morrissey frink thread!

yeah theyre great...:thumb: but the pic that made my jaw hit the floor is the very close close-up of him lying on the floor :love::yum: :horny:i rather not say what did go through my mind looking at cause that will not be age appopiate:p

That one is really good of his manicure! Every once in a while someone on the main page will ask his polish and the pictures had sort of been so-so. Excellent! :thumb:

Now, listen up world's paparazzi! Now that his vacation has begun we need you to fetch us this summer's candid-by-the-pool shots. ;)
Few of my memories






Everyone else seems to have captured this moment aswell.........always worth a repeat though

A drunken Moz????:lbf:
Here's a couple I took at the Troxy. The quality isn't so good as they were taken with my phone.






I like the 2nd one - it takes quite a bit of talent to sing AND hold your pants up! :lbf: I'm mean, c'mon, the song takes priority - just let'em go already!:D

*splutters and falls over*

That was the Cambridge gig! :eek: I was about six feet away from him when that happened!

His skin was all luminous and creamy. :blushing:

mmmm... luminous and creamy...mmmm

some great pictures recently. Thank you!!
a nice woman with a n eyes for the frinky details has shot several pic on the Uk yor tour wow..url]

the pic that made my jaw hit the floor is the very close close-up of him lying on the floor:yum:i rather not say what did go through my mind looking at cause that will not be age appopiate;-P
(its one from brixton by the way...
it looks like he is laying in front of her..and the topless ones she has shot never fails as well

That one is really good of his manicure! Every once in a while someone on the main page will ask his polish and the pictures had sort of been so-so. Excellent! Now, listen up world's paparazzi! Now that his vacation has begun we need you to fetch us this summer's candid-by-the-pool shots.
hey gretchen..welcome to the frink and to the forums...
i actually mean this one

while you prob mean this one ..

so have you seen him live already?
Here's a couple I took at the Troxy. The quality isn't so good as they were taken with my phone.

i love this one :great fave and the quality is excellent!im always fadcinated how a shot from him just standing looks soo undescribly , breathtakingly stunning

a bit of skin flash..*smiles*.



lovely "cleavage" pics;-)
from velvis
WOW what a night!

Moz on superb form - enjoying himself and giving us a great gig.

Sadly no Billy Budd
However he played Find Out For Yourself

Highlights for me: a fantastic version of Pigsty, You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby, Soloman's bass solo at the end of 'By Myself' I'm still buzzing from a great night. I took some pics:

hey gretchen..welcome to the frink and to the forums...
i actually mean this one

while you prob mean this one ..

so have you seen him live already?

Oh boy...yeah, I see what you mean about that other picture...:blushing:

I was at the Columbus show April 1. I can't believe it's only been 4 months - it seems like 4 years ago! Even a couple weeks afterwards I was wondering if I'd just dreamed it. It was funny..I'd been a Morrissey fan for a long time and spent the couple weeks beforehand being quite studious..watching all the dvds and listening to the records, looking up the set list and the previous week's shows know, getting myself 'prepared.' So I headed out and got my seat, about 1/2 way back on the main floor, center aisle, and I'm all cool and collected. When he came out he'd only gotten about 1/3 of the way to the mic stand and I started feeling a little woozy. I was COMPLETELY unprepared for the sheer aesthetic pleasure of seeing the man in-person. I mean, of course, I thought he was extremely attractive before, but I remember thinking at the show, "C'mon, this is RIDICULOUS!" :eek: HA I went back to my car afterwards thinking "Gretchen, you are WAY too old for this." The next day I was looking up sportscars and tattoo options online! So I guess it fired me officially into midlife crisis mode. :lbf: My sister lives in Ann Arbor and now I wish I'd gone to that one the night before - hindsight is always 20/20.

