Be Yourself

I recently tried to send David an email expressing my deep concern about the vile homophobic posts being made by his friend "rain man" on all parts of the site, but was unable to send it as David appears to have disabled his email account for this site.

I tried to send the mail from several different addresses, to no avail.

The fact that rain man is using an approximated version of my screen-name, "freeyourse1f", and is aiming the majority of his taunts at me directly, is purely academic as far as I'm concerned.

The real issue is that David allows these posts to be displayed quite openly on his site, a site that is visited by people from all over the world, many of whom are gay.

David has made no attempt whatsoever to dissuade rain man/fake freeyourse1f from posting his puerile filth, although we have all seen him delete and mark down to -1 ALL messages that attack him or his favourites.

I believe his decision to allow rain man to prosper is both foolish and misguided, is born out of spite, and is further evidence of his ludicrous petty vendetta against me personally.

Whatever anyone may think about how I have behaved on this site on occasion, surely David shouldn't allow a low life such as rain man to offend and upset EVERY gay person who visits this site, simply because he enjoys seeing me being abused, and actively encourages it, as we have seen, by his refusal to censure those responsible.

This repulsive character, rain man, spent over two years posting sickening filth in the guestbook, such as the post contained in an email I sent to David, which is shown below.
David did NOTHING about this until I made a nuisance of myself in order to draw his attention to the problem, and after weeks of conflict, rain man crawled away to plot his next move, which we have seen manifest itself here recently.

As he has proved recently, by blocking the passwords to my accounts, it would be a simple task for David to do the same thing to the accounts (freeyourse1f/freey0urself) created by this "person", purely for the purposes of posting hate messages.

Neither are his messages confined to abusing me, with many of them containing twisted personal attacks upon Morrissey himself.

I believe the beginning of a new year presents David with the perfect opportunity to get his house in order, as it were, by implementing a zero tolerance policy against posts containing homophobic or racist content, as well as deleting posts which make vicious attacks on Morrissey that are neither constructive nor sincere, but are simply designed to cause embarrassment to Morrissey and to offend his admirers.

If David doesn't care, or can't be bothered, to address these issues, then I believe it's time for him to shut down the message boards, and simply concentrate on providing Morrissey related news and articles, which is all the vast majority of people visit this site for anyway.

Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 01:15:33 +0100 (BST)
Subject: I See You Tseng
To: [email protected]

Your friend Rain Man posted this today.
You allow this, yet you can't delete my posts fast
Then you wonder why I hate your guts.

"Who are Homosexuals?? They are the lowest of the low
and prey on small children for sex.

What can I do if I know one?? The best thing to do is
to bash a queer. Kill them. Drive them for our streets
and burn down their houses. Only then will our
children be safe. KILL ALL BENDERS and then laugh at
their filthy rotten corpses shouting "Rot you
animal bastards that will teach you for shagging kids
you scum."

Rain Man
- Sun. Jun. 19, 2005 at 20:36:35 (GMT) (#1072)


new year resolution

this is a Morrissey site & I think that the posters here should respect Morrissey & his views & the posters who don't know what Morrissey's views are then they shouldn't be posting here anyway, there's nothing to stop people new to Morrissey asking questions in general, but what must any new fan think when they visit this site?
It wouldn't be difficult to put up a 'sticky' of what is allowed etc & it appears that you are able to delete certain posts then that is what should happen to any of the 'non Morrissey' acceptible posts, if people wish to be racist, homophobic, sexist etc then there are many other sites available to them. But this ought to be a zero tolerance zone, so David how about a new year resolution to sought this mess out?

Re:As you have done to others, so shall it frequently be done to you

> The fact that rain man is using an approximated version of my screen-name,
> "freeyourse1f", and is aiming the majority of his taunts at me
> directly, is purely academic as far as I'm concerned.

You have raised the ire of others and, it seems, they choose to retaliate.
Make peace with others instead of whining. It just might work.
fao "one who completely missed the point"

> You have raised the ire of others and, it seems, they choose to retaliate.
> Make peace with others instead of whining. It just might work.

