Official reviews of 'Spent the Day in Bed'

Stephen Street (in a tweet)
Got to say, I really like the new #morrissey single! Good work all involved

Stuart Maconie 6 Music
(comment after playing the song on his show)
“I absolutely loved that. It’s becoming, you know, hugely unfashionable to say you like anything that Moz does but that is great. “

Daily Telegraph – “Morrissey's new single, Spent The Day in Bed, shows we should be excited about his next album. Spent The Day in Bed was unveiled this morning on BBC 6 Music. It boasted a vintage Morrissey construction in its flowing, easygoing melody over an urgent rhythm section, although with a fresh energy to the arrangement. There was no sense of reaching back towards the sparkling indie guitars of The Smiths. Instead, this single was constructed around a fast, almost Baroque keyboard line and pyschedelic rhythm guitar, with Morrissey casually bossing the vocal line.

Morrissey recalled Philip Larkin through tongue-in-cheek attention to the humdrum details of ordinary lives. But the iconic singer revelled in the joys of taking a sneaky duvet day and used it as a springboard to address a bigger point with a chorus that advises all his “friends” to switch off from our world of incessant news: “The news contrives to frighten you / To make you feel small and alone / To make you feel that your mind isn't your own.”

All of this is delivered with typical bluff northern charm, carrying on to a coda constructed from recurring Morrissey motifs evoking the dreary commuter existence you might escape by staying under the covers: “no bus, no boss, no rain, no train.” It is a delightful and funny, philosophical little gem that bodes well for his return.

Morrissey has been recording in Ennio Morricone's studio in Rome Last week, at the Mercury Awards, I ran into a record executive who helped set it up, and he was raving about it. He called it the best solo album of Morrissey's career. That has got to be worth getting out of bed for.”

The Times – “The new single is funny, maudlin, slightly ridiculous and has the kind of rebellious outsider spirit that made us fall for him in the first place.

Well this is a surprise. Morrissey has spent a decade doing everything he could to denigrate his once impeccable legacy: using much of his autobiography to settle petty scores with a high-court judge; writing an unreadably pretentious novel; and burning his bridges at one record company after another. After that, nobody could reasonably expect him to come back with a half-decent song. Yet here he is with Spent the Day in Bed, which is funny, maudlin, slightly ridiculous and imbued with the kind of rebellious outsider spirit that made us fall for him in the first place. It has a pretty good tune too.

Beginning with a delicate, almost baroque electronic piano and a handful of squeaky retro-futuristic synthesizer bleeps, Morrissey makes the case for…” (rest of review behind the paywall)

The Guardian - Backed by chirpy organ and strummed guitars, it’s a typically existentialist, Eeyoreish song from the former Smiths singer, in which he rejects the “emasculation” and “castration” of the rat race, instead recommending that you stay in bed and ignore the news, “because the news contrives to frighten you / to make you feel small and alone / to make you feel that your mind isn’t your own”.

Please add any more to this thread.
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I've done what Moz recommends many times. Just me and my scotch or vodka. All day long. Er, sorry, not recommended. Oh, wait, he said nothing about booze?

Too late. ;)
I already took the recommendations to my heart and I must say, not bad at all. :D
The booze might turn up in another song as the recalcitrant pedagogue he now seems to be.
I don't blame him, it fits him perfectly in this time and age. o_O
Thanks to everyone for compiling these reviews.

Overall it seems as if music pubs and general media are pretty receptive to Morrissey's new tune. Pitchfork is (perhaps justifiably) harsh on the musical backing.

Obsessing over M's career as we all do here, it's actually impossible for any of us -- from haters to worshippers -- to just take the song at face value. At least not until after the album and tour is done and dusted.

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Thanks to everyone for compiling these reviews.

Overall it seems as if music pubs and general media are pretty receptive to Morrissey's new tune. Pitchfork is (perhaps justifiably) harsh on the musical backing.

