morrissey frink thread!

oh gosh, humblest apologies LAINEY,
for it is your BIRTHDAY too..




Happy birthday lainey! :flowers: And :bow: for sharing a birthday with His Frinkiness! Have a great one.


adorable x thanks lottie and girl with the thorn x

I hope you had a wonderful day! Sorry I didn't get this to you earlier - on Solo having your birthday on May 22 is sort of like the let-down of having it on Xmas. We are very glad to have you here with us! :flowers:




It's a frinky feline fest! :thumb: If you win the arm wrestle with Ghostie, he has to buy you a drink. :D If I'm in yellow, I think I'm dancing with Moz the cat!

Gretchen, these are wonderful! I'll give you extra brownie points for the tux/cord whip photo.....yum!

Happy Birthday Lainey. :flowers: You're a top class frinker.

thank you gretchenraine, echobay x
Happy birthday, Lainey! (Even if it might be a little belated by now). Hope you have/had a great one. :flowers:

Imagine Morrissey is singing 'Happy birthday' to you...


He's just too beautiful. *lovesick sigh*

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAINEY!! Sorry if I spelled the name wrong.
By the way sorry Quiffaa but Gretchen's little poem has got to go on my siggy!

Yes, Happy Birthday, Lainey... Bit like having your birthday fall on Christmas around here.

So true.

Happy Birthday Lainey!!!! :guitar:


Someone on the main page referred to 51 as Filthy One :lbf:

I think we can add 51 = FRINKY ONE.

How delightful, cheers Aly, pagnani32, Scarlet Ibis and Je Suis Julie x
:flowers: Dear Lainey, I`m very sorry to be so late in my birthday wishes . You shall have a wonderful Mozyear filled with blessings joy and laughter, fun and frolics and bliss and smiles from ear to ear like the cheshire cat or morriseys after they cuddled. :flowers:


so the heart of Moz sends rays of delight to you



almost see through frinkiness to warm you


and moist mozzer to soothe ... or whatever you`ll have in mind


Quiffaa, Morrissey does warm and soothe me x
Thank you for these:D
Unfortunately, yes. You can always tell the British in hot weather. They're the ones busting out of undersized, oversharing clothes, showing acres of pink, wibbling skin like underdone lobster-flesh, and generally being loud and leaving litter everywhere. And let's not forget the screaming spawn, red-faced and demanding ice cream. I quote you one young mother, at full volume: "DARREN! DARREN! D'YOU WANT A POOPOO? DARREN!"

(This burst of misanthropy is brought to you by me having to work Sundays when I'd much rather be out enjoying the light.) :mad:

Hah. Lots of people like "undressing" with the first rays of summer sun, not necesarily British, believe me. This week I've seen too much of other people's bare skin, by the end of the week I've started to think I'm going mad. As a person who is always decently dressed (or at least trying to be!), I'm totally disgusted when people are dressed irrelevant to the surroundings, like those ultra-cool chicks who come to university seminars almost naked or as if they've come to the beach party. And I don't care if it's too hot outside. Jesus. Do me a favour, cover up.

On the other hand... there are various kinds of naked (or half naked) people. ;)


And thank God it's raining here finally! (Maybe all those people will put some clothes on.) :pray:
Nothing appears to be between the ears of the lazy sunbathers...
transcript of the article here for your reading pleasure

Thank you dear Quiffaa.

I've been on holiday (technically I still am, tomorrow is a holiday, Pfingstmontag) and I've read 'Morrissey in conversation - the essential interviews' (edited by Paul A. Woods). God... I had my first Morrissey dream and it was a nightmare. Won't read any interviews for a while, now I just need to see lovely pictures! Plenty of them! And the last pages are wonderful! Thank you Frinkers!
Poor Safetyhaven,

sorry that you had bad dreams. Luckily I dream either stuff like being in a pack of small cat-sized animals frightening female clerks in lingerie departments - which is much fum ...

One reason why I frink so much (single gals have to take care of themselves) the more Mozzer pics I post / collect watch/ the more lascivious and mozzeritic / mozzerotic my dreams get. I just close my eyes and get a moz-swirl-twirl inside.


So the how about spending Pfingstmontag in the sun watching mozpics ? I usually make myself believe I have to sort pics, decide on a pic for a mug etc. It never led to an actual mug (but at least one t-shirt) but this is selfpleasuring the techie couth way :p



Isn't it weird that at the beginning of summer when people first start wearing their skimpy clothes and don't have a tan, they look even more naked than usual?

Over and Over! OMG, I love it!

Oh, I have this hatered of flip-flops and the day it started being over 40 degrees F every student on campus started wearing them. I can tell when my assistant enters the office from the echo of her 'SMACK-SMACK-SMACK' of her flip-flops. People, I really don't want to see your feet all the time - and you are ruining your feet, there are no support in those at all - I could go on and on.

Over and Over! OMG, I love it!

Listening to Janice Long`s podcast of Mozday at 2:52
- the second I opened this page I realize that

morrissey is titillating in synchronicity with the song "Love Is In The Air"

from my boobs to his

correction: our boobs to his ...

listen under the spoiler

also THE song of the movie "Strictly Ballroom" by Baz Luhrman
- highly recommended
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The intense venusbuds of the boy who is too hot for his shirt



Venusbuds? :lbf: How many words for nipples are there, I wonder?

(Also note the intense jeans buttons that simply cannot contain his hotness :eek::guitar:)

Quiffa we adore you.

Tell me, if you had to pick just one...what is your favorite Moz outfit?

Venusbuds? :lbf: How many words for nipples are there, I wonder?

(Also note the intense jeans buttons that simply cannot contain his hotness :eek::guitar:)

Quiffa we adore you.

Tell me, if you had to pick just one...what is your favorite Moz outfit?

being a hardcore feminist I decided that the german word that would translate as "breastwarts" is unutterable to me.
(Quakers tend sometimes to be very picky with words: this is my favourite area apart from religion to be hairsplittingly precise to what -i find to express my true sentiments. I may be just me and my personal quest, though)

So "breastbuds" is the next natural step. Since other feminists decided that "Shame" (=prefix and THE german word foreverything female "down under" which is not Oz )
is unutterable, but should be termed Venusmound/Venushill, Venushair, Venuslips ...

btw. famous joke by janice perry: if this is "Shamehair"
then is this (points to quiff) "unashamed" impudent brazen rude

I sometimes shock various audiences in calling genitalia "Geschlecht" wherin schlecht also means bad ill sick, and "Ge(h)" which sounds similiar to word for being and going "Gegut" literally Gowell/ Bewell-enjoy-organs. On the other hand all parts of the human body could be called "Havefun-"parts ...

re the fave outfit ...
  • see through shirt (white, brown, black, blue or red)
    if white maybe with bridal white lacey wavey stripes
  • jeans if he absolutely has to cover his beautiful legs

Actually I`m not allowed to post this but a certain lovely lady made a

Mini-Moz that is almost exactly my dream Moz ...

click the show button at you`re own discretion
- don`t complain -
you`ve been warned

- don`t worry only words -

in a b/w hollywood setting of the 40s

on a lush velvety sofa

sporting a very erct yet very curvy quiff

lounges a beautiful knitted manly moz (you might know SluttyMoz?)

wearing a necklace

his breastbuds open to be titillated by the soft air and or hands,

his tender waist caressed by a silk corset - cremewhite probably

his sweet hips embraced by - not knickers, nah -

but a wavey lacey white see through skirt of a voluminous skirt

nude beutiful legs

stretched out and waiting ...

pour moi

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