Leeds - Millennium Square (July 12, 2023) post-show

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How Soon Is Now? / Suedehead / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Girlfriend In A Coma / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Notre-Dame / I Wish You Lonely / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / Half A Person / Our Frank / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Knockabout World / The Loop / Please Please Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Jack The Ripper / Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of Anon.

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As much as it pains me to say it, but you’re right. Here’s why - Jesse joined in 2004 and became a main staple in 2009 when Alain was replaced, er, I mean ill. Because of this, the music has gone downhill and will continue to go downhill because Jesse has brainwashed Morrissey and Moz can’t see the forest for the trees. Now both Boz and Alain are gone and I doubt either one will be back. So there goes the two greatest songwriters Morrissey has worked with. Alain has won awards and has written songs for some of the most popular and well respected people in music. What the hell does he need someone like Jesse Tobias, who has accomplished nothing, telling him how it’s gonna be done in the Morrissey camp? It’s a f***ing joke.

Tech issues with the guitarist tonight? 🙄

God. I never thought I’d feel this way.
You are dead wrong. Morrissey keeps singing that horrible song I T Myarms A Paris. From Bozz. Dagh ! Jesse has co written majestic song like once I saw the river C. If you don't like me, my hurling days are done, etc you are so. Envious of my metal guru jesse ! Leave him alone. !
So again only 18 songs? That's two down to the usual 20 of the last tours...I hope it's just the band finding together. Otherwise the chance for new stuff on the setlist shrinks even more...
Seems to be at least part of the underlying theme of much of the disappointment amongst the fans in recent years. We’ve all gotten (mostly) used to a relatively short set list. It makes sense for the set lists to be much the same as previous tours as it allows those that were there previously to give M at least some level of comfort that they’ll be able to carry the load. If they were all tasked with learning up new stuff, I’m guessing his anxiety levels would likely suffer...this isn’t exactly the band he wanted backing him and I’m sure he was a little nervous.
It wasn’t a big deal to those in Israel and it won’t be in South America because it’s been years since they’ve heard ANY songs live… if these set lists carry over, it’ll be “new” to them. It’s the fans in the UK, Ireland and the US that are going to be left holding the bag and likely to raise the most issue (as is evident in these posts and on the street). It’s a bit of a like it or lump it situation as is often the case. If he can get thru to SA, I’m guessing it’ll be a small triumph and things will be fine. The fans there will be amazing as they always support bands that make the effort to go. In many ways they’ll help carry the energy and I’d be surprised if they’re not some of the best gigs from the tour.
Looks fantastic? He's down to his last 7 hairs on his head


Stop singing that horrible song Paris. And I don't like notradamenew song. . Sing. Once I saw the river. And there is a light. Or more smiths. Instead.
Stop singing that horrible song Paris. And I don't like notradamenew song. . Sing. Once I saw the river. And there is a light. Or more smiths. Instead.

River Clean and Hurling Days are indeed amazing songs; I'll give Jesse that.
Ended a bit weird….no encore, everyone stood there going is that it…
I heard quite a few people complaining. Tough to explain there was no missing encore, he just stayed on stage.

Maybe this happens every gig, but from my position you could see through a gap to the backstage area, which was tiny, and probably why Miz didn't want to wait. Moz was off stage and immediately into the back of a waiting car and driven out the back gate of the venue before the band had even finished 'Hooligan'.
Not really The vinyl itself would be £40

I did buy one of the signed Vauxhall & I’s for the euro rate in Belgium so worked out bit of a saving on that as well
So you're saying £210 for the signature isn't daylight robbery? By the way I've managed to get every Moz/Smiths album on vinyl for £20 or less each, except for Louder Than Bombs which cost around £25. All new. Except for Southpaw, Maladjusted, Quarry, Ringleader and World Peace which really need to be reissued on vinyl.
Nigel Farage is also a presenter. A quick internet search would tell you all you need to know about that channel Gordy.
GBNews isn’t ‘right wing’ in the traditional sense that people understand it.

It is ‘culturally conservative’ which basically means it reflects many of the values of the traditional working class ‘Old Labour’… ie not ‘New Labour’… ie not ‘2023 Conservative’… or ‘2023 Labour’ for that matter.

Many people are simply unable to grasp this relatively recently forgotten concept / demographic, yet it represents the majority of the UK.

Morrissey understands that, which is why the working class don’t leave him however much the middle class despise him.
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I just don't understand what's happened to him over the last 10 years (or more).

His lyrics are clumsy and unoriginal. The music is uninspiring.

I want to like the new stuff, but I just don't. And the scary thing is, it isn't just the new stuff. I said on here recently that the last genuinely solid album he put out was Years of Refusal. That was 2009. Fourteen years ago.

That's like if everything after Bona Drag had been shit until You Are the Quarry.

He's been coasting for far too long and blaming everyone else for his problems. It's tiresome.

Get your shit together Morrissey or just retire.
I beg to differ, World Peace, Low In High school and IANADOAC are all better than Southpaw, Maladjusted, Kill Uncle and Years of Refusal.
The best bit of the show was when Fiona came on stage and played tambourine on 'The Loop '.
Went with my mate who is a pretty big fan, his gf and my bro who know his big songs.

We all enjoyed it, particularly opening with five big songs, but from then on it really was awfully self-indulgent at times. We had a good laugh during Notre-Dame, I gave them a heads up about it. Never seen such a long stream of people going for a piss (pardon the expression). He clearly feels he owes casual fans in his audience the absolute bare minimum (five or so 'big' songs), yet also obviously feels the world owes him infinite record deals, permanent adulation and to unquestioningly accept everything he says, despite the fact he's been talking unhinged rubbish for years. My bro described him as very odd.

It's a shame really. With his amazing voice, charisma and the incredible arsenal of songs he has to choose from he could put on an absolutely unforgettable night, and still find room for recent stuff. It wasn't *bad* but it's hard not to feel disappointed that the great moments - and they were great - were so few and far between.

Luckily got two tickets for £30 each, wouldn't have paid full price. Thought the band were pretty good although Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before was a bit of a mess musically, understand a guitarist had issues. Third time seeing Morrissey and probably won't bother again unless he was on at a festival and there was nothing else.
Voice is amazing still but his charisma has left him years ago. He used to be in my opinion, the most charismatic front man I've ever seen, right there with Mick Jagger but man, he barely moves now and he isn't even that old.
Just got back, loved it! venue was great, no getting bashed about (I’ve got a broken arm so was especially grateful for that) Moz sounded superb, he was chatty and funny, band were good. Ended a bit weird….no encore, everyone stood there going is that it…
No encore eh? So the last song was Jack the Ripper?

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