Morrissey and band bares all (front this time) new pic

Bugger off then! :p

*still waiting for answer what Morrissey stands for for others*

By the way, I think I made this clear though already, unless I am a family member or close friend, I don't want to see anybody that naked. So why did he stand in front of me like this if he isn't?
The next concerts will be fun. I once went to a theatre play with an actor whom I did not know too well and basically nothing about. There was a scene when he talked about nakedness and he looked very uncomfortable in front of this real audience so I assumed he had shot naked scenes somewhere. And indeed there was. The little difference between doing things in front of a cameraperson and actually standing in front of people. :D

You don't have to look at him, that's the point. Just as you have the freedom to (look once to him, just once to him and) look away, he has the freedom to pose naked.

I agree with Sarah T - I love Morrissey's music, his lyrics and I'm crazy about his looks. I haven't become a vegetarian because of him, I despise his musical taste (except for Roxy Music) and don't agree with his political views.
@Manchester Neil
Please fill "worth listening to when he speaks" and "wonderful music" with content. What do you hear when he speaks and what do you hear when you listen to his music? What does he represent to you? And please don't say "great artist" or "icon" or "maveric".

I'm not quite sure what you're after. What i said was pretty self explanatory.

I said he's one of the only characters in the music industry worth listening to. He's intelligent and very witty whereas the majority of interviews you read with musicians are terribly bland. This is one of my favourites :-

"Thank you to the British television person (I'm not exactly sure what it is he does) Richard Madeley who, at least, made me laugh recently by referring to me as an 'insufferable puffed-up prat'," he says.

"This comment may or may not be true, but I think it's a bit rich coming from a man who actually married his own mother."

I love Morrissey for that quote alone.

As for what i mean by 'wonderful music', again its pretty self explanatory. I'll be forever grateful to him for enriching my life. I'm not sure what you're asking from me. He doesn't 'represent' anything. I enjoy his records immensely and thats all that matters to me. I'm so happy that he's still writing clever, interesting lyrics ('Carol' is exceptional) and singing with an emotional intensity that is totally unique ('I'm ok by myself'' for example).

The music is all that matters. As long as he keeps releasing quality material then i couldn't care less if he's photographed roller skating naked down Market Street.
As long as he keeps releasing quality material then i couldn't care less if he's photographed roller skating naked down Market Street.

You might give him ideas.
Not that I would mind.

Actually, i don't understand the fuzz. I do enjoy the nude singles collection but what have you seen, Silke, that you hadn't before (at least on the frink?) Lovely hips and a few strands of hair. So?

And those delightful legs, of course.
And what you "love about his music"?

Yes, right I did not "have to" look at this picture, it was unavoidable though, because how was I to expect this despite the heading of the thread? And if I had bought the 7 inch, just the same. I'd have pulled it out of the sleeve and then I'd have seen the picture, too.

(Sorry, I replied to you earlier, but the comp logged me off before posting it. :mad:)

I think the title of the thread was pretty straightforward.

What do I love about his music? That is really hard to tell. Just as hard as trying to explain why I love my husband, my parents, my friends, a good movie, nice food, good wine. What these things mean to me are all subjective and almost impossible to explain. I love his music for its beauty. The beauty of the tunes got me even before I started paying attention to the lyrics. I love his music because it can make me happy or sad, it can give me just what I need, and I keep on discovering things about it I haven't noticed before. Mind you, there are songs of his that I find rubbish, so I skip them. Just as you can skip this image. ;)
No, it wasn't, but I appreciate that you bothered to answer.

So what you most like about him is that he bashes other people.

I was asking what you enjoy about his songs, in which way they enrich their life, what you find clever and interesting about his lyrics.
Did you join in discussing the lyrics anywhere?
Now what you have here also, are people to whom Morrissey's lyrics and what he said and did also meant a lot. It enriched their lives, they found it clever and enriching. But with this picture it was like somebody took a pin and burst this, all of a sudden what once enriched their lives and what they found clever and interesting is a thing of the past, doesn't apply anymore. Not to the degree it used to at last. And what they wrote was very self explanatory.

I made it very clear why the picture is ugly and won't repeat myself.

I love it when Silke moans at people, in that very Stern fashion.
No, it wasn't, but I appreciate that you bothered to answer.

So what you most like about him is that he bashes other people.

When did i say that? It appears you are totally bereft of a sense of humour.

I was asking what you enjoy about his songs, in which way they enrich their life, what you find clever and interesting about his lyrics.
Did you join in discussing the lyrics anywhere?
Now what you have here also, are people to whom Morrissey's lyrics and what he said and did also meant a lot. It enriched their lives, they found it clever and enriching. But with this picture it was like somebody took a pin and burst this, all of a sudden what once enriched their lives and what they found clever and interesting is a thing of the past, doesn't apply anymore. Not to the degree it used to at last. And what they wrote was very self explanatory.

If you feel that way because of a silly picture then you are quite clearly completely bonkers.
(when i really just wanted to speak my peace and be done with it...)

If you feel that way because of a silly picture then you are quite clearly completely bonkers.

not at all.

obviously some people enjoy morrissey's music on a more personal or deeper level than others. some may simply love the music or his voice or clever lyrics, and read nothing into it past that. but whether you're clever enough to see it (doesn't take much, does it?), his body of work has long stood for certain things, a certain kind of persona or aesthetic which HE created. this picture doesn't fit in with that aesthetic on many levels.

