Morrissey shirt for sale

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What's the reserve on the shirt? more than £350!!!?

Why don't you get bidding and find out?!

And yes i am a greedy f***er!
You really know how to endear yourself to the people who look at this forum...

I still would rather have my arm of shirt, than to buy the complete article off ebay - where's the fun in that (especially at £350...!)
Has everyone noticed that the only bidder (so far) has a feedback score of -2!! Goodluck on getting your money if they win (fingers crossed).
Why are you selling it, anyway???
Maybe you should have let the "rabid moz fans" get a bit of the shirt for themselves, you greedy f***er. What's the reserve on the shirt? more than £350!!!?

Pot/Kettle Lazy eye! As I distinctly remember you and fatty being involved in some sale here ,where you two fatf***s were trying to unload some fake mozzer jacket for some RIDICULOUS amount of cash? Then, when you got caught(as we knew you would) and it was PROVEN the jacket wasn't worn by him when you claimed, you tried denying it and the item "suddenly" disappeared from the site?

Not saying that i believe the shirt is worth anything more than 50 bucks, and shouldn't be sold, as he/she's not a real fan. But, I find it funny that YOU of all people would complain about this? The PIMP don't forget fatso, remember that!
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Pot/Kettle Lazy eye! As I distinctly remember you and fatty being involved in some sale here ,where you two fatf***s were trying to unload some fake mozzer jacket for some RIDICULOUS amount of cash? Then, when you got caught(as we knew you would) and it was PROVEN the jacket wasn't worn by him when you claimed, you tried denying it and the item "suddenly" disappeared from the site?

Not saying that i believe the shirt is worth anything more than 50 bucks, and shouldn't be sold, as he/she's not a real fan. But, I find it funny that YOU of all people would complain about this? The PIMP don't forget fatso, remember that!

sigh listen carefully.
the auction in question was not started by me. I did bid on it, with no intention of paying, because like the chap above he was trying to rip off fans, and in fact there was a higher bidder than me - whose bid was retracted while I was on holiday so there was no way for me to retract MY bid. The item did not "suddenly disappear from the site" - the seller left me negative feedback and I did the same for him. After 6 months the link wouldn't have worked anymore, and you are the only saddo who keeps bringing this nonsense up!
oh I see the lying piece of shit is back, this pimple numpty thinks the lyrics to Irish Blood English Heart is "sick to death of labels & toys", why don't you piss off back to your infected cess-pool, you useless scumbag!

sigh listen carefully.
the auction in question was not started by me. I did bid on it, with no intention of paying, because like the chap above he was trying to rip off fans, and in fact there was a higher bidder than me - whose bid was retracted while I was on holiday so there was no way for me to retract MY bid. The item did not "suddenly disappear from the site" - the seller left me negative feedback and I did the same for him. After 6 months the link wouldn't have worked anymore, and you are the only saddo who keeps bringing this nonsense up!

Tub-O-LARD, I couldn't care less who started the thread, nor who has the item for sale. Now, listen carefully fatso, YOU AND GRIM were trying to hawk some jacket here a while back, and were asking some ridiculous amount for it? Once you got caught, you got all defensive towards folks and the item "suddenly" disappeared from here(must've been around the time when you were one of the Mods here? oh wait, you weren't one of those either right?).

Nice try Shamu! Now, go back to Seaworld, and shut your piehole. Once again, get all defensive when you get called out, you make it too easy for me. YOU do all the work, I supply the ammo.
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oh I see the lying piece of shit is back, this pimple numpty thinks the lyrics to Irish Blood English Heart is "sick to death of labels & toys", why don't you piss off back to your infected cess-pool, you useless scumbag!


It's ok Grim, at least I didn't offer to send someone a cd to get them to stop picking on me like you did?Then tried denying it about a million times, even after others came here and told you that you did? The best you could come up with from your time away from here is "scumbag"? you have to do better than that fatty to get me upset.

How about the times you've asked for my address, claiming you were coming to get me, and then when I CONTINUED giving you the info for about a dozen times, you'd play it off like you didn't get it? We all know, you're a fat f***ing sack of shit, w/man boobs, who lives off Govt Cheese.
Tub-O-LARD, I couldn't care less who started the thread, nor who has the item for sale. Now, listen carefully fatso, YOU AND GRIM were trying to hawk some jacket here a while back, and were asking some ridiculous amount for it? Once you got caught, you got all defensive towards folks and the item "suddenly" disappeared from here(must've been around the time when you were one of the Mods here? oh wait, you weren't one of those either right?).

Nice try Shamu! Now, go back to Seaworld, and shut your piehole. Once again, get all defensive when you get called out, you make it too easy for me. YOU do all the work, I supply the ammo.

I told you to listen carefully!! I didn't say "I didn't start the thread" i SAID "I didn't have the auction". Nor did Grim. I'm sure anybody with brains could access our e-bay accounts and read the feedback. The item did NOT suddenly disappear from anywhere, except after 6 months which is the standard period of time for an e-bay link to be valid. We did NOT get caught doing anything, only in your imagination. I can see it's pointless conversing with you, so go back to playing with Plaptop, or are you sick to death of your labels and toys? lol.

p.s. will we be seeing you in Manchester in December: LOL :p
I told you to listen carefully!! I didn't say "I didn't start the thread" i SAID "I didn't have the auction". Nor did Grim. I'm sure anybody with brains could access our e-bay accounts and read the feedback. The item did NOT suddenly disappear from anywhere, except after 6 months which is the standard period of time for an e-bay link to be valid. We did NOT get caught doing anything, only in your imagination. I can see it's pointless conversing with you, so go back to playing with Plaptop, or are you sick to death of your labels and toys? lol.

p.s. will we be seeing you in Manchester in December: LOL :p

Fatty, once again, (in Terms even you can understand, even with all that twinkie on the brain): I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHO'S "AUCTION" it is, Nor do I give 2 jerks of a dogs dick about how long an auction is on Ebay. (I know they don't last 6 months, as i've tried after a few weeks and it doesn't work). YOU most certainly DID try to scam someone here with your "FAUX Jacket" which, as no surprise to anyone, turned out to be HORSESHIT!!! You were asking some ridiculous amount of cash for it, then when people commented on it, you and tubby got all defensive and tried playing it off many different ways. It most certainly DID disappear from here, soon after the arguements occured. Then, you BOTH tried denying you did anything wrong, as you're BOTH pathological liars and basically failed abortions and leeches on mankind.

Now, heres the part where you really need to listen closely: Do not try to get things started with me again on this new board, as i will gladly and proudly demolish you, as usual, and send you back to the buffet with no chance for seconds.

Now, I hope you find cancer in your cereal fatso, and for godssake, please GET YOUR LAZY EYE FIXED? you keep scaring little kids.

P.S. Probably not! As Your lazy eye would scare me out of boarding a plane. Besides, i was there already remember? and nothing happened, as I expected.

Maybe if you Get USkinny to give me my 500 large, I may consider it.
pimple you are sick retarded nonce, now go away before you spoil this board the same as you did with the last one!

Message for the mods, if you continue to let that scumbag repeat his lies I will join in his childish shit & assist that thicko to spoil it for everyone!


Grim sick to death of pimples & morons
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