You obviously lack the intelligence to comprehend the meaning of the sentence you have highlighted.

"The fact that rain man is using an approximated version of my screen-name,
"freeyourse1f", and is aiming the majority of his taunts at me
directly, is purely academic as far as I'm concerned."

Allow me to explain to you, and any other slow-witted imbeciles, what my point was again.

The part where I say it's "purely academic as far as I'm concerned", in relation to the homophobic abuse being aimed directly at me, means, now listen carefully, that my objection is with the homophobic abuse itself being displayed on the site, not the fact that some of it is directed at me personally.

So you see, I'm not "whining", you gormless clod, I'm simply pointing out that there should be no place on a Morrissey site for homophobia.

As I also said:

"The real issue is that David allows these posts to be displayed quite openly on his site, a site that is visited by people from all over the world, many of whom are gay."


"Whatever anyone may think about how I have behaved on this site on occasion, surely David shouldn't allow a low life such as rain man to offend and upset EVERY gay person who visits this site, simply because he enjoys seeing me being abused, and actively encourages it, as we have seen, by his refusal to censure those responsible."

Do you not agree?

Or are you really as stupid as you look.
Manchester 4 Cleveland 0 HAHAHA!! Never mind eh Oaf! LOL!!

It does not appear to be possible to get any vile or inappropriate comments removed from this board, at any stage, not just recently. The only way it will improve is if someone monitors these posts every day and removes them, which is surely the least that we all deserve. And I am not just talking about slanderous comments and suggestions here.

I'm sure it's all meant in fun.

life is too short to read your posts but I did see that part about "whatever you think of my posts" and what I think about your posts is that you have no right to complain about anything anyone posts no matter how offensive it might be.

and "the world is watching"? you have a hugely exaggerated sense of self-importance. Most people at this site aren't even aware of what you are carrying on about, let alone the world.

There is a great new interview posted elsewhere on this page and that is what people care about.

if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.
Re: Uhhh...that wasn't me.

Let's examine the evidence shall we.

1. As you can see from the link below, you made a post 6 minutes previously proving that you were active on the board around the time of the snide post.


2. The IP is identical to yours.

3. You have made, at least, two posts recently where you insulted a poster who is friendly towards me, childishly stating that he/she and I are "butt buddies".

4. You hate my guts and rarely miss an opportunity to stick the boot in when I am being attacked by third parties.

With this in mind, I think we have established that I had just cause in believing that you were probably responsible for the post in question.

If you were not, then I apologise.

All the best for Christmas and the coming year.
Re: I'm sure it's all meant in fun.

> life is too short to read your posts

I'd suggest that yours wasn't short enough.

but I did see that part about
> "whatever you think of my posts" and what I think about your
> posts is that you have no right to complain about anything anyone posts no
> matter how offensive it might be.

The whole "rights" issue is one that interests me greatly, but I certainly wouldn't waste my time debating it with someone of such limited intelligence.
Suffice to say, you either agree with me when I say that there is no place for malicious homophobic posts on this board, or you don't, but remember, I'm not the only gay person who visits this site, and although you appear happy to read abuse directed at me, what of those others who, even according to your simplistic views, are wholly innocent of any "wrongdoing"?

> and "the world is watching"? you have a hugely exaggerated sense
> of self-importance. Most people at this site aren't even aware of what you
> are carrying on about, let alone the world.

As you appear to be ignorant of a great many things, the fact that you are unaware that people from all over the world visit this site hardly surprises me.
It's not about me, you silly little person, it's about a principle, it's about taking responsibility for what is displayed on this site.
David has a choice. He can either allow the disgraceful homophobic posts to flourish, or he can delete them, as he has so readily deleted posts in the past.
It really is that simple.

> There is a great new interview posted elsewhere on this page and that is
> what people care about.