There are some very scary people on this site. Unless you are a friend or family member you do not know anything about Morrissey as an individual. You only have a perception of what kind of individual you think he is. He's not violated or betrayed anything or anyone by posing for a picture like this. It's not to be taken seriously - its tongue in cheek. Seriously - get over yourselves. Who are you to judge how he should act, think or feel? You don't even know him.

Of course he's not the same person we saw twenty years ago. Who is? Life changes everyone. He's still Morrissey. He's still (unbelievably after all this time) making wonderful music. And he's still one of the only characters in the music business worth listening to when they speak. But its 2009 and he's grown up. He's probably not the shy, miserable, depressed loner you desperately want him to be. He can have a laugh and a joke even if you can't.

Just count your lucky stars that its 2009 and Mozzer is still releasing great singles and great albums.

right, so i'm a scary person?? BOO. how lazy/ignorant...

read more carefully. i never said he betrayed me. you're right he doesn't owe me anything, i don't know him etc etc obvious points. i pointed out that he betrayed an aesthetic he had established himself. and a persona he has established.

tongue in cheek implies innuendo. there is little room left on that 7'' for innuendo. not the definition of tongue in cheek. my point exactly.

i don't want him to be a desperate loner, shy or miserable. i want him to be as happy as possible and have for a long time. i also want him to be respected and have an immaculate aesthetic, and age gracefully, which is why this is all so ironic for someone who started is career with such immaculate taste and discretion. it's quite a reversal; most people refine as they age, not devolve into more simplistic lyrics and stunts. it's really quite interesting. obviously i'm wasting my thoughts on you though, it seems examining someone's work beyond 'it's a good tune' is SCARY. obsessive even....
Re: (when i really just wanted to speak my peace and be done with it...)

not at all.
there is little room left on that 7'' for innuendo. ...
right now he seems to like to put things more straightforward ..see the lyrics on YOR.... most (not all) of the YOR lyrics are pretty clear and straightforward in my opinion
he has put so many topics in innuendo since he began recording songs..
and he has reapetely said he sees himself seperate from his younger self ..he wouldnt probably have done it 20 years ago...
t he just basically having a laugh with that.put it out without long thinking about it
and enjoy showing himself ..cause he feels like it..and love doing things like that ..creeping behind you and doing ..hmm..unexpected things..but yeah,,that guardian article where they cites his lyrics concerning flashing /naked...lots of strips and topless shots/coverpics and live appearances later leads to something like this pic...a progress;):p
and yeah if he cant do it now ....when looking as fit as he does right now..when then?
I imagine him 20/25 years later:sitting in his rocking chair and looks fondly through his old pics"I did that?..damn..looking fine!!":eek::p:D

some like the pic some not..thats cant please everybody with nude shots;-)
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Re: (when i really just wanted to speak my peace and be done with it...)

not at all.

obviously some people enjoy morrissey's music on a more personal or deeper level than others. some may simply love the music or his voice or clever lyrics, and read nothing into it past that. but whether you're clever enough to see it (doesn't take much, does it?), his body of work has long stood for certain things, a certain kind of persona or aesthetic which HE created. this picture doesn't fit in with that aesthetic on many levels.

Over 25 years you've managed to remain completely ignorant of the "Carry On" aspects of his aesthetic have you? What nonsense!
Re: (when i really just wanted to speak my peace and be done with it...)

Over 25 years you've managed to remain completely ignorant of the "Carry On" aspects of his aesthetic have you? What nonsense!

"Real" fans (I hate that term, but can't think of a better one) understand whole "carry on" aspect of it. but real fans make up a very small minority of the general public. to 99.99% of people, morrissey is a miserable f***er who writes sad songs. no amount of rocky little songs or naked pictures are going to change that perception. unless he gets a number 1 and gets some decent media coverage outside the music monthlies.
What if he's been waiting, impatiently, not really knowing whether the day would come when he could do these pictures and include them in his album... ahem, package, just as a fantastic little punchline? I'd like to think that's the case, and he's giggling with glee right now. If giggling is something that he does.
I'm throwing my arms around Paris - singles feature new pics

Got the singles in at work today.............. one features Morrissey knelt as if receiving applause/appeals for an encore, whilst the band stand behind him each clutching a copy of Greatest Hits pulling amused and mocking faces, the second features the band only, holding various Herb Alpert L.P.'s aloft........... thankfully in both pictures everyone is fully clothed!
Hopefully listen to the two b-sides tomorrow.
Re: I'm throwing my arms around Paris - singles feature new pics

*pretends she didn't read that*

(secretly relieved that theres no more naked pics)
Re: I'm throwing my arms around Paris - singles feature new pics

Listen to the b-sides asap!
Re: I'm throwing my arms around Paris - singles feature new pics

Got the singles in at work today.............. one features Morrissey knelt as if receiving applause/appeals for an encore, whilst the band stand behind him each clutching a copy of Greatest Hits pulling amused and mocking faces, the second features the band only, holding various Herb Alpert L.P.'s aloft........... thankfully in both pictures everyone is fully clothed!
Hopefully listen to the two b-sides tomorrow.

Are they holding the Herb Albert album?


:horny: :horny: :horny:

Obviously the influence for YoR's font.

The model was pregnant when that pic was taken.
50 year old virgin art boz needed a 12" drop the record i can tag too international male jesse = ftm? jesse has moobs love-handle heaven matt walker please misssexygarytoo moz sexgod naked morrissey next step: dick out omg! proof there's a god pubes records off sexyalainmissed sol wishes he were phish strange wank material 4 da galz wank material 4 da gayz you're so welcome!
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