Greatest Hits Promo

All I Need Is You.

Apart from 'The More You Ignore Me...' I've bought every single release from Hand in Glove to date so I feel guilt free right now.

Your post will be deleted in the next 5 minutes I feel.
Thanks, All You Need Is Me is great!
I know the world is far bigger than just little old Morrissey-Solo download forum but isn't this going to really, really piss the man off?
i don't see why. solo frequenters will already have bought all of the tracks on this release and i'm sure numerous more will actually buy the 'greatest hits'. the only items of interest on it are the 2 new tracks and we now have them a few weeks prior to release.
I hear you, agree and and am very grateful to hear them today.
I don't know why I worry really.
Well, that's that cleared up. :)
Thanks again.
Not a bad album at all, I think, for the uninitiated.
Just the placement of Redondo Beach-live (between Sunday and Suedehead no less) was a very bad idea.

As for the .rar files, how do you get an mp3 of 1 song out of the file?

"All You Need Is Me" has a fuzz bass? Weird.

And I don't hear any remastering in any of the songs. Can someone point out a specific passage where they hear it?

I only presume you have cloth for ears, sir.

Suedehead in particular sounds much more powerfull with the synth strings pushed up a touch.
Not a bad album at all, I think, for the uninitiated.
Just the placement of Redondo Beach-live (between Sunday and Suedehead no less) was a very bad idea.

As for the .rar files, how do you get an mp3 of 1 song out of the file?

why not use the studio version of redondo beach?
no permission rights?
I was waiting for this since before the site went down!!


All You Need Is Me was worth the wait :)
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