Jockey Club in Lima, Peru (March 14) venue info

Alvaro writes:

Did you know that the company "Tu Entrada" responsible for selling tickets for the Morrissey concert in Lima - Peru sells tickets for bullfighting?


It's also a racetrack and a riding club.

As you may recall a concert planned for the Cheltenham Racecourse was changed shortly after it was announced in March 2011.
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A few members raised their eyebrows when the Lima gig was announced at a race track. Are the bull fights held at the same venue, or is it just that the ticket agency also sells tickets for bull fighting?

Who knows what the thought process was that led the tour manager to book it; oh, hang on, is there even a tour manager? Does Morrissey have any management? Is Boz responsible for sorting it all out these days? Or maybe this is the reason Jesse is on the payroll - local contacts, and he's practically fluent in Spanish :)

I still expect him to cancel.

Oh lord! It cannot be possible. Hey Mozz, look out this shit!
A few members raised their eyebrows when the Lima gig was announced at a race track. Are the bull fights held at the same venue, or is it just that the ticket agency also sells tickets for bull fighting?

Who knows what the thought process was that led the tour manager to book it; oh, hang on, is there even a tour manager? Does Morrissey have any management? Is Boz responsible for sorting it all out these days? Or maybe this is the reason Jesse is on the payroll - local contacts, and he's practically fluent in Spanish :)

I still expect him to cancel.

Bullfights are not held in this venue. Mozzer was previously in Mexico were surely bullfights are even televised. Here in Lima most people including Moz fans are against bullfighting and there is an ongoing campaign to eliminate such inhumane practice.
Why do you say this on this thread? Really, I'm interested in your response.


I wouldn't dare speak on behalf of, er, "Anonymous", but I kinda share his/her somewhat negative response. If you are going to post a 'headline' story on the front page that implies Morrissey is a hypocrite why not just state "Morrissey Is A Hypocrite", rather than the 'say, did you all happen to know about this Lima Jockey Club?' and 'maybe you might recall Cheltenham...' flannel.

'Alvaro' sent in the info. The 'editor' chose to make it a front page story and than tie it to Cheltenham. But I suppose that's what can occur if you have someone running an 'unofficial' Morrissey site who doesn't especially like Morrissey much anymore. Like most of its readers, it would seem.

'Joke'? No. Sad? Yes.
I wouldn't dare speak on behalf of, er, "Anonymous", but I kinda share his/her somewhat negative response. If you are going to post a 'headline' story on the front page that implies Morrissey is a hypocrite why not just state "Morrissey Is A Hypocrite", rather than the 'say, did you all happen to know about this Lima Jockey Club?' and 'maybe you might recall Cheltenham...' flannel.

'Alvaro' sent in the info. The 'editor' chose to make it a front page story and than tie it to Cheltenham. But I suppose that's what can occur if you have someone running an 'unofficial' Morrissey site who doesn't especially like Morrissey much anymore. Like most of its readers, it would seem.

'Joke'? No. Sad? Yes.

Making a thread saying simply, "Morrissey is a hypocrite," would seem a bit pointless, really. It wouldn't add anything that we don't already know. Making a thread that highlights the latest example of said hypocrisy seems much more worthwhile.
Moz broke many peoples hearts when he cancelled at cheltenham. It is a fine venue in a town which is deep routed in the history if British music - a place of great importance on the rounds from the early 60's when the stones, beatles, hendrix etc played there.

Surely choosing somewhere simply to decline is the most passive of protests? Surely to play a venue which challenges your morals pits you on scene at the heart of the problem where you can protest, actively, for the maximum effect?

If, as Moz has always been, you are strong willed and determined in your stance you would not shy away from the opportunity to protest on location...
I wouldn't dare speak on behalf of, er, "Anonymous", but I kinda share his/her somewhat negative response. If you are going to post a 'headline' story on the front page that implies Morrissey is a hypocrite why not just state "Morrissey Is A Hypocrite", rather than the 'say, did you all happen to know about this Lima Jockey Club?' and 'maybe you might recall Cheltenham...' flannel.

