Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out tomorrow

Re: Morrissey is 'Loaded' ~ out tomorrow. Phwoaaarr! etc...

Brilliant. And not a tit in sight. :thumb:


If you look closer there is holding a chin.
What a shame he never took the opportunity to explain cancelling shows or how his Mom is, maybe he's gonna mention it at the gigs eh !
Re: Morrissey is 'Loaded' ~ out tomorrow. Phwoaaarr! etc...

This interview makes me feel so sad. It's incredible how out of touch he is. No more foreign aid, despite the UK being one of the wealthiest countries on the planet? Bring back old-fashioned buses because they're "English"? Well... when was the last time you got on a bus, Morrissey? And when you did, were you in a wheelchair or did you have a pushchair? No, course not, but hey, let's have buses that the people who actually need to use them CAN'T ACCESS because it's "little ol' England" for the benefit of some old git who lives in Los Angeles and has rose-tinted spectacles stapled to his face. And UKIP? Oh, that'd be the homophobic racists, wouldn't it? But anything for little old England. (yet while dissing Europe and apparently supporting UKIP, he lionises Germany. Which is... erm... where is it again? Oh, wouldn't that be in Europe? Mein Gott, I do believe it is! And we all know how f***ing AWESOME Germany is, because they don't have a pesky minimum wage over there. Brilliant). And yes, those terrible Tories, the worse thing they do, according to Morrissey, is support blood sports and the royal family. Never mind their screwing of the working class (and basically everyone who isn't a millionaire). Oh, and in case you didn't know, Morrissey hates the Beckhams. How very 2001.

Just when you think he's had all he's had to say in the realm of completely crazy bollocks that he only seems to come out with to be controversial and get column inches, keeping himself in the public eye long enough to try for another record deal, he comes out with EVEN MORE!

I still love his music, but f*** ME SIDEWAYS it's been embarrassing being a fan of this total pillock's music for a very long time.

What a Drama Queen.
Many thanks for scans. Very very interesting interview.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Sigh...I find this all terribly sad. He comes across not only as a fairly nasty and reactionary man but also a bore. He's now the bloke sitting on his own in the corner of the pub who nobody wants to talk to. It's obvious from his music and previous interviews that he was once a warm, compassionate and witty man but nowadays he seems consumed by bitterness. Whether the passage of time has broken him down, or whether he never really recovered from the Smiths break up or the court case...the guy is a lost cause. Sorry Moz. It was fun while it lasted.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

It seems Morrissey doesn't vote by proxy as he rather flippantly believes his vote is too valuable to waste. You could at least spoil your ballot paper, people died for that right etc etc

I don't think he's naive; I think he comes across like an old alchy who never thought he'd see the day that pubs would stay open all day long and subseqently needs to stay in one during the afternoon ranting away at all the ills of the world as the drink keeps flowing. Or in this case a wine bar. Pontificating away over a bottle of expensive claret.... how middle class.

Still a rather entertaining read. And why he persisits in using photos from 10 years ago only he and Dorian Gray can answer... (how apt?)

Om a positive note (or perhaps not judging by the comments!) does all this press activity etc mean something is blossoming in the record company offices of this country?

And the Daily Mail are already up in arms abuo this interview so he must be doing something right
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Wow -- huge swathes of Moz-rant. Has Morrissey ever been afforded this high of a word count about his political views? Someone dig through, please.
This journalist had wanted to interview Morrissey for 20 years and then just transcribed a recording? Yikes.

EDIT: Oh, but thanks to Joe Frady for going to the trouble of scanning and uploading it!
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Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

UKIP? That's embarrassing. The whole rant reads like a routine from "Al Murray - Pub Landlord". About as funny. Should have let Victoria Wood say something interesting/kind/enlightened.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Morrissey almost voted for the UKIP? UKIP don't support Gay Marriage; believe in local (county-level) referenda on fox-hunting; are opposed to Multiculturalism and want to ban immigration. The mind boggles. Shut up and sing!
Thanks for the scan Joe, I'll have to read it up close later. I do have to say I really do like that photo of Morrissey with the cravat (ascot for our American cousins). It takes a lot of balls to wear one.

Now where's that Morrissey giving people nicknames thread gone?
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

This is not an interview - not even a pretence of one, since there are no questions and no discussion. Morrissey got drunk, starting ranting about politics, and some idiot was too starstruck to care and typed up the results without a second thought. It reads like a sermon from Old Uncle Albert after a few too many gin and tonics....which sadly enough, is exactly what it is. I thought after half a page or so that the political spitting and snivelling would stop, but to waste a full article on it? Ridiculous, even for a magazine as worthless as 'Loaded'.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Thanks for the scan Joe, I'll have to read it up close later. I do have to say I really do like that photo of Morrissey with the cravat (ascot for our American cousins). It takes a lot of balls to wear one.