Here is our Columbus finale from YouTube - begins with a very sweet embrace of a girl who found herself onstage and paralyzed with fear of what to do next. No barrier except for a couple unimpressive security guys so TONS of invaders:

3 weeks later I saw the Spinal Tap guys at the same theater Morrissey was at (he's actually played there several times) and I went up afterwards and measured the stage height. Never hurts to be prepared. ;)

I'd been procrastinating joining the forums...I was kind of semi-active on the main boards and well, they can be pretty vicious sometimes...but I've posted on like 3 or 4 threads in the forums and nobody's yelled at me yet, so that's good. :)
It was funny..I'd been a Morrissey fan for a long time and spent the couple weeks beforehand being quite studious..watching all the dvds and listening to the records, looking up the set list and the previous week's shows know, getting myself 'prepared.' So I headed out and got my seat, about 1/2 way back on the main floor, center aisle, and I'm all cool and collected. When he came out he'd only gotten about 1/3 of the way to the mic stand and I started feeling a little woozy. I was COMPLETELY unprepared for the sheer aesthetic pleasure of seeing the man in-person.

Ah haha, that makes me think of when I first saw him in Durham in March. I'd been a fan for years but was never able to see him live. Only instead I was so anxious and excited about seeing him, I tried not to think of it much or I'd probably explode. I was originally supposed to see him in Asheville, but he canceled so I bought tickets for Durham. I felt sort of like I was in a daze when we took our seats, waiting for the opening band to finish and for him to come out. The opening band finished...and sure enough, before he even made it to the mic, everyone was cheering and screaming and I started to cry absolute tears of joy. My body simply didn't know how else to experience this moment, it's so embarrassing to think about it. But at the time, I simply couldn't help myself. I was just so happy. My friend that was with me found it very amusing, while everyone around me probably thought I was insane. :o

I really want to see him again and will more than likely have to travel to another state to do it, but...I can't help it, I'm addicted now. It's all his fault. :mad: ;)
I entertained this fantasy this morning in my thinking head that I can only share on the frink. :blushing: Somehow I ran into Morrissey on the Santa Monica Pier the night of Patti Smith's concert. For reasons way too complicated to get into, we embraced as long lost soul mates would in the middle of the large crowd undetected because of all the activity going on. Both of us felt weak in the knees, so I held his hand and lead the way out of the crowd, up the pier and to the north about a block. I asked if he had any money (usually I have none :o) and he did, and I lead him into the Roosevelt Hotel. I whispered in his ear on the sidewalk "I just want to hold you." and lead us up to the front desk where I asked for an oceanfront room, an extra box of kleenex (crying) and left my car key for my friend to pick up so he could get home since I drove. Morrisssey paid and as he fumbled with the credit card and signing, I gently rubbed the small of his back under his coat to assure him I was there. Then we took the elevator up silently, entered the room, I opened the window so we could hear the waves, I turned on the bedside light so I could see him and slowly took off each of his clothes, inspecting with kisses his body underneath. Then I held him and didn't let go for a very long time.

Now I'll NEVER go to that Patti Smith concert! :rolleyes:

I've been meaning, very seriously, to repond to this since posted...

I just wanted say....HOLY CRAP, THAT'S HOT!!!!:horny:

You have a very bright future in erotic fan-fiction!:D
I've been meaning, very seriously, to repond to this since posted...

I just wanted say....HOLY CRAP, THAT'S HOT!!!!:horny:

You have a very bright future in erotic fan-fiction!:D

Thanks. I did some Fantasy Fact Checking two days ago and discovered the hotel is called The Georgian. Then I passed by a woman jogging with an English Bulldog who was hellbent on going home, tired of jogging. He was pointed directly at the crosswalk that would take you to the hotel from the camera obscura and I approached the lady and petted him. She said "C'mon just a little bit more." Then to me, "He's just tired and hates jogging, he wants to go home." It was funny. :o
Goodness, I haven't been to the Frink thread in awhile, it's been too long! How I've missed my Frink gals! And those frinky Moz pics of course! :p
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