'Alvaro' sent in the info. The 'editor' chose to make it a front page story and than tie it to Cheltenham. But I suppose that's what can occur if you have someone running an 'unofficial' Morrissey site who doesn't especially like Morrissey much anymore. Like most of its readers, it would seem.

'Joke'? No. Sad? Yes.

Is it that different than Cheltenham racecourse? Maybe I'm missing something but it does seem very similar to me. Maybe Cheltenham was changed for other reasons, none was officially given as far as I know. Perhaps it was researched and found that this racecourse treats animals humanely so there isn't any hypocrisy to speak of? Some would say the sport of horse racing itself is not humane (PETA link), but perhaps Morrissey has no problems with it. I have no idea, I was hoping someone may add some insight.
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Moz broke many peoples hearts when he cancelled at cheltenham. It is a fine venue in a town which is deep routed in the history if British music - a place of great importance on the rounds from the early 60's when the stones, beatles, hendrix etc played there.

Surely choosing somewhere simply to decline is the most passive of protests? Surely to play a venue which challenges your morals pits you on scene at the heart of the problem where you can protest, actively, for the maximum effect?

If, as Moz has always been, you are strong willed and determined in your stance you would not shy away from the opportunity to protest on location...

Morrissey only pretends to be confrontational. The possibility of confrontation frightens him.
If, as Moz has always been, you are strong willed and determined in your stance you would not shy away from the opportunity to protest on location...

Protest on location? While paying them for the privilege? That's hardly the moral stance of Thích Quảng Đức.
Race track is getting smaller and smaller,because not many people are interested in it. Part of terrain is used for a Mall that is growing. And because race track does not give enough money,part of the terrain now is used for concerts. So let´s make race track smaller supporting other events rather than the race track.
Is sad to know that exists haters of Morrissey and uses this web page to attack him. Maybe these persons don´t like his life and only want to destroy other lifes. Sorry for the bad English, I am peruvian but I wanted to write some lines because I must.
Is it that different than Cheltenham racecourse? Maybe I'm missing something but it does seem very similar to me. Maybe Cheltenham was changed for other reasons, none was officially given as far as I know. Perhaps it was researched and found that this racecourse treats animals humanely so there isn't any hypocrisy to speak of? Some would say the sport of horse racing itself is not humane (PETA link), but perhaps Morrissey has no problems with it. I have no idea, I was hoping someone may add some insight.


So this was never a 'news' story. It was taking two points, putting them together and waiting for the haters to let rip...sorry, "add some insight".
I don't know what Main Page you've been reading for the last few years David but if you're hoping for any insight from this one you're in for a long and fruitless wait.
Perhaps 'Anonymous' (the other one. There are so many to choose from) was right; just put this in a new separate section titled 'Morrissey Is A Hypocrite'.
A lot of bull shit, a Chilean is writing stupid things here, don't belive in any word that. This pussy Chilean wrote. For sure is a chilean like all the time with his envy , Peru is much better than Chile in too many ways. Welcome to Lima Morrissey, welcome to the gastromonic capital of the Americas, city of kings, welcome to Peru, land of Incas and our Pisco.

So this was never a 'news' story. It was taking two points, putting them together and waiting for the haters to let rip...sorry, "add some insight".
I don't know what Main Page you've been reading for the last few years David but if you're hoping for any insight from this one you're in for a long and fruitless wait.
Perhaps 'Anonymous' (the other one. There are so many to choose from) was right; just put this in a new separate section titled 'Morrissey Is A Hypocrite'.

Two posts in and you still haven't said why you object to this thread. As it stands, you sound as though you just can't bear the fact that there's a website where your favourite pop star can be criticised. Don't you think you're a bit old to feel like that? Anyway, if you feel that he's being criticised unfairly, maybe you should explain why and take part in the discussion, instead of just crying about the fact that the criticisms are being made. Grow up.
I'm starting to lose sympathy for David T, with such a petty attack on Morrissey's character.
This news item is in no way relevant and clearly point scoring. Try to keep things more proffesional.
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