Morrissey once sued, now being used...another taxi thread


My secret's my enzyme.

A statue of Cavour in Turin with, as typical, a knealing Isis rapt with his mystique at being Cavour, whoever he was. Some Italian leader. Who cares.

So Morrissey sings a song about entering nothing and nothing entering him until someone came with a key and did their best, but... So now key person is here and can figure anything out but, frustrating to the people USING Morrissey, is the fact that the only question key person seems to ask is WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP USING US? So these users, known by many names but I suspect are by and large Martinists, use scare tactics to convince Morrissey that he HAS to do something or HAS to go somewhere or HAS to act a certain way OR ELSE! Or else what? Or else the game is up? Or else Morrissey can finally have a shot at a normal life? These coded songs are not the work of a man being irreverent and clever, they're the work of God. But if his work can be controlled by mucky-mucks who are better at controlling, then they can write their own history using Morrissey's keys. THe keys are his. He should do with them what he wants and do with his life what he wants. I may not know everything, but I know enough to suspect that Morrissey is being guided by voices that just might be a tad manipulative, even if they are well-intentioned. Morrissey needs to make a ginormous step now and I know some might assume this opinion is self-serving, but the time has come.
I doubt this guy is a Martinist :rolleyes:, but I couldn't resist, looking for that clip in LA Story of the mural of the angel blowing the wind on the building in Venice he used in the movie.

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Originally painted by Botticelli, I think this mural might have even been updated or changed due to tagging since LA Story was filmed, not that it matters it was in the film but it's a nice transition. It might've even actually been in Mixed Nuts too, I can't remember. ANYWAY, the point is they're tied to each other whistling. But they whistle in order to call to each other because they aren't really together, they have to whistle. Their seperation is USED to the benefit of the Martinists who tap into that whistling in order to acheive that pre-Edenic state or whatever, so I assume. But the whistlers remain forever trapped having to whistle because a spell is put on them that makes them think that's all they can do, but it's not true.

Here's a mash-up that illustrate my point. Our two lovers under a false spell whistle to each other and are trapped in a mythical, cartoon reality while elsewhere, lampshades fall off heads, basses are strummed and cats love. Stuffed cats like stuffed shirts. It's very sad. Morrissey's being used, he's one of the whistlers.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
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crystal, this board would be considerably duller without you.

have you ever considered scientology?

No way, those people freak me out.
haha, their 'crazy' fascinates me.

Well, there's all flavors of crazy, it's important to at least pay attention to it all. I'm not saying my crazy is any more important than Tom Cruise's. In my mythology I'd say because he played the "f***" blasting mucky muck in Tropic Thunder that maybe he's not on the wholsesome side of crazy, even though it's just a role, he picked that one. But you have to consider all of it as I try to. I'm just trying to protect Morrissey from whatever ether of weirdness imprisons him and offer these thoughts. I was going with the "blew" theme and found this cool Bob Dylan jam who must've gone through the same thing looking for his muse, the final line points out the fact that it's all about perspective which is genius. My perspective mixes old and new, I use Morrissey's lyrics as keys to unlocking hidden stuff. Could be crazy, could be miraculous. It's all about perspective.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
you'll get no argument from me.

keep doing all that you do. just no more bob dylan songs ok? i beg you.

