morrissey frink thread!



Could it be ʿAli Bāba? :p
Could it be ʿAli Bāba? :p

I can only make out the AB. :p (Hey you know your way around an html character map! I'm always wondering what the one is for the farenheit degree sign for some reason.)

I should be smooching this face. :(

I recognise some of these pictures, but where do you lot get the rest of them from? I recognise a lot from magazine photoshoots etc, but some of these are totally new to me - where do they come from?

A lot of live shots are taken by fans, lovely vicarinatutugal started morrisseyshot commnuity at livejournal which is one of the sources.

Also some naughty people get photos from flickr and other sites.
I recognise some of these pictures, but where do you lot get the rest of them from? I recognise a lot from magazine photoshoots etc, but some of these are totally new to me - where do they come from?

also some like joe,me and others bought fanzines ans mags who havent been online yet (comtesse interview(til 2006) and picture site, lucky lisp interviewsite(til 2010) and scanned them, others surf the net ot go to photographers site with whom he was doing shots before etc

OMG this image is so hot. It makes me want to lie down in a bed fully clothed with socks and shoes on and maybe some mittens and a wool cap with my arm crossed politely on my lap while he lies down next to me in a suit with his shoes and socks on wearing a hat and a rain slicker while we stare at the ceiling and talk about our feelings and how everything makes us lonely and sad and how there is no hope in the world.


Look at the difference in the hair color and the grip on his arm too. :love:
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