Humanitarian Thread


Not Stirred
Since virtually nobody else seems inclined for once I thought I'd start a thread devoted to humans who are desperate and suffering.
Here is a short list of some good humanitarian-type organizations that have petitions, campaigns, etc.

Save Darfur

Free Tibet

East Timor Action Network

Committee in Solidarity With El Salvador

Amnesty International

I would also ask all Americans to E-mail/Fax/or Write you're congressional representatives and urge them to support HR 2567 and shut the School of the Americas down for good. Join the campaign and find out more at SOA Watch.

I expect this thread to be buried immediately. Call me a cynic...
yeah, ive never felt a real high altruism vibe from most of my fellow moz-solo posters :o with some exceptions of course nogo85
but hey, maybe thats just me :straightface:
those are good links you posted actually & i hope at least some here see them as noncontroversial causes :thumb:
and who knows if it gets just one person active then great :)
also, i have some 1st hand experience with the SOA back in 91 and its one of the things that made me decide on a career outside of the Army :barf:
that place really is scary and Obama should shut it down or for sure
it really is a place that has trained some of the worst monsters in Central and South America
its a black eye in the army to refuse to be posted there, so they have made it voluntary, basically its a good way as an aging soldier to assure some lucrative post Army job as a mercenary for scum like blackwater :cool:
I would add to that list London Coalition Against Poverty. They're a grassroots direct action group, based around housing issues. They offer solidarity and legal advice to families who are being evicted. It's easy to get caught up in international struggles, but it's important to remember that there are people who need help in your immediate community.
I would add to that list London Coalition Against Poverty. They're a grassroots direct action group, based around housing issues. They offer solidarity and legal advice to families who are being evicted. It's easy to get caught up in international struggles, but it's important to remember that there are people who need help in your immediate community.

Thats'......true. Obviously that group is out of my jurisdiction, but very good, for any Brits out there. Anybody in Boston, besides the aforementioned you can check out Rising Tide, it's mostly an environmental group dealing with local sustainability and whatnot, but they also do good work in poor neighborhoods with evictions and such.
Thats'......true. Obviously that group is out of my jurisdiction, but very good, for any Brits out there. Anybody in Boston, besides the aforementioned you can check out Rising Tide, it's mostly an environmental group dealing with local sustainability and whatnot, but they also do good work in poor neighborhoods with evictions and such.

Oh yeah, there's a Rising Tide group in London as well. It sounds like the Boston group is more general and active though. The London group...well, I don't really know what they do. Except have meetings and produce stickers...
Well I initially predicted this thread would be buried immediately, it made it all of about 13 posts, two of which by yours truly. I return to disrupt the intense debate surrounding Morrissey's favorite fragrance and the deterioration of Amy Winehouse. For "my fellow Americans", it would be just lovely if you could sign this petiton from the AFL-CIO website in support of the Employee Free Choice Act.
This bill in short will make it easier to form unions and provide better protections for workers who want to unionize. Predictably, the republican party has cast this in apocalyptic terms, they've spent the last three decades in a total war against working class americans, not that the democrats have done much better. Anyhow... It's a very good bill, please lend you're support, and if you want to do more there are all sorts of options on the website.

I'd also like to make a few more additions:
Earth First!

The Sierra Club


Save the Rainforest

Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Well I initially predicted this thread would be buried immediately, it made it all of about 13 posts, two of which by yours truly. I return to disrupt the intense debate surrounding Morrissey's favorite fragrance and the deterioration of Amy Winehouse. For "my fellow Americans", it would be just lovely if you could sign this petiton from the AFL-CIO website in support of the Employee Free Choice Act.
This bill in short will make it easier to form unions and provide better protections for workers who want to unionize. Predictably, the republican party has cast this in apocalyptic terms, they've spent the last three decades in a total war against working class americans, not that the democrats have done much better. Anyhow... It's a very good bill, please lend you're support, and if you want to do more there are all sorts of options on the website.

I'd also like to make a few more additions:
Earth First!

The Sierra Club


Save the Rainforest

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Well bless you for supporting the unions, but I must point out that it is the American people themselves who are complicit in dismantling their own protections. The thirty years war being waged against the working class is schizophrenic. My dh was a very effective union activist/shop steward for years, and if the unions fail completely it will be a suicide, given the apathy of many of their own members. Unbelievable.

Collective bargaining should be a no-brainer, and yet the right's campaign to discredit the most effective form of leverage the working class has is staggeringly successful. "Union" is a dirty word with many of the people I regularly do business with. They can do an instant run-down of every flaw in the system, but are reluctant to name any of the reforms that they depend upon every day. I actively support the unions of course, but I'm not so sure, ultimately, that you can help people who cannot or will not help themselves.

I hope things will change.
Inspired by my avatar, clearly. ;)

Also, AFL-CIO...don't like anarchists much.

I imagine not. My union, incidentally, split from them in 2005. However, sometimes you have to move past partisan politics.
Well bless you for supporting the unions, but I must point out that it is the American people themselves who are complicit in dismantling their own protections. The thirty years war being waged against the working class is schizophrenic. My dh was a very effective union activist/shop steward for years, and if the unions fail completely it will be a suicide, given the apathy of many of their own members. Unbelievable.

Collective bargaining should be a no-brainer, and yet the right's campaign to discredit the most effective form of leverage the working class has is staggeringly successful. "Union" is a dirty word with many of the people I regularly do business with. They can do an instant run-down of every flaw in the system, but are reluctant to name any of the reforms that they depend upon every day. I actively support the unions of course, but I'm not so sure, ultimately, that you can help people who cannot or will not help themselves.

I hope things will change.

It's amazing. People just take it for granted. I mean people bled and died over this stuff. The haymarket martyrs, the triangle factory fire, the Lowell massacre, just relegated to the dustbin of history. As you said the campaign by the far right to atomize the public and reduce them to apathy has been very successful, but it's more than just pundits and politicians. I think that the distorted version of history churned out in our public school system also has a great deal to do with it. However, it's all part of a broader agenda, like this violent opposition to nationalized healthcare, or social security. They must crush all opposition, but foremost they want to destroy the very idea that we have obligations to eachother, to take care of eachother, because we're human. That notion is antithetical to massive consolidation of wealth and resources among fewer and fewer hands. It's a tough road ahead, either way. Anyhow, hope the bill passes, it has Wal-Mart VERY nervous. They were essentially intimidating their employees into voting republican because theres' a chance that their employees might unionize, if they do they'll join my union.
Oh yeah, there's a Rising Tide group in London as well. It sounds like the Boston group is more general and active though. The London group...well, I don't really know what they do. Except have meetings and produce stickers...

Sort of like the groups you're affiliated with, but without the public disorder?
compasion humanitarian
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