Yeah, well I had bought and read the NME before I made my post.
I could also remind you that, prior to your pitiful response to my post, fantastic news had been posted here containing details about a forthcoming single and a 30 date tour of the UK, yet that didn't stop you from giving your dismal opinion on matters that you, quite clearly, don't understand did it?

> if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

And other cliches.
Do you have anymore nuggets of wisdom my witless friend?
Such as:

Whilst in bed protect yourself from vampires and werewolves by hiding
under the covers.

Make cheap but effective baby rattles by gluing a lollipop stick to an
empty matchbox, then filling it with ten woodlice.

Foil pick pockets by placing a freshly toasted "Pop Tart" in each
pocket. Would-be thieves will quickly rupture the fragile pastry and
receive nasty finger burns from the steaming hot jam inside.

Confuse shopkeepers by buying a sheet of wrapping paper and asking
them to wrap it.

A length of plastic drainpipe with a roller skate at each end makes an
ideal "car" for snakes.

Minor skin grafts can be performed on pigs by covering any cuts and
grazes with thin strips of bacon.

Cant afford contact lenses? Simply cut out small circles of cling film
and press them into your eyes.

Stop bread from drying out by keeping it in a bucket of water.

Save money on expensive personalised car number plates by simply
changing your name to match your existing plate.

Cyclists. Next time you're out on your bike take a tin bath and about
4 or 5 gallons of water in plastic containers. In the event of a flat
tire this will help you locate any punctures you may have.

Don't waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand closer to
the object you wish to view.

Pop a few tea bags in your hot water tank and you can make a hot cuppa
anytime by just turning on the tap.
Re: You idiot! It's me!

> Let's examine the evidence shall we.

You have no evidence. You don't know me and never will.
How can you stand yourself (pun intended)?
You are the ultimate bore - just repeating your accusations and atrocious threats to davidt and other victims of your sickness.

It's time for you to get off the stage. Your performance stinks.
Go back and read my original post.
My present to you. Merry Christmas f***wit.

An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an
inexpensive vibrator.
No YOU should read this again moron, you'll see you've already been dealt with.

fao "one who completely missed the point"

Posted By: Be Yourself (range86-130.btcentralplus.com)
Date: Friday, 23 December 2005, at 9:53 p.m.

In Response To: Re:As you have done to others, so shall it frequently be done to you (One who sees the cause of your distress)

> You have raised the ire of others and, it seems, they choose to retaliate.
> Make peace with others instead of whining. It just might work.

You obviously lack the intelligence to comprehend the meaning of the sentence you have highlighted.

"The fact that rain man is using an approximated version of my screen-name,
"freeyourse1f", and is aiming the majority of his taunts at me
directly, is purely academic as far as I'm concerned."

Allow me to explain to you, and any other slow-witted imbeciles, what my point was again.

The part where I say it's "purely academic as far as I'm concerned", in relation to the homophobic abuse being aimed directly at me, means, now listen carefully, that my objection is with the homophobic abuse itself being displayed on the site, not the fact that some of it is directed at me personally.

So you see, I'm not "whining", you gormless clod, I'm simply pointing out that there should be no place on a Morrissey site for homophobia.

As I also said:

"The real issue is that David allows these posts to be displayed quite openly on his site, a site that is visited by people from all over the world, many of whom are gay."


"Whatever anyone may think about how I have behaved on this site on occasion, surely David shouldn't allow a low life such as rain man to offend and upset EVERY gay person who visits this site, simply because he enjoys seeing me being abused, and actively encourages it, as we have seen, by his refusal to censure those responsible."

Do you not agree?

Or are you really as stupid as you look.
Re: Get off the stage and peace on earth

> Do you not agree?

You are the one who bores Morrissey fans with your "wars" on this board. It is indeed time for you to leave the stage.
Re: Merry Christmas and Peace on this board

Peace of mind would be your reward if you cease this cyber-war.
Re: Sorry, but you are redundant

Sing a happier song. This one is boring.
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