
You're joking...All the Mexicans I know call themselves Mexicans. I really don't know why there are white people who feel they need to treat non-whites differently. you don't have to go extra to prove you are tolerant and sensitive. We trust you, lets not make silly social rules that make no sense. We are talking about the word 'Mexican', not 'nig--r' (i didn't spell out the word because banning on this forum is set on 'extra sensitive' these days). We call Americans Americans...Mexicans are Mexicans. Deal with it. Mexicans are proud of being from Mexico, and naive yuppies negate that when making these silly PC rules, thinking they are doing good when they are not.

Damn, chill. I just don't like people being called "Mexicans". I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic city and have usually heard "Mexican" used in a negative sense. So, no, I'm not saying that to be PC, I'm saying that because I genuinly don't like the word.

I respectfully disagree with that. People from Mexico are Mexican. It's when you call Hispanics or Latinos "Mexican" as a generic term that you are wrong. Most of the people that I've heard use the term Hispanic are white liberals (not them again) that secretly think (yes I can determine their secret thoughts) that Mexican is a bad word.

I'm over the Canada thing and think we discussed it exhaustively on previous threads, but I've worked with Mexican people and I think they are proud to be Mexican. To me, avoiding the word Mexican would be like avoiding the word Canadian. (Although maybe we should come up with a more polite way to say Canadian ;) )

I might be wrong. This is just my experience.

But I am a white liberal Dave. :p
well i just read what you have post and let me tell you that both hispanic and mexican terms are right ,saying mexican to someone who was born in mexico it`s not racist ,he call ourselves mexicans and in my case i feel really proud to be mexican ,although calling someone hispanic can be any person who speaks spanish ,that would include:peruvian,ecuadorian,argentine and of course spanish people.i don`t think mexican people can feel offended by the term,maybe some do but most people don`t ,i think we calling ourselves mexicans to make it kind of more local,to define where we are from,cos some people think we all hispanics look the same and let me tell you we are quite different;) also i belive some people who live in the usa can feel offended by it for the reasons we all it`s ok you can call me mexican,cos i`m :)and besides moz love us know it`s good to be mexican:D.
[...] he simply has beliefs and will not compromise them.
and obviously it would be ridiculous for morrissey to not come to the united states because he would be ignoring half of his fanbase. i suppose the phrase is "pick your battles." he can stand up for a cause that he believes in without committing career suicide.

does the following passage ring any bells?

"I'd hate to be like
Certain people I know


they'd sacrifice all
Of their principles for
anything cashable
I do believe it's terrible"

[...] He does not need to justify his views or actions even if profit did come into the equation.

he probably should give it a go, though.

in the worst possible way, you are right, though. he doesn't "need" to; the money keeps rolling in, either way.
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He has explained why he won't play Canada though. Or do you mean he should explain why he still plays other places? He will play anywhere that

1. will pay
2. is not being boycotted by PETA
3. he wants to

but I don't think that makes him a bad person. It just means that he has the luxury to sometimes seem unreasonable or illogical. Thank God for that.
First, thanks to those who supported the notion that "mexican" is a legitimate term of reference for one who hails from Mexico.

Second, with regards to Canada....

The seal population is a problem, and while the methodology may well be inhumane, would we be better to catch them all in nets and let them die as the world does with other marine creatures? or hop along the ice with a syringe and put them all to sleep, or oh wait, perhaps we should use that really human method used on millions of cattle every year in the US and other countries employed in slaughter houses. I suppose the point is, without even bring human rights into the equation, the seal cull is no more horrific than the culling of cattle in the UK. Both are in response to a problem.

Contrary to many of your beliefs, i actually don't like the seal hunt either, but my original point was that, most Canadians don't either. The boycott by morriseey has drawn little or no attention to the matter, will never have an impact on the government of Canada, but rather serves to alienate a part of his fan base. The Seal hunt is not a new thing either, it has occurred in every year that Morrissey has played Canada...

I think he would be wise to come to canada, play a show, travel to ottawa and actually roll his sleeves up and protest with PETA. That might actually work, it would certainly get some press both for morrissey and the issue. Imagine several thousand Morrissey fans on parliament hill in Ottawa, might actually make me think that morrissey is being more than just a little self indulgent with this whole peta thing...

I think if anyone looks at this matter objectively, they would see how pointless the boycott is...

If you really want to see yourself as an animal rights activist, go visit a slaughter house and a massive chicken barn in any US state or canadian province that you like, i think you will agree that the seal gets off easy...

Stop eating fish, leave them for the seals and the clubbing will stop, canada does not aim to be inhumane for sport....
First, thanks to those who supported the notion that "mexican" is a legitimate term of reference for one who hails from Mexico.

Second, with regards to Canada....

The seal population is a problem, and while the methodology may well be inhumane, would we be better to catch them all in nets and let them die as the world does with other marine creatures? or hop along the ice with a syringe and put them all to sleep, or oh wait, perhaps we should use that really human method used on millions of cattle every year in the US and other countries employed in slaughter houses. I suppose the point is, without even bring human rights into the equation, the seal cull is no more horrific than the culling of cattle in the UK. Both are in response to a problem.

Contrary to many of your beliefs, i actually don't like the seal hunt either, but my original point was that, most Canadians don't either. The boycott by morriseey has drawn little or no attention to the matter, will never have an impact on the government of Canada, but rather serves to alienate a part of his fan base. The Seal hunt is not a new thing either, it has occurred in every year that Morrissey has played Canada...

I think he would be wise to come to canada, play a show, travel to ottawa and actually roll his sleeves up and protest with PETA. That might actually work, it would certainly get some press both for morrissey and the issue. Imagine several thousand Morrissey fans on parliament hill in Ottawa, might actually make me think that morrissey is being more than just a little self indulgent with this whole peta thing...

I think if anyone looks at this matter objectively, they would see how pointless the boycott is...

If you really want to see yourself as an animal rights activist, go visit a slaughter house and a massive chicken barn in any US state or canadian province that you like, i think you will agree that the seal gets off easy...

Stop eating fish, leave them for the seals and the clubbing will stop, canada does not aim to be inhumane for sport....

I am surprised to say I agree with some of this. I think it would be wonderful to see Morrissey protest at Parlaiment hill. However, at the same time, he'd bring Canada tax money by playing here, and therefore, he'd be funding the seal hunt. You know what I mean? This is not a private practice, it is government controlled, therefore his point to boycott all things Canadian really does make sense. I think anything but a boycott would be very hypocritical on his part.

I agree that the slaughterhouses in the States and here are just as horrific, however, one must start one step at the time. Almost 80% of all seals are murdered for their fur. Seal pelts are sold to high end fashion houses across the world for immense amount of money, which is the reason WHY the Canadian government is supporting this. Also, Morrissey stated in this boycot letter that this is the biggest marine animal slaughter- that is why Canada is being singled