Reminisce about your sign up date here..

I just passed the one-year mark a few weeks ago. I was just looking for information about the Chicago Auditorium Theatre show last May. I wanted to know if anyone thought I would be able to get away with bringing a decent camera in, and when the start time would be so I could line up a sitter and make dinner reservations.

I had just rediscovered Morrissey after many years, but when he walked out on stage that night, I was totally entranced by him. I ended up going to 11 shows last year. All this coincides with lots of strange things happening in my real life, it's been a very weird year.

I've made some very good friends here. :)
I came here via, which I signed up for in August of 2006 (and I found that because it seemed that no matter what song I Googled,'s page for it was always within the top couple hits). I was active in one of the Morrissey groups there, and saw some references to this place. At one point, I got into an argument with a user because I called "Redondo Beach" the easiest Patti Smith song for Morrissey to cover (well, it is--can you imagine him singing "Horses"?), and that user ripped into me. It was a fun argument, and when I found that she posts here as nightandday, I realized that this forum was definitely the place to be. At first, I just downloaded bootlegs and got involved in discography-related questions; I avoided Off-topic like the plague. That last for about 6 months, and now look where I am. :o

I, too, have made some very good friends here. :guitar:
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I saw this thread early this morning but didn't have time to reply before coming to work. I've been thinking about it though and it inspired me to listen to my very first Morrissey bootleg I ever downloaded. It was on here of course and I downloaded it the very day of the show, only a couple of hours after it happened b/c it was broadcast on radio but I didn't make it home in time to listen - Marlay Park, Dublin, 2006. :D Aaaaahh memories.... At the time I thought that nothing could possibly be better than listening to a few songs almost-live with actual banter between songs, which made me so thrilled b/c I thought at the time I had missed every chance I'd ever have to go to a Moz show. Little did I know....... (I've been to one or two since then... ;))

I started lurking here in June of '06, b/c I had just bought Ringleader and it had turned on the Morrissey switch in my head, which was all dusty after years of only listening to a few Smiths songs and all of Quarry. I spent that entire summer reading this site, and looking at every single picture on Comtesse's awesome site, and reading every interview I could find, and spending hours reading all the lyrics on Passions, the whole time desperate to see Morrissey in the flesh onstage. I was sooooo envious of everyone here talking about all the wonderful experiences they'd had. I couldn't afford to see Moz in Europe at the time b/c we had just bought a house so I was waiting and hoping every day he'd announce a show in the US which he finally did, in Chicago at the Aragon on November 21, 2006. My life hasn't been the same since, thankfully. :D :D :D

This is my favorite place on the internet. When I first came I was so nervous to say anything and I never thought I'd actually make friends here.
I had been a lurker for years..My sign up date says 11/23/06 which is right after the Chicago Aragon show which was Moz's one-off stateside ROTT show that I went to and right after my 30th birthday. I must have posted to exclaim the joy Moz brought me on my special day:)
hallo ms. clippers

was it Dressing Gown Friday?

I am a bit dotty (always losing track of the days) so I wear the pajamas daily to avoid being incorrect. Modern technology will render street clothes obsolete by 2068! I hope you didn't ingest too much paper along with the aniseed twists, although if it was wholemeal paper you're ahead of the game.
I would lurk around the site during my overnight shifts... It gave me something to do in between treating patients....
I finally joined last Oct, I think...... I have had more time on my hands since then....:D
I do remember that the whole time I was on the "front page", i had no idea this was seperate and existed.

A long time poster on the main boards, I didn't know the forums existed either. Houdini's posts on the main page (about the song polls) made me check out the forums. I think voting on Hairdresser on Fire and Half a Person were my first couple of posts.

Not too many more posts after that, I found a fellow Chicagoan, Comtesse, and befriended her (I was already familiar with her website) and shortly thereafter, met my southside pal, Pregs. I think bogdana was the first person to pm me to say hello, which I thought was very sweet and welcoming :)

I immediately thought to myself (and posted it) "I like it here can I stay?" :) and almost a year later, I've racked up over 7,000 posts :o I, too, have made and met many friends thanks to solo :guitar: I don't have anyone in my life to share my love of Morrissey, so it looks like you guys are stuck with me. :D

My sign up date says 11/23/06 which is right after the Chicago Aragon show which was Moz's one-off stateside ROTT show that I went to and right after my 30th birthday. I must have posted to exclaim the joy Moz brought me on my special day

I couldn't afford to see Moz in Europe at the time b/c we had just bought a house so I was waiting and hoping every day he'd announce a show in the US which he finally did, in Chicago at the Aragon on November 21, 2006.

I wish I had 'found' you two on solo before the Aragon show. We could've hung out! I went by meself, but got close and had a GRRREAT time!! :guitar:
I had known of Morrissey for over a year but it took a long time actually realize that there is a man behind the songs, haha. So I read a looot of interviews and Google became my good friend. Through all of this, I somehow stumbled upon Solo. :p

I was sitting in the same chair that I am now.
My friend gave me a bunch of old cd's and I remember thinking that Morrissey was really hot! Then I heard the songs and had to know more about him, so I came on here to read. Everyone's so nice about sharing their boots and uploading photos.
I've only been here two weeks :). I'd been listening to The Smiths for about two years straight and had amassed everything they had ever recorded (as well as a hearty sample of bootlegged shows and Smiths-related tunes like Sandie Shaw's "Steven, You Don't Eat Meat").

I had avoided Morrissey's solo work due to my ill-considered choice of hearing "You Are the Quarry" first, but just recently I picked up "Bona Drag" which got me hooked and led me to these forums....
Hmm, ok I was looking for more downloads and bootlegs to add to my collection. I originally used Kiraware until I got everything of that place, then I was directed here for more. Joined up immediately and loved it ever since :D

Love PTxx.
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