Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Definitely this, I danced to, but not stripped to that I remember.

I used to strip to Boston, and The Police, and Yes, and Alice Cooper's Sick Things.

No. Truth. He's only concerned about himself. If he can shout at me and make me feel small about not being able to face work after the many conversations we've had. I'm feeling he's not been listening to everything I've divulged to him. Truly disappointed. But as ever. I set my own rules. When I think of the terror I go through to exist as a functioning human being from one day to the next. I owe absolutely noone any apologies.
I hear you Dale. I've been feeling at the breaking point too, where there's nothing left to be done but refuse to be obedient against your own integrity.
I saw Dave walking on the path behind me. I thought we'd make up but he's carried straight on. I was ready to apologise to him. I thought he may come back this way but he hasn't.
Love Takes Time, to heal when you're hurting so much! - Mariah Carey, Love Takes Time
Caretaker walks 33yo bat around so he still feels like he can fly
How about saving a fruit fly from being stuck in water with a kleenex to wick away the moisture, so it can fly again? That's always fun, as long as there's time, and not too many flies.
I didn't have money, in Calgary, to go out and buy music while I was stripping in Calgary, Edmonton. Because you had to pay the bar to work, and you had to pay the dj. So unfair. And I wasn't around long in Calgary. I only scraped together enough cash to keep my boyfriend from calling me vicious names.
I'm waiting for Dave to walk by so that I can have a row with him. He's not bothering, the bastard! More fool him. He doesn't realise that while he's having this strop I'm thinking about going elsewhere. No one plays with me. Life's too short.
Ah Dale, take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.
He told me years later, after he lost me to his best friend, that he'd thought when I said "Don't count on me buying you dinner on a regular basis.", that I meant to be stingy with him. What I'd meant, was that my breadwinning was unreliable. But all those years he held his misinterpretation against me.
I'm glad I'm not being tortured anymore, by the constant sound of metal shovel gouging into gravel, whenever I would try to relax. That was extremely cruel. Can you imagine, someone having millions of dollars, and what do they spendi it on? Torturing me with the sound of shovel stabbing into gravel, night and day.
I saw a housemate at the house computer, whacking off to porn, brazenly in the living room at 2 am. He'd been torturing me with some high tech gadget, right through the house's structure. And I crept up the stairs to tell him off and there he was jerking, because it totally went to his head, both heads, turning him on, to hurt me. To keep me from sleeping from December 2011 to February 2012.
February 14th, valentine's day, 2012, finally the other housemate, Richard, who's room was above mine, poached my frontal lobe, and I left, and fortunately there was a shelter bed, and they treated me well. But the master torturer, the millionaire, wasn't through with me. Not by a long shot. It was just a reprieve.
He drove me insane. And into the psych ward, and the 'medications' were the worst torture. My body will never bounce back.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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