Morrissey Collection for Sale


Junior Member
Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

hmmm.. :rolleyes: - That's 3 different people this week who have said they have had enough of Morrissey... You, a friend of mine, and a fellow collector I know.. :confused:
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

send us the links
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

Good riddance asshole.

Go and find a corrporate icon to worship who doesn't have strong beliefs that they stand by. Who just cares about the cash and the market share.

Go on, f*** off! And don't come back.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Yeah, I have to say I don't give a shit if you leave.
Why do people have to kick up a huge fuss. Just friggin leave and stop hanging around telling everyone why you must
Link your ebay and step away.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

It is just unnecessary to talk bull about him at a fan forum, retard!
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Good riddance asshole.

Go and find a corrporate icon to worship who doesn't have strong beliefs that they stand by. Who just cares about the cash and the market share.

Go on, f*** off! And don't come back.

Yeah, I have to say I don't give a shit if you leave.
Why do people have to kick up a huge fuss. Just friggin leave and stop hanging around telling everyone why you must
Link your ebay and step away.

It is just unnecessary to talk bull about him at a fan forum, retard!

slightly cruel but a fair point .... if you dont like something dont do it , so i take it your pro seal cubbing ...or is it just the case your trying to off load your wares and make some money , i suspect its the latter
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

slightly cruel but a fair point .... if you dont like something dont do it , so i take it your pro seal cubbing ...or is it just the case your trying to off load your wares and make some money , i suspect its the latter

I could have been harsher. The words bull and red come to mind.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

really you were only ever here trying to promote your own band - i would be surprised if you actually owned anything worth buying

dont bang into the door on your way out, theres a good chap.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

you obviously don't hate him enough to maximize profit.

link us your ebay and shut up :D
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

What a whiney person Jeff is. It's like a kid screaming "I don't like peas" - fine, don't eat peas. Try the cabbage. But don't tell everyone else about it.
Why would you think that anyone has the remotest interest in your new found loathing of peas... er.. sorry.. I mean Morrissey.

Bland is well signposted - so you shouldn't have any difficulty finding your way. Get to it lad. Good luck - and go. Bye then. Missing your prose already...
If you don't like cabbage either, just remember that you are a vegetable - and maybe channel that thought into some beetroot loving. You're clearly pickled. And quite jarring.
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

Ok. Done Over Out.

Look on Ebay for all my morrissey stuff for sale. This Canadian Thing has done it for me.

I am tired of supporting this loser. I have been patient through the last bouycott and I have been patient through the terrible last 2 albums.

I am sick and tired of this old man - get off the stage. For the love of God...get off the stage and go live in Italy where no one kills seals.

Cool! I am a new fan in search of Morrissey stuff. Post your link and I'll bid a few pennies for it. :guitar:
Re: Selling All my Mozz Stuff

What a whiney person Jeff is. It's like a kid screaming "I don't like peas" - fine, don't eat peas. Try the cabbage. But don't tell everyone else about it.
Why would you think that anyone has the remotest interest in your new found loathing of peas... er.. sorry.. I mean Morrissey.

Bland is well signposted - so you shouldn't have any difficulty finding your way. Get to it lad. Good luck - and go. Bye then. Missing your prose already...
If you don't like cabbage either, just remember that you are a vegetable - and maybe channel that thought into some beetroot loving. You're clearly pickled. And quite jarring.

LOL! Very jarring indeed. :D
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