Martin Luther King - 'Paris' sleeve


Would you say the use of Martin Luther King's image on the 'Paris' sleeve is a conscious decision to add evidence in support of Morrissey's assertion "I'm not racist" - "whatever the opposite of racist is, that's what I am"? Or maybe it was just a good picture?
Would you say the use of Martin Luther King's image on the 'Paris' sleeve is a conscious decision to add evidence in support of Morrissey's assertion "I'm not racist" - "whatever the opposite of racist is, that's what I am"? Or maybe it was just a good picture?

I don't think so. Just a picture he liked. If anything he might've chosen it because he idealizes Paris as a cosmopolitan city full of free-thinkers who embrace many different kinds of people and ideas. Oscar's adopted city after his disgrace.
Well know one knows do they, but i don't think he needs to. If he does have some 'issues' with non-whites/jews/immigrants etc. he's not expressed anything overtly enough for the accusation to stick.
Maybe he put MLK on the cover 'cause he admired the way he slept with loads of women behind his wifes back!!!
Maybe he put MLK on the cover 'cause he admired the way he slept with loads of women behind his wifes back!!!

Yes. This, or maybe MLK being one of the finest human beings ever to walk the planet, infidelities or not. A toss-up, really.
I think it had something to do with that whole "Follow Your Dream" thing

(And it makes a beautiful picture)
No, he was just walking around LA taking pics with Jake and he liked that poster. There was another from the same session in Hot Press last year of him next to a poster of a kitten. So I don't think there's any great symbolism.

I tend to agree with this. They probably set out looking for interesting posters/locations that day and could have wound up with anything. I don't think anything was pre-planned, which can make for an interesting shoot. I think it's a great cover, lovely.
I tend to agree with this. They probably set out looking for interesting posters/locations that day and could have wound up with anything. I don't think anything was pre-planned, which can make for an interesting shoot. I think it's a great cover, lovely.

It's the best way to work and very smart of him to have Jake along.
Well know one knows do they, but i don't think he needs to. If he does have some 'issues' with non-whites/jews/immigrants etc. he's not expressed anything overtly enough for the accusation to stick.
Maybe he put MLK on the cover 'cause he admired the way he slept with loads of women behind his wifes back!!!

What did I tell you about making stupid posts?
What did I tell you about making stupid posts?

What's wrong now?

The first part was just an opinon and the second was just goofing about!

Which was stupid...lemme guess you're gonna say both!!
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Get CrystalGeezer on the case!

Meh. I'm tired of being the symbolic freak. I just read that ME interview thoughtfully translated and I imagine that Morrissey if he reads here probably thinks I'm a total weirdo.

Ignore me. I'm exhausted and crabby.

Martin Luther King/ MLK/ milk/ 2%/ two person T.

The T's a cross evoking a mood of crucifixion, blah, blah, blah...

I think CG was complimenting you. You did a good job.
no she didnt ...but thats another story why I know tht her comment is sarcastic..Im tired of getting into an argument again with her like last year ...
I know that I was in a hurry when I posted it so did add to it in the end that it might be not a faultless translation, it was bound to have a few mistakes
edit: okay , if it wasnt sarcastic towards me-This time- case closed then..
.forget it....
not my day today at all...hmmmpppfff.......
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no she didnt ...but thats another story why I know tht her comment is sarcastic..Im tired of getting into an argument again...

I was complimenting you, you did a great job and I appreciated it.
no she didnt ...but thats another story why I know tht her comment is sarcastic..Im tired of getting into an argument again with her ...
I know myself that I was in a hurry when I posted it so it was bound to have a few mistakes

I didn't detect any sarcasm either. I think you're being too sensitive. It was a very insightful translation, we all appreciate it. :)
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