Nobel & Afghanistan

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fred f and the lot

14th November 2001

International Appeal

against the war in Afghanistan

International Appeal of Nobel Prize Laureates, Poets,

Philosophers, Intellectuals and Human Rights Defenders



Military measures intended to support the arrest of a terrorist have turned into a large-scale attack on one of the poorest countries in

the world, as well as on its population, which is tormented by hunger and poverty and threatened by uprooting and death.

As little as the gap between rich and poor in the world was the cause of the murderous attack on Sept.11, all the more are the attacks

against Afghanistan deepening this gap and thereby multiplying reasons to hate the West and its civilization. In the future the West will

be less identified with its best qualities, with democracy, a constitutional order and prosperity than with its shadowy sides, with a lack

of respect, arbitrary acts and violence.

With every bomb that falls and every western soldier who kills on Afghan soil, the rich part of this world closes its eyes to the

suffering of the peoples in the south. Even the appearent successes presently do not change this. With its offensive the West is not

only undermining the idea of a collective legal effort to counteract terror, but is also betraying its own principles. In the final analysis

this undeclared war is no longer being waged to combat terrorism but rather to preserve a reputation of military invincibility. Finally,

with every day that war is waged there and with every new security law passed here (in the western world) , that very freedom which

is supposedly being defended is threatened and those refugees, who are the products of this military action and its consequences, are


On September 11, not only did thousands of people suffer an agonising death, but even western civilization suffered a defeat. Those

murdered in the attack will not be restored to life through the war against the Taliban. With every day of war the risk of a still greater

moral and political disaster increases. It is still possible to learn from the failures experienced up to now. There is still a chance to return

to negotiations and to reach a political solution which attempts to reestablish a legal order and to provide for justice and social equality

in Afghanistan and in the world.

13th November, Frankfurt (Germany)

First Signatories:

José Saramago (Portugal, Nobel Prize in Literatur 1998)

Günter Grass (Germany, Nobel Prize in Literature 1999)

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Argentina, Nobel Peace Prize 1980)

Rigoberta Menchú Tum (Guatemala, Nobel Peace Prize 1992)

José Ramos-Horta (East Timor, Nobel Peace Prize 1996)

Adonis (Ali Ahmad Sa'îd Esbir)


Orhan Pamuk (Turkey)

Mahmoud Darwisch (Palestine)

Ogaga Ifowodo (Nigeria)

Harold Pinter (Great Britain)

Faraj Sarkohi (Iran)

Juan Villoro (Mexico)

Abdourahman A. Waberi (Djibouti/France)

Sean McGuffin (Ireland)

Christa Wolf (Germany)

Uri Avnery (Israel)

Monseñor Samuel Ruiz García (Mexico)

Danielle Mitterrand (France-Liberté, France)

Dr. Paz Rojas Baeza (CODEPU, Chile)

Akin Birdal (Human Rights Defender, Turkey)

Dr. Jean Ziegler (Delegate of Suisse to the United Nations)

Günter Gaus (Germany)

Prof. Giorgio Agamben (Italy)

Prof. Neville Alexander (South Afrika)

Prof. Francis A. Boyle (USA)

Prof. Judith Butler (USA)

Prof. Hajo Funke (Germany)

Prof. Axel Honneth (Germany)

Prof. Walter Jens (Germany)

Prof. Steve Lukes (Great Britain/Italy)

Prof. Jean-Luc Nancy (France)

Prof. Bertrand Ogilvie (France)

This international appeal was initiated by the German, Frankfurt based, non governmental organisation medico international (Nobel

Peace Prize for the Campaign against Land Mines 1997).

The author is Prof. Micha Brumlik, University of Frankfurt (Germany).

For further informations and interviews please contact

Katja Maurer (medico international), Tel: +49 69 944 38 20, mobil: +49 171 122 12 61
I stopped giving automatic respect to Nobel Peace Prize
winners I found out Henry Kissinger won one.

And I never gave automatic respect to professors, philosphers,
poets, or intellectuals.

So why would you think people would be impressed by a mere list of names?

Instead, I'll continue to be impressed by the way U.S. bombs
are removing the most evil regime/terrorist network
in the world.

An editorial in the latest edition of The Nation
put it well:

"The United States of America has just succeeded in
bombing a country back out of the Stone Age."

Milton Friedman, John Nash, black & Scholes aren't on the list so I can't say I like this. The life of Nobel Laureate John Forbes Nash will be featured in a movie called "A Beautiful Mind" which is based on the book that bears the aforementioned title. "A Beautiful Mind" stars award winning actor Russel Crowe (Gladiator). John Nash is known for his breakthroughs in Game Theory. Most famous of which is the breakthrough that bears his name "The Nash Equilibrium". The Nash Equilibrium gave rise to the word co-ompetion, combined cooperation-competion.

Pretty geeky of me to plug a movie for this but this is the only movie that is ever made about Economics. I hope it isn't as dry.

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