Moz... Falling Offstage

He also fell offstage around in 1984 on a show called danceteria (because he wasn't wearing his glasses and couldn't see the end of the stage. Bless). Actually hurt himself and was very embarrassed for quite a while about it. Try as I might, I can't find the footage anywhere.
Anyone?? :)
I remember seeing Moz not such fall off stage but pulled into it at Auckland NewZealand on the 'Kill Uncle' tour.

One minute he was stretching out a hand to a fan the next he was fully dragged off stage into the crowd and all you could see was a pair of Black Doc Marten boots pointing upwards.

The security somehow hauled him back and he just popped up back on stage almost like when you see a scene in a movie being rewound.

After a quick check that the quiff was still in place he just casually carried on singing (Sister I'm a Poet) as if nothing had happened.


They must have had fun in NZ because at the show in Wellington, Boz was trying to play his guitar while doing a little Rockabilly jig and in the process fell flat on his arse. There is video evidence of this and if you listen closely you can hear Moz snigger into his microphone.

Aahh good times..............
LOL, at least he doesnt mind talking about it,
I'd loved to have seen it/been close enough to help him up!

ok i have this whole show....and moz dosen't fall off the stage at any point, he just talks about it.
LOL!!!! This thread makes me really laugh!!!! How cute is it to hear him speaking about it??? No contact lenses onstage.... :D

Thank you for that link!
Ah.ah.ah !! on stage without contact lenses , lol!
I wear contact lenses and I tell you, the man is BRAVE :D

Thanks a lot for that link :D
Can`t bring myself to watch the link I`m afraid,I can`t bear it.I`m like that with films.I`ll stop watching when an excruciating bit comes and often not watch the rest.:(
Can`t bring myself to watch the link I`m afraid,I can`t bear it.I`m like that with films.I`ll stop watching when an excruciating bit comes and often not watch the rest.:(

As another poster said, Morrissey doesn't actually fall offstage in the clip, he just talks about an early Smiths incident where he went onstage without contact lenses and fell off. Apologies if my thread title was misleading :o
I remember seeing Moz not such fall off stage but pulled into it at Auckland NewZealand on the 'Kill Uncle' tour.

One minute he was stretching out a hand to a fan the next he was fully dragged off stage into the crowd and all you could see was a pair of Black Doc Marten boots pointing upwards.

The security somehow hauled him back and he just popped up back on stage almost like when you see a scene in a movie being rewound.

After a quick check that the quiff was still in place he just casually carried on singing (Sister I'm a Poet) as if nothing had happened.


They must have had fun in NZ because at the show in Wellington, Boz was trying to play his guitar while doing a little Rockabilly jig and in the process fell flat on his arse. There is video evidence of this and if you listen closely you can hear Moz snigger into his microphone.

Aahh good times..............

HAHAHAHA. I hope a bootleg of this show exist. Thanks for sharing .
It definately exists I used to have it on video yonks ago and it was being sold by an English guy (forget his name) who used to sell heaps of Moz concerts on video back in the day.

I seem to remember Boz toned down the 'dancing' after that, but it's truely laugh out loud funny. I think he also began wearing shoes with a bit more 'grippage'.

Keep asking and I'm sure someone will have it and be able to upload it for you, I wouldn't mind seeing it again either.
Morrissey did mention falling off the stage at the beacon theater. I checked for info regarding this. The Smiths played there in 1985 (two shows) and the recaps do not mention him falling off the stage.

There is a good chance that the recaps were written based on audio recordings of the shows and him falling off the stage may have happened but just wasn't something you could recognize from a bootleg tape.

Morrissey did fall off the stage at The Danceteria in NY.

Perhaps he was referring to that but confused the venues.
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Morrissey did mention falling off the stage at the beacon theater. I checked for info regarding this. The Smiths played there in 1985 (two shows) and the recaps do not mention him falling off the stage.

There is a good chance that the recaps were written based on audio recordings of the shows and him falling off the stage may have happened but just wasn't something you could recognize from a bootleg tape.

Morrissey did fall off the stage at The Danceteria in NY.

Perhaps he was referring to that but confused the venues.

Yes I'm sure Morrissey had his dates wrong. He didn't fall off stage in 1985, but in 1984. Same city, different year, different venue.

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