Oh my...

Haha, what a legend. That is pretty awesome.

Love PTxx.
Pissing my pants!!! :D
Oh my... the cord whipping, the handshaking, the shirt - brilliant!!

Best laugh I've had all week! :D:D
LOL! Your uncle has ...guts :) I really needed that laugh! :D Has anyone ever seen Morrissey watch someone crucify one of his songs? I remember seeing someone doing a horrible karaoke of "This Charming Man" and Moz was there, and it was like American Idol, very cringeworthy.
Ohmygod that was SO funny!!! I have tears coming out of my eyes now. :D I love how a buddha head emerged from the audience. I'll try to bring one to my next Moz show.
This is the best thing I've ever seen. So well studied. I love how he mindfully puts the bag of chips on the drumkit.
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