morrissey frink thread!


that's better.

I think we've done this before, but I'm asking again:

If you could change anything about Morrissey, what would it be? I know we'd all try to make him happier, etc., cuz we lubs him, but I mean... His looks and his personality. Would you tamper with him to get him Just Right if you could?

(Yes, I'm asking in here rather than starting a new thread. It's scary out there!)
He looks as though he's just made his choice from a selection of harem beauties..... you down there in the middle, yes, you will do!!:lbf:

Thanks Julie, these are jaw-droppingly delicious as usual...

*sidles over til shes in the 'middle'*
I think we've done this before, but I'm asking again:

If you could change anything about Morrissey, what would it be? I know we'd all try to make him happier, etc., cuz we lubs him, but I mean... His looks and his personality. Would you tamper with him to get him Just Right if you could?

(Yes, I'm asking in here rather than starting a new thread. It's scary out there!)

No, i'd perhpas say he should be more 'interactive' with certain 'genuinely nice' fans, but thats just my own mad daydream :blushing:
I think we've done this before, but I'm asking again:

If you could change anything about Morrissey, what would it be? I know we'd all try to make him happier, etc., cuz we lubs him, but I mean... His looks and his personality. Would you tamper with him to get him Just Right if you could?

(Yes, I'm asking in here rather than starting a new thread. It's scary out there!)

I can't think of anything. Looks-wise, he must surely be the most handsome man to have lived. *swoon*
Sometimes I do think he lacks confidence when he is interviewed; I think this is frequently misconstrued as rude or aloof behaviour. Having said that however, I think this shyness just serves to make him even more endearing. I'm just thinking out loud really, I know little about the man himself and once I have finished being a complete and utter dribbling fan-girl (if such a time should ever occur) I might start to delve deeper;)
I can't think of anything. Looks-wise, he must surely be the most handsome man to have lived. *swoon*
Sometimes I do think he lacks confidence when he is interviewed; I think this is frequently misconstrued as rude or aloof behaviour. Having said that however, I think this shyness just serves to make him even more endearing. I'm just thinking out loud really, I know little about the man himself and once I have finished being a complete and utter dribbling fan-girl (if such a time should ever occur) I might start to delve deeper;)

naw, whatever happens you'll always have that 'dribbling fan girl' thing going on, believe me ive tried to block it, its impossible when it comes to Moz.. :)
*sidles over til shes in the 'middle'*

*hides pin in middle of bench*

You know, seeing those lovely young Moz shots makes me think...he has evolved from an idealized slender Greek statue to one of Michelangelo's beautifully strong & earthy slave sculptures.


Brussels, anyone?
These are just a few, there are a zillion more lovelies here:




For Gretchen:

Have you noticed on YouTube that he's been doing a needle-in-the-arm pantomime during "Don't gimme anymore", right before the shirt toss? Extremely dramatic way to end the night!


Brussels Banter from the main page (I haven't been reading comments on there lately, but this was a good concert report):

After Find Out For Yourself: "Last night at the Hotel Amigo in Brussels - do you know the hotel? - I ended up on Marianne Faithfull's bed. She was in the bed, smoking Marlboro Marlboro Marlboro *coughcough. I was on the bed, not smoking. And, what? Well, I'm about to tell you! Patience. What happened next was.. nothing. We exchanged pleasantries, I tipped my hat, threw on my cape, jumped on my bicycle and *boom. Unrelated... [in reference to the next song, I guess]"
Re: Happy Lovers United

A rare shot of Moz walking arm and arm with with another man.
Is it Jake? Is it 'Bunny"? Is Jake Bunny?
Awwww. I hope the evening ended in sweaty bliss. :)
I think we've done this before, but I'm asking again:

If you could change anything about Morrissey, what would it be? I know we'd all try to make him happier, etc., cuz we lubs him, but I mean... His looks and his personality. Would you tamper with him to get him Just Right if you could?

(Yes, I'm asking in here rather than starting a new thread. It's scary out there!)

Physically? Not a thing.


Other ways? I don't know. Sometimes I think, oh, he's been famous 1/2 his life, by now he's completely detached from the real world, but then every time he's home someone says they saw him at the grocery store and I feel better. :) He's definitely not in close enough proximity to me - this needs to change. :lbf:


So pretty. :love:

I had a dream last night that a mad Morrissey fan (an old woman in one of those enormous '80s knitted jumpers) kidnapped me and trapped me in her bungalow. The place was waist-deep in printouts from the frink thread and intercepted emails from fans - she was one of these who believes she's The One True Morrissey Fan. She called Morrissey to the scene, waved a gun about and said she'd do all sorts of things to me if he didn't arrive. (She had no reason to - she just needed a hostage to lure him there). He duly turned up, looking confused and scared, and after a few minutes of the old woman shouting about how she was going to torture me if he didn't agree to stay and live in her bungalow as her toyboy...Morrissey calmly shot her in the back of the neck. :eek:

Then he took me to a shopping centre foodcourt and bought me dinner. :confused:

I was panicking because he'd just shot a fan and asked him how he could calmly sit there nibbling potatoes when he was supposed to be so gentle and non-violent. "Yeeeah..." he said, thoughtfully. "I'm not entirely sure why I did that." He then perked up a little: "But I'm not scared. Which is very nice."

:confused: :crazy:
Have you noticed on YouTube that he's been doing a needle-in-the-arm pantomime during "Don't gimme anymore", right before the shirt toss? Extremely dramatic way to end the night!



My freaky, unnatural 'sharp implement' fetish: ENGAGED. :horny:

I really do have problems, don't I?

Also, who is Bunny?
unHappy Haters United

A rare shot of Moz walking arm and arm with with another man.
Is it Jake? Is it 'Bunny"? Is Jake Bunny?

I'm surprised no one knows this: in that shot, Moz was accompanied by Jed Weitzman, his manager at the time. I was there at the show Moz came to see -- Alain Whyte's band Red Lightning at their first ever gig (Zen Sushi in Hell A).

At the club after the gig, I was standing with my back to the entrance (bad position, I know), and the guy talking to me said, "Oh look, there's Morrissey right behind you." Yeah sure, right. But I turned around, and lo there was Morrissey!

Jed had one arm protectively around Mozzer and the other arm aggressively stuck out in front to clear the way as if he were a charging quarterback. I just stood there dazed and dumb, watching them disappear to the room that is the "backstage". Funny thing is that Alain had pulled a Morrissey on Morrissey... by leaving the venue right before Moz arrived.

I don't think Moz and Jed were romantically involved. But if that's your fantasy, don't let me ruin it.

Here's another piccy of them together:

There's another cute piccy of them standing together, Moz in priest outfit, Jed in a janitor's uniform. Before the show, Jed came out in the janitor uniform and dusted stuff like the drum kit. People applauded this odd bit.
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