General advice for buying tickets to UK Morrissey shows

When a gig 'sells out', such as in this case, all it means that the agency (seetickets / ticketmaster) has sold their allocation of tickets. It's rare for a promoter to assign every single block of tickets, as staggering allocation helps drives demand.

Edit: Just continue checking this site / tickets site till May.
I have little else planned :p
I agree with most of your observations however I do feel that the Manchester dates are SOLD OUT. Last time (2006) people had paid £200 for the Saturday night at the Apollo. The Sunday at the Opera house and Monday at Bridgewater I managed to get at face value off someone who visits this webiste and by booking direct with the venue at the latter. I'm gonna pass on the albert Hall this time and wait to see what other dates are announced. Birmingham will be very handy for me indeed.

It's pretty meaningless when they say something's sold out this far in advance and before the full tour is announced.
When the extent of the UK tour becomes apparent, demand will dampen for the initial dates and the 'sold out' tickets will resurface via various websites (including this one).
People may well have paid £200 for the 2006 Apollo show but that would've been within a few days of the tickets going on sale and panicking after seeing it apparently 'sell out'.
A friend and I went to that very concert at the Apollo. We got one ticket off a tout for face value and another one for free off a fan (who refused to take any cash).
Lots of people don't seem to realise that, although he means the world to them, Morrissey is a pretty minor figure in the entertainment world with a relatively modest live audience.
This is not like Led Zeppelin reforming for a one-off show at the O2!
yeah, i'm not really worrying right now. still bummed out that i couldn't get tickets for the royal albert and second apollo show, but i'm super happy with my birthday show ticket.

i'll wait until at least the middle of january before i start worrying...
"When the extent of the UK tour becomes apparent, demand will dampen for the initial dates"

You think there will be a bunch more dates added? I doubt it! A few as Janice Long said but it doesn't feel like a full tour announcement is coming.
"When the extent of the UK tour becomes apparent, demand will dampen for the initial dates"

You think there will be a bunch more dates added? I doubt it! A few as Janice Long said but it doesn't feel like a full tour announcement is coming.
i dont think the few other dated added is the whole uk tour for 2009 ..I bet tht he will do an exessive long tour in the fall and that the few UKdates in may are "only" a warm up
ans the brixton residency for christmas next year maybe?
i dont think the few other dated added is the whole uk tour for 2009 ..I bet tht he will do an exessive long tour in the fall and that the few UKdates in may are "only" a warm up
ans the brixton residency for christmas next year maybe?

Well sure, the end of next year he might do a proper tour. But in May and June, I think these 3 plus the other 3 Janice Long announced are it.
I’ve been to every single UK Morrissey tour (or one-off show) in recent years and, since 2000, have never once panicked into buying a ticket the minute they go on sale, and have also never once paid more than face value for the ticket (usually paying considerably less).
Here are some (hopefully useful) things to consider;
• In the old pre-internet days, if you didn’t get a ticket through official channels, your only choice was to negotiate with a tout; often quite an intimidating experience.
• Nowadays, there are tons of ways of getting unwanted tickets through websites like this one and other general ones like Gumtree
• People will always have tickets to get rid of nearer the time. They buy more than they need, friends can’t go at the last minute etc.
• Do not, repeat, do not buy a ticket off E-bay at an inflated price. People making a profit through E-bay are the lowest of the low! At least the ticket touts are out there in the cold, negotiating with people face-to-face, taking risks etc. E-bay touts are just cowardly, greedy, computer geeks.
• The Morrissey live fanbase is simply not very big. He can sell out medium sized venues but he cannot sell out arena tours even when he only plays three or four around the country. In London the fanbase is around 15-20,000; easily soaked up by three nights at Brixton Academy or just two at Albert Hall.
• Morrissey always adds on extra dates after announcing the initial ones. This is naughty and irritating but it’s what he does (in order to create a buzz and make sure initial dates sell out).
Hope you are right .Im gutted couldnt get on ticketmaster site ,Im in mourning ! But fingers crossed i can get hold of a ticket from somewhere ,I will pray every night until i do !!!
Hope you are right .Im gutted couldnt get on ticketmaster site ,Im in mourning ! But fingers crossed i can get hold of a ticket from somewhere ,I will pray every night until i do !!!

Or keep clicking on the refresh button. ;)
dont worry there will be good tixs avaiabable again just wait
Or keep clicking on the refresh button. ;)

and in a few days checking into a mental institution.."i know the tixs will come up again in a second! leave me here!":p
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There are 106 listings on ebay now for Morrissey tickets. When you consider that some are for multiple tickets you soon realise where a lot of the tickets have gone. An absolute f***ing disgrace. People are now bidding away paying over the odds paying the touts a huge profit for minimal work.

I know it's a capitalist economy and we don't live in communist Russia, but this really takes the michael. I thought ebay were meant to be clamping down on this sort of thing. And isn't it in the terms of sale when you buy a ticket that you can't resell it? Rant over.

People - don't buy from ebay. It's wrong!!!!!
you only have to look at the amount of ticket agencies flogging them. there's even tour operators doing them. there's a place in birkenhead offering coach and ticket from liverpool as well. oh well:)
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