Obsessing over M's career as we all do here, it's actually impossible for for any of us -- from haters to worshippers -- to just take the song at face value. At least not until after the album and tour is done and dusted.


I believe it is a great song and people in doubt will appreciate it more and more if they listen to it a couple of times. As been said here by more people than just me, and even Eric Hartman said it very poignantly, it is a grower, not a shower. Coming from him, that is quite a compliment. :thumb:
Mostly positive reviews from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking sites...
I'm certainly not afraid to be critical of the music, but its not that bad. I there is something interesting going on with the music. But the lyrics and delivery are a little boring. Morrissey's voice is as good as always, but he has some moments that feel lazy. I think this is probably do to quickly putting these songs together with little rehearsal, but I could be wrong.

Also its turning into a trend where morrissey keeps repeating himself in the songs. Not sure why.
After one listen I liked it enough to pay 99p to listen again. I’ve put it on a number of times and I like it. Post ‘04 I don’t think it’s got as much punch as IBEH or even YHKM. but it stands up better than WPINOYB and TMAAP.
I'm certainly not afraid to be critical of the music, but its not that bad. I there is something interesting going on with the music. But the lyrics and delivery are a little boring. Morrissey's voice is as good as always, but he has some moments that feel lazy. I think this is probably do to quickly putting these songs together with little rehearsal, but I could be wrong.

Also its turning into a trend where morrissey keeps repeating himself in the songs. Not sure why.

When the music first started, I initially thought, "What the hell is this nonsense?" But it settled in to be an odd, but enjoyable few minutes. Overall, it seems like a fun jaunt, but felt decidedly b-sidey. As a lead single, no clue what to make of that.
These critics can go hang! The only voice I am interested in is that of the self-regarding pub bore intellectual UncleSkinny.

Peter's is the only opinion I want; Peter's is the only opinion I need.

I just love it when he quotes sixth-form Latin and talks about dyes with mind-numbing authority.

If Peter says it ain't good in his totally unbiased and rational opinion...then it ain't good. That's all that we need to know.
I find it quite ironic that if Johnny Marr had used lyrics like "No bus, no boss, no rain, no train" on one of his solo songs, everyone would immediately be mercilessly ripping it to shreds - but because it's Morrissey it's somehow supposed to be some kind of witty and intelligent lyrics. I guess he really can get away with anything at this stage of his career. The media just give him a free pass, whatever he comes up with.
These critics can go hang! The only voice I am interested in is that of the self-regarding pub bore intellectual UncleSkinny.

Peter's is the only opinion I want; Peter's is the only opinion I need.

I just love it when he quotes sixth-form Latin and talks about dyes with mind-numbing authority.

If Peter says it ain't good in his totally unbiased and rational opinion...then it ain't good. That's all that we need to know.

Hi Buddy. Thanks for taking the time to write this, and cleverly giving yourself the escape route of satire/parody.

My opinion isn't worth anything. Neither is yours. What matters is the collective response looking back in a year or more's time.

But again - thanks for taking the time to post about me. These are dangerous times. We must be on the alert for people posting things that don't align with our own views. No-one can think for themselves these days. Dangerous times.
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On first listen I like it. Admittedly it wouldn't have passed B-side status in the glory days but it's rather humorous and has some memorable lines. Easy to say when you're lying by a pool in Sicily though.
I find it quite ironic that if Johnny Marr had used lyrics like "No bus, no boss, no rain, no train" on one of his solo songs, everyone would immediately be mercilessly ripping it to shreds - but because it's Morrissey it's somehow supposed to be some kind of witty and intelligent lyrics.

Marr couldn't possibly use those lyrics in a song; they make actual sense and are way beyond his lyrical ability. Also the point you make is only ironic in the Alanis Morissette sense of the term.

I guess he really can get away with anything at this stage of his career. The media just give him a free pass.

