How Kill Uncle should have been

Look at the facts:

- I have never openly admitting to liking guys.
- You are in the closet.

They just tipped back in my favor.
Oh really?

And are you forgetting I'm a female?

I take offense to that quote soley because you took it completely out of context!

And intrenet relationships DO NOT count.
Is someone talking to me? Because I certainly wasn't talking to them...
I take offense to that quote soley because you took it completely out of context!

And intrenet relationships DO NOT count.

So your willingness to perform sexual acts upon someone of the male gender does not mean you are willing to perform sexual acts upon someone of the male gender? :D

And the thing is, I would marry bikie, thus I am straight. Unless we are one of those cover-up marriages between a gay man and a lesbian woman! :eek:
So your willingness to perform sexual acts upon someone of the male gender does not mean you are willing to perform sexual acts upon someone of the male gender? :D:

Like I took that quote out of context. And I didn't say ANY male...I said Brendon Urie. And Brendon Urie is not ANY male. Period.

And the thing is, I would marry bikie, thus I am straight. Unless we are one of those cover-up marriages between a gay man and a lesbian woman! :eek: two are the latter...a cover-up internet marriage.
I wasn't aware that you spoke for me now Kui...:rolleyes:

oh but he does with the purest of 'positive intent'
so its o.k.

of course, i see why you might be so edgy about his 'merely implied' speaking for you
you might want to look into that 'viva hate'
it is oft the product of low self-esteem
which really should not be in jeopardy here since this is not real human interaction
What's the title of this thread again?
this thread is flawed from inception
since it implies a 'should'
which is always dangerous
and absurd when one considers the subject matter is an 'object'(the album Kill Uncle) of highly subjective value*
add to this the implied agreement that an altered 'object' would still be 'that object' even with different content
and really the thread should have been named'
What if 'Kill Uncle' was not 'Kill Uncle' but we still called it 'Kill Uncle' ?

*=the words 'highly subjective value' do not imply a negative value to the album, just the reality of a likely high degree of variance 'vis-a-vis' the opinion of one person to another
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