OMG he's a genius. :D Okay. But my current perspective is along the lines of this; if you show that you have a gift, like snakes venom is used as their defense mechanism but when processed can make healing agents? If that knowledge gets into the wrong hands, the snakes are then harvested and huge companies like Pfizer or medicinal companies USE the snake to profit from it's venom. The snake knows this but paradoxically, produces and uses it's venom itself to escape it's own imprisonment and ultimatley just gets tired from fighting and gives in. Drug know what? This makes no sense, let me find a different example. I need to eat some dinner. Crazy people eat dinner too.
But before I go to dinner I wanted to say I've always wondered why nobody asks why I think I'm the other key? Why do I think I'm so special? It's easier just to be the crazy girl with a Morrissey fascination, but keep in mind there's "stuff" going on, like cosmic cool stuff that you can spot if you want, though it can make a person crazy if you think about it too hard. A number of years ago I had a "break," but it didn't land me in a hospital, it just sort of made me be able to see things differently. So I became Ten Four, it's my birthday or "Fortune" anagrammed. I've always felt a connection with Morrissey, our lives have kind of lined up in a way. He sort of becomes me, I become him, it's odd and difficult to explain, but it's like we go drag without having to dress up, he gets lispy, I get boyish. It flows back and forth. I think that's why he's beenattracted to the Bolan's and Sylvain's of the early 70's, they were forshadowing this "event." Today you see it in phonies like Madonna, she tries to be a man with her veiny gross man arms and left her husband to date a DJ, gemmatria for 10/4. Does she know she's doing this? Probably not despite being all kabballahy or whatever, but she's communicating this event through her work. God's using her in his game, but the REAL work is going on over here. There's an old pic of Morrissey, a black and white one. He's sitting in front of a tractor or something. The grill, or "grail" says 140 on it. That's me. But we're being used so I'm getting all Bigmouth about it because I'm pissed and tired of it so I'm striking again, despite the fact it all has to be a secret or whatever. In a nutshell, that's my deal if anyone's wondering. :o
I've never met him. We've never spoke. I've written letters, all ignored. That's the thing though, it's believed that these connections can't be made (I have a blog where I used to talk about them, now I don't in protest, haven't for a while) unless we're kept hermetically sealed from each other, like two monks. I disagree. So if you're thinking :crazy: about now, and I don't blame you, keep in mind that I would let this all go if I didn't so thoroughly feel like I am two people. It takes over your life. I've been given every drug possible, it doesn't go away. So if someday you all laugh your asses off at me when he announces that he's marrying Jake or some other lady, know that in addition to being the saddest day of my life, it will be the most joyous as that will be the day I feel relief that I can start my life. We'll see. Meanwhile I'm left waiting in limbo wondering with all of you what the hell he's up to, yet I'm stuck sort of knowing the whole time through parallel analogy and feelings in my head. I feel him laugh and cry. I know when he's asleep. I know when he's mad. I know when he's drunk. I know when he's confused. It SUCKS. I wish I had his phone number so I could call and say, "Okay was that a laugh or are you bawling, because I don't know if I should watch television or curl up in bed and imagine holding you." It's like prison and we share a cell, but it's our own bodies while elsewhere, others escape through bliss while we act as the cosmic doorstop, only able to call or whistle to each other to communicate what's going on. So, anyway, just thought I'd get that weirdness off my chest. Feel free to argue with me if you want, I don't mind. It beats defending getting knocked around for 15 years.
ANd to gretchenraine who PM'd me about a concert in LA, the reason why I'm not excited is because when you wake up feeling like Morrissey, (I am a girl, I have a vagina and boobs,) it's rather disconcerting that the only way you can go see yourself, go connect with the one person in the world you're most intimate is in a sweaty, dark, crowded, loud concert where you have to PAY and at the end? Nothing. Sadly I've grown to hate the experience. I used to dream of getting on stage and that being the place where we meet and embrace for the first time. I stay in bed and invade the stage in my mind over and over when he has real concerts. But when the time comes that I'm in the room and he's on stage, it never happens, it's prevented from happening and I get too worked up over it to the point that it's exhausting. So, not a big fan of the "gottabelikeeveryoneelse" part of this. I mean I know I am like everyone else, but it seems insulting in a way. I know this sounds pompous but it's how I feel about it. I'd rather that if he chooses to acknowledge me as his other half, that it happens in a quiet place because honestly? I'd lose it. I'd cling and wouldn't let go for quite a while.
ANd to gretchenraine who PM'd me about a concert in LA, the reason why I'm not excited is because when you wake up feeling like Morrissey, (I am a girl, I have a vagina and boobs,) it's rather disconcerting that the only way you can go see yourself, go connect with the one person in the world you're most intimate is in a sweaty, dark, crowded, loud concert where you have to PAY and at the end? Nothing. Sadly I've grown to hate the experience. I used to dream of getting on stage and that being the place where we meet and embrace for the first time. I stay in bed and invade the stage in my mind over and over when he has real concerts. But when the time comes that I'm in the room and he's on stage, it never happens, it's prevented from happening and I get too worked up over it to the point that it's exhausting. So, not a big fan of the "gottabelikeeveryoneelse" part of this. I mean I know I am like everyone else, but it seems insulting in a way. I know this sounds pompous but it's how I feel about it. I'd rather that if he chooses to acknowledge me as his other half, that it happens in a quiet place because honestly? I'd lose it. I'd cling and wouldn't let go for quite a while.