That's the first I've heard of it! I'm assuming this is an attempt at satire.
Hi Buddy. Thanks for taking the time to write this, and cleverly giving yourself the escape route of satire/parody.

My opinion isn't worth anything. Neither is yours. What matters is the collective response looking back in a year or more's time.

But again - thanks for taking the time to post about me. These are dangerous times. We must be on the alert for people posting things that don't align with our own views. No-one can think for themselves these days. Dangerous times.
Sorry but "pub bore" defines you pretty well. Don't flatter yourself thinking that anyone cares whether you like the song or not. It's the tedious obsession you have with making absolutely sure everyone is aware of it.

People are enjoying the new song and you''re determined to rain on the parade. Do you stand around at parties and tell everyone you don't like the music the host is playing?

The sad part is when you insist on how happy you are. Happy people do not act like this. You come on here and talk shit that would get your teeth knocked out in real life.
Sorry but "pub bore" defines you pretty well. Don't flatter yourself thinking that anyone cares whether you like the song or not. It's the tedious obsession you have with making absolutely sure everyone is aware of it.

People are enjoying the new song and you''re determined to rain on the parade. Do you stand around at parties and tell everyone you don't like the music the host is playing?

The sad part is when you insist on how happy you are. Happy people do not act like this. You come on here and talk shit that would get your teeth knocked out in real life.

Dear Calamine Lotion,

How DARE you criticise UnclePeter! Just who do you think you are? Don't you know that Peter once appeared on a quiz show? This proves just how intellectual and clever he is. If you disagree with his opinion then you are wrong. WRONG! Peter's word is law. Fact. Double fact in fact!

He is remarkably happy and has a wonderfully fulfilling and brilliant life talking about dyes and chemicals in strange European cities that nobody apart from Peter has heard of. It is quite normal for a man approaching his sixties to dedicate his time to a website focused upon a singer he doesn't even like. Quite, quite normal. If you have an issue with that then you are stupid. Not like Peter. Peter is very clever. Very, very clever. And he uses facts a lot...except when he makes stuff up (Boz has left the band, you know!?)

Now, stop pestering him. If he wants to comment 35 times a day that Morrissey is only releasing records so that he can sell them on for a profit, then let him. He is right. You are wrong. We are all wrong. Peter says so. Now, I have to go back to my unpaid job because I want to please Peter and Peter would be cross if I earned money. He voted to remain, you know. Did he mention it? Oh and you are probably racist. We all are. Except Peter. Who is very clever.

All best wishes,

I don't hate it - but this song is more of a 'Roy's Keen' than a 'Suedehead'. If it's the best song on the album, we're in trouble.
Sorry but "pub bore" defines you pretty well. Don't flatter yourself thinking that anyone cares whether you like the song or not. It's the tedious obsession you have with making absolutely sure everyone is aware of it.

People are enjoying the new song and you''re determined to rain on the parade. Do you stand around at parties and tell everyone you don't like the music the host is playing?

The sad part is when you insist on how happy you are. Happy people do not act like this. You come on here and talk shit that would get your teeth knocked out in real life.

Even kids in kindergarten will break his sorry spine for behaving like this - but that is the internet...
And most stranger thing is - he is major (day in day out) net Moderator for a particular Morrissey fan page. Oh, how mentally deranged this subject is...
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For those social media-minded:
Twitter: account opens late on the 18th - by the afternoon of the 20th = 85.6k followers in less than 48hrs and trending on Twitter.
Initial tweet is retweeted 24.7k times with 65.7k likes.
The official lyric video out yesterday - 121k views, 2k likes / 119 dislikes (trending #12 on YouTube).
1.37 million followers on Facebook.
I don't hate it - but this song is more of a 'Roy's Keen' than a 'Suedehead'. If it's the best song on the album, we're in trouble.

Well, I would say it's more a The More You Ignore Me than a Dagenham Dave. I don't think there's ever been a Morrissey/Smiths album where the lead single has been the best song on the album.

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