My Morrissey toon sketch


I did this yesterday out of the blue for some reason, don't know why? Anyway here it is and let me know what you think of it :D

Thx guys for the nice praise! :blushing:

I guess it took me roughly about an hour but most of that time was spent on deciding how much shading the drawing needed. The line part of it took about 10 minutes because I can usually see the line in my head so it's just a matter of putting it down.

I used Alias Sketchbook pro on my Wacom tablet. It's a great program cuz the line is as live as a real pencil so there's no delay whatsoever with your action.

I am planning on doing a portrait of Moz in the style of those 1950's paintings which I am really looking forward to. It will be a mix of realistic with a hint of toon but not toomuch :D
Very good picture, the nose is a bit 'Pinochio' but yes the quiff, chin and shading is very good:guitar:

Jukebox Jury
Wow! Really great! :) :thumb:
I did this yesterday out of the blue for some reason, don't know why? Anyway here it is and let me know what you think of it :D


Marred, this is GORGEOUS! I love your style.
Do you have any more artwork? I'd be interested to see. :)

Yep I'm just in the process of doing some maintenance on my site so I will post you a link ASAP. Very busy trying to finish an animated short film atm which is taking up most of my time.

Thx for the interest :D
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