I do understand what you're saying. I'm so sorry if I upset you. *hug*
I do understand what you're saying. I'm so sorry if I upset you. *hug*

Don't apologize, it's okay. A reasonable person would say you can't predict what would and would not upset a mentally imbalanced person, so going from there, totally don't apologize as I appear mentally imbalanced. I'll take the hug though. :p I don't have a throng of fans wanting to hug me like Morrissey does, or whoever might actually be hugging him, but I think he's mostly alone.
You know what I got going that Morrissey doesn't though? Squishier hugs. :) But he has a sword so, it's an even trade-off.
I guess I technically have a sword, hence the new release, there's two of them. But it's reeeeeeeally tiny. :o
We're stepping on the devil whose goatee keeps climbing up our legs USING us.

This one is a nice one, it shows we're forced to step on different lands while fighting subduing the same dragon.

This one is very educational. REBIS is from Res Binas, meaning "two-fold matter." We're two people as one, and the act of uniting in meditation has allowed us to assimilate according to a book of mine, allowing us to "bring into the world a royal child more perfect than its parents." which is obviously backwards and can be interpreted as metaphorical parents, like the sun is dad and the moon is mom or whatever. I also recall reading somewhere (in between getting screamed at and living a shitty life for so long, I read these weird books and learned about this stuff) that Rebis is a word that is a more complicated latin acronym for the process itself, meaning the process of taming the serpents so that chaos can become ordered, like Moses did with his staff declaring "with this rock I found my church." It's like through the meditating it's possible to make chaotic, ginormous events less chaotic, bring order to them. It's complicated but that's part of the job of an androgyne, not just looking cool and singing songs, though that's a nice perk. :thumb: Anyway, these matters explain a lot of his strife. It's not like you can go down to Barnes & Noble and pick up a book on this, you're forced to figure it out in a very lonely fashion and sometimes it's not easy. Am I rambling? Have I mentioned in this post yet that we're now being used?
Morrissey has a lot of fantastic androgyne pics, but it takes an open mind to understand them. Dare I?
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

I get confused by this a lot, so it's easy to see how Morrissey would get confused too. :blushing: New music does have prophets, it's just hidden so well you gotta have indie friends with no time on their hands to do anything but compete with each other to discover the most arcane music to introduce you to their findings. My friends are competitive about being "the most indie," it's funny and helps my cause. :D This is also why I think Morrissey should ditch his handlers and stick with me, I have good channels to figure this shit out, our cuckoo lives. :)

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Okay, you're going to laugh your asses off with this one, but I don't care. To quote my mom who quotes my sister who's quoting her boyfriend's sister, "It is what it is." :rolleyes:

This guy is slaying the Nemian Lion. Basically he's slaying a dragon or the devil or evil or whatever, He's "controlling" earthly impulse is an easy way of putting it. I don't know who he is exactly, but it's a common theme practised by pretty much all disciplines and religions, be it St. George and the dragon or Indra in the Vedic culture, etc.. Basically we're looking for a guy who can control chaos.


So keep in mind this image of the androgyne. Both the feminine and masculine principles have a tree, moons for the girl, suns for the boy. It's like the tree of life, but as a whole the androgyne has two trees, the center of which is a trunk that can be considered a sword or a pole, etc.. Sometimes you can spot Morrissey's other half by looking over his shoulder. There may be the face of another person that he would recognize as his comforting other half in gesture. It could be a symbol such as a light that looks like a moon or if he's looking feminine in the pic, something resembling a sun. Once you learn to spot it, it's kinda fun. But keep in mind symbols work in parts, it's not easy to see without getting creative.


Now here's Morrissey by the pool. In his song, the "loop" (pool backwards) he famously slaps the shit out of a tambourine which symbolically is a crown, so this pool image is important. In it is a red-headed kid minding his own business, but just happened to swim into the frame as whoever caught this pic. the handrail into the pool acts as his wings. his hair kind of points up maybe suggesting a horn, it's tenuous but go with it. Dragons are scary because they're part amphibious, like something that breaths air but swims in water. Morrissey stands above him, atop him. He's conquering it, in his day to day busness though. His towel reflects the garment of the warrior on the top pictures, even the white stripe of his suit or swim trunks reflects the piece that covers the warriors private parts, making him modest. But he doesn't work alone, the tree in the background is his other half helping him, mother nature. It's really quite cool, but the more I point this stuff out, the longer we're imprisoned because there's a thirst for more and more and more. It's bittersweet cool.

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