Now where's that Morrissey giving people nicknames thread gone?

It's not a cravat, it's just a scarf. Something similar to a Tootal scarf.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Thanks for the scan Joe, I'll have to read it up close later. I do have to say I really do like that photo of Morrissey with the cravat (ascot for our American cousins). It takes a lot of balls to wear one.

Now where's that Morrissey giving people nicknames thread gone?

Nice nails too!
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

What a shame. Everything he say's is not only out of touch but completely without any factual basis. It has confirmed what I knew deep down, but didn't really want to accept - he is both a tit and an idiot.

Fortunately he is saved by his ability to convey emotion through song and I still hold faith that he maintains this ability. I don't think I'll ever read anything by Morrissey again, it is too embarrassing. After the initial excitement of a potential autobiography, I realise what a car crash it will be.

Great music. Shit views. Intelligent in some ways, and oafish and ignorant in so many others...
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

I think too many of you read the Guardian and so when someone actually has their own opinion you think it means they are automatically out of touch.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

I think too many of you read the Guardian and so when someone actually has their own opinion you think it means they are automatically out of touch.

Pfft. Them damn Grauniad readers, eh?

This is the funniest thing yet. He should do stand-up comedy. Absolutely bonkers. I laughed out loud. I can do this kind of barmy stuff, for a laugh, at the drop of a hat, etc. But I really don't think Moz thinks he's being cutting-edge comedian, he probably thinks he's a 'deep thinker'.

Clearly he doesn't have anyone functioning as Press/P.R at the moment as no-one thus employed would allow such an absolutely crazy rant to make it to print. Unhinged. The autobiography may turn out to be the funniest career car-crash in history.

I keep saying I'm gone, but it's such fun rubber-necking. I wonder if he'll ever make a song as affecting as Bowie's 'Where Are We Now?". To think he used to write Bowie off as a has-been. Sad. Funny. And great entertainment. Please, please, get this guy live on Question Time. It would be just...immortal!
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

He has an assistant salt his French Fries?
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

I think too many of you read the Guardian and so when someone actually has their own opinion you think it means they are automatically out of touch.

I don't think you'd need to read The Guardian to understand that the opinions expressed within that interview, with no factual grounding whatsoever ever, are oh so out of touch with reality. The man lives in a bubble, he knows nothing of modern England and lives in the past. He's always been that way, but the rise of his fame has further intensified this so badly, that he has now lost all relevance within contemporary society.

He will however, always be human. And therefore, capable of writing and singing and conveying emotional art pieces. I hope he does still have this ability or true desire to use it, as we wouldn't have to read interviews such as this.
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Some of you are analyzing this like Morrissey has been set to task to outline England's Foreign Policy and Economic plan. It reads to me like a Bachinalian-fueled musing ala Gore Vidal. He's hilarious and obviously pays attention to the world around him. (I'm just glad he didn't take a shot at my Michelle :love: or I'd have to punch him in the balls.)
Re: Article: Morrissey interview in the 'Legends' issue of 'Loaded' (Feb. 2013), out

Thanks for the scan Joe Frady. :) What a strange write-up: the interviewer was either over-awed, afraid to interrupt, or unable to get a word in edgewise.

I agree wholeheartedly with certain aspects of his rant and disagree wholeheartedly with others, but one thing's for sure: Morrissey still doesn't edit and he'll never mince words. It's jaw-dropping and quite amusing at the same time. I suspect his tongue is firmly in his cheek for some bits, and his heart is wide-open on his sleeve elsewhere.

"As for Europe, apparently Germany is not powerful enough to make Merkel look as if she hadn't dressed in a hurry. You must wonder who told her that those box-jackets round her off nicely. I mention this because it's funny how women in politics who tend to look drab automatically gain more credence than those who clank about in Gucci. Christine Legarde, the French finance minister, is the only exception of brilliance, body and glamour combined. Thatcher, by distant comparison, looked like an extra from Take the High Road… However, Merkel is not a forgery, she looks and sounds like a real person, whereas Cameron and Miliband are in politics for the sheer fun of human chess - a bit like playing Monopoly but with real, little folk."

I usually resent it when female politicians are criticized for their appearance, but Morrissey is spot-on (and very funny) in his own inimitable way. He also follows up sensibly enough. That's exactly how I imagine Morrissey follows politics - with a rather catty eye for style as well as substance. He veers left, then right, then left again: contradictory and a bit baffling as usual.
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