Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

My new boyfriend cost me a pretty penny.
I feel a bit bad coz when I got the new keys I just drove off and didn't waste a second thought on my loyal Ford of 14 years which I had parked a few meters away. My sentimental, nostalgic side isn't as strong as I thought, I have to admit, but nevertheless there is a vestige feeling of being a heartless traitor, like a farmer selling his trusting animals to a halal slaughterhouse overseas and seeing them freight onto one of those floating coffins, without wasting a second thought on their fate.
I can only hope that cars don't have a soul or feelings.

Anyways, I was able to park the car in the underground garage without any scratches. First time I have a car with parking sensors, but they don't really help when you only have 15 cm of space available on each side of the car, and the sensors drive you mad with their alarm system going off constantly.

Did you get another Ford?
No, got a fiat punto, Black .
A Fiat Punto LOL! I starting out driving one of those when I was 18/19, they're student cars. Grown men don't drive Fiat Puntos. Absolutely hilarious image, visualising him sitting in a Fiat Punto. The only funnier image would be if he drove a Mini like Mr. Bean. So he took computer classes in his 50s to learn how to use the internet, and he also didn't get his driving licence until he was around 50, seemingly. It only took him 50 years to learn how to grow up and be a big boy. What the hell was he doing for all that time that he couldn't figure out how to switch on a computer or learn to drive a car? Who chauffeured him everywhere for all that time? His children probably learned how to drive before he did. Better late than never I suppose but LOLOL Jesus Christ, my sides!

Someone with good photoshopping skills needs to Photoshop his head inside a black Fiat Punto, peering over the steering wheel. And make sure the booster seat is visible behind the big baba who for 50 years was too much of a chickensh!t to learn how to drive :laughing:

well i picked up my painting from light housework. had to wait about an hour at the post office but whatever, i guess. it was sweet of her. she packaged it nicely (although i was a bit annoyed when i saw the big box it came in because i was walking and already had a bag heavy with baileys in one hand and a coffee in the other), and the painting is nicer in real life, got some real rainbow-y colours. id put it up if i had somewhere to put it up.

but the main news of the day is that it's bun bun and bjorns birthday!!!! i hope they dont mind me announcing it! happy birthday @bun bun and @bjornski!! :partypooper:🎂🎁🪅 hope you had a real good day. as mentioned, me and Ed bought salted caramel baileys (as well as apple pie baileys!!), and also some cheesecake to celebrate this most important of days!!! hopefully you got your salted caramel baileys too!!! it is goooooooooood.

EddY wants me to take a picture of him drinking his baileys for Bjorn but we have to wait until my cell charges (it has a habit of being at 0%, i think someones hacked it for all those sexy pictures of Eddo)
some autistic (or something like that) kid hangs out in our garden pulling weeds and stuff. now there are plastic horses all strewn among the plants and foliage. whats that about?
A Fiat Punto LOL! I starting out driving one of those when I was 18/19, they're student cars. Grown men don't drive Fiat Puntos. Absolutely hilarious image, visualising him sitting in a Fiat Punto. The only funnier image would be if he drove a Mini like Mr. Bean. So he took computer classes in his 50s to learn how to use the internet, and he also didn't get his driving licence until he was around 50, seemingly. It only took him 50 years to learn how to grow up and be a big boy. What the hell was he doing for all that time that he couldn't figure out how to switch on a computer or learn to drive a car? Who chauffeured him everywhere for all that time? His children probably learned how to drive before he did. Better late than never I suppose but LOLOL Jesus Christ, my sides!

Someone with good photoshopping skills needs to Photoshop his head inside a black Fiat Punto, peering over the steering wheel. And make sure the booster seat is visible behind the big baba who for 50 years was too much of a chickensh!t to learn how to drive :laughing:

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hey now, at least he's trying to be someone his daughters can be proud of!! he may not be there yet, he may have a long road ahead of him, but then, rome wasnt built in a day!!
Thank you, Eddy! ❤️

I had a most wonderful day. Björn is asking to tell you that I bought him a bottle of red wine and 1984 by George Orwell. No salted caramel Baileys though. Is it good?
oh good, we were wondering what bjorn was gonna get!

bun bun, why didnt you get any salted caramel baileys?!?!!!!!!!!!

yes, it's good, bun bun!! but im still not sure im sold on drinking it straight. think i might continue to put it in my hot chocolate and coffee.
FC couldnt contain himself from commenting on bun bun birthday:birthdaycake:

FC put on the fiat puntos and move on:handpointdown:


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