Linder on Morrissey in Guardian (18/01/2020)

A very nice interview with Linder Sterling in today’s The Guardian:

How the artist Linder went from Orgasm Addict to Chatsworth House - Observer Design


She also became known as Morrissey’s muse and went on to photograph him extensively in the early 90s as he toured the US. “We shared the same taste, liked the same books,” she says. “We shared a house for a brief period in Whalley Range – it was a red-light district then.” With his counterintuitive views on the far-right For Britain party, Morrissey is a touchy subject these days, but Linder is loyal. “We’ve always disagreed,” she says. “It’s a healthy disagreement, the sort that comes with unconditional love.”

Just a shame about the unnecessary framing, The Guardian.

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All Morrissey's so-called controversial comments are true.

Morrissey even criticised Live Aid back in the day when it was extremely unfashionable to do so - and now we have a situation where we have helped the lives and health of Africans so much that they are to have a population explosion by tripling in number by 2100.

Us Europeans are the only race in the world that by 2100 will actually be lower in population. In other words we are dying out.

This is according to Chris Packham and an official graph of predicted figures in his latest Radio Times interview (in case you think I'm citing right wing propaganda).

Moz is also correct on mass immigration. It is never a good thing. Irish people were forced to emigrate to England and America around the Famine and also in the 50s and 60s. They were not welcomed and had to work extremely hard on building sites and the roads etc. Now Ireland has half the population it had 150 years ago because of immigration and the EU/UN globalist capitalists are filling it with every race imaginable to the point that it will soon have a minority indigenous population - which will destroy its culture and character.

This is why immigration is a bad thing. That's the bare truth minus the propaganda. And Morrissey has not been afraid to say this.

The media berates him for these views because they are a capitalist network (even the lefties like the Guardian are strictly faux socialists). Actual nobodies who berate him on social media should sit down and understand that mass immigration is a capitalist idea and brings more harm than good in the long run.

I will concede he was right about Live Aid when everyone thought he was being horrible. At least I think they thought that??

And clearly mass immigration is not popular & is bringing value clashes, economic issues & community cohesion problems that we miscalculated.

But stuff about races dying out is never not going to make my flesh creep. Cultures evolve, not everything can stay the same. We're all just people.
I will concede he was right about Live Aid when everyone thought he was being horrible. At least I think they thought that??

And clearly mass immigration is not popular & is bringing value clashes, economic issues & community cohesion problems that we miscalculated.

But stuff about races dying out is never not going to make my flesh creep. Cultures evolve, not everything can stay the same. We're all just people.
Now that environmentalist Chris Packham is talking about it and graphs are on everyday publications like Radio Times get prepared to hear much more about it.

It's just made the jump from right wing 'conspiracy theory' to officially acknowledged fact.

Every race is set to grow and grow - whereas you and I are to die and die. And our culture with it. Not evolve or change. Die.

A nice comforting fact before bed.
The Great Replacement is not a theory. The UN invented the term on an official paper about 'replacement migration'. I've actually heard pro-migration NGOs say that places like Ireland need 'youthful African energy'.

I know for a fact that when I die a foreign family will be living and breeding in my house. That's replacement.

Foreigners are nothing to be afraid of. Have you seen tourists in an Edinburgh Woollen Mill? They go nuts for our culture. And if you weren't dead, you might be friends.
"Conspiracy theories are the worst". What does that even mean? That literally makes no sense. Again, using buzzwords to shut down critical thinking. Still interestingy you say Jews are a race AND religion. Again, I haven't encountered anyone in this forum who hates Jews yet you throw that nonsense term around in nearly ever thread, just stop.

I never shut down critical thinking. I'm relentless in a debate.
Imagine thinking 'etymology' is a big word. Don't you have another thread to be laughed out of?
Curious thing: etymology is indeed a big word, but it didn't used to be if you go back.
Foreigners are nothing to be afraid of. Have you seen tourists in an Edinburgh Woollen Mill? They go nuts for our culture. And if you weren't dead, you might be friends.
Nothing to be afraid of? But don't you know they're all wandering around your formerly white neighborhood looking for young girls to rape? And that they're all dead-set on destroying the pure, white, Christian values you hold so dear? These aren't people, they're animals! And they're moving into your house after you BREED!
Now that environmentalist Chris Packham is talking about it and graphs are on everyday publications like Radio Times get prepared to hear much more about it.

It's just made the jump from right wing 'conspiracy theory' to officially acknowledged fact.

Every race is set to grow and grow - whereas you and I are to die and die. And our culture with it. Not evolve or change. Die.

A nice comforting fact before bed.

It's not possible to wipe out the Scots. And I'm part of a church with 2 billion people, so you'll be hard pressed to wipe out Catholics.
Foreigners are nothing to be afraid of. Have you seen tourists in an Edinburgh Woollen Mill? They go nuts for our culture. And if you weren't dead, you might be friends.
I'm not talking on a personal one to one basis. A foreign family might be made up of nice people - and many are. I'm talking about culture and how it dies when it is swamped by another larger culture. Look back in history. Whole races and cultures of people disappeared.

Do I want a proud ex-knifeman and avowed mugger like Stormzy and his crew living in my house and taking over my country with their bullshit birdbrain sub-culture?

I'm not talking on a personal one to one basis. A foreign family might be made up of nice people - and many are. I'm talking about culture and how it dies when it is swamped by another larger culture. Look back in history. Whole races and cultures of people disappeared.

Do I want a proud ex-knifeman and avowed mugger like Stormzy and his crew living in my house and taking over my country with their bullshit birdbrain sub-culture?

Genuinely curious, why'd you start posting under a new username?
Nothing to be afraid of? But don't you know they're all wandering around your formerly white neighborhood looking for young girls to rape? And that they're all dead-set on destroying the pure, white, Christian values you hold so dear? These aren't people, they're animals! And they're moving into your house after you BREED!
You're trying to be funny, but in the North of England it's actually happened large-scale and it's no laughing matter. The police and social authorities of Manchester, for example have even admitted they turned a blind eye to racist Muslim gang-rape gangs for years for no other reason than they were Pakistani and 'it wouldn't look good'.

I know the Sterlings and have asked asked what Linder thinks of Morrissey's recent political "awakening" and was told that it is the perpetual, depressing elephant in the room.

Are you sure? And how long have you been sitting on this devastating information, waiting to spring it on us?

Anyway, I asked the ‘perpetual depressing elephant’ about this, and it says it doesn’t know who the Sterlings are, never even met them.
It's not possible to wipe out the Scots. And I'm part of a church with 2 billion people, so you'll be hard pressed to wipe out Catholics.
You Scots will disappear in a flash of lightning when mass immigration hits Scotland.

You have to see it to believe how fast it happens. They move in - and because of their behaviour, not race or colour - everyone else moves out. Pronto.

Suddenly you look around... and it's all a memory.
Are you sure? And how long have you been sitting on this devastating information, waiting to spring it on us?

Anyway, I asked the ‘perpetual depressing elephant’ about this, and it says it doesn’t know who the Sterlings are, never even met them.
I know it must be devastating to know that, despite all of your sycophantic fandom, some people are closer to 'the source' than you'll ever be.
I'm not talking on a personal one to one basis. A foreign family might be made up of nice people - and many are. I'm talking about culture and how it dies when it is swamped by another larger culture. Look back in history. Whole races and cultures of people disappeared.

Do I want a proud ex-knifeman and avowed mugger like Stormzy and his crew living in my house and taking over my country with their bullshit birdbrain sub-culture?


Cultures don't die, even the Druids made a comeback.

And the 1970s look disgusting to me, but it didn't destroy the Nation. So Grime won't either.
You Scots will disappear in a flash of lightning when mass immigration hits Scotland.

You have to see it to believe how fast it happens. They move in - and because of their behaviour, not race or colour - everyone else moves out. Pronto.

Suddenly you look around... and it's all a memory.

I'm pretty sure Northern Ireland will prove you can't shift a Scot if they don't want to be shifted. And if our cultures hadn't mixed (albeit violently), I wouldn't exist.

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