical parts are extraordinary, that segment on its own is one of the best later solo songs. I do actually like the long outro, but at that length it becomes boring. Compress it a little bit and it works. A 6 minute song, that would work. 8 minutes, that's stretching it, but 10 minutes, that's just plain pointless. It feels forced in a way, but I must stress that while I wish the song was shorter and I am still fully pleased with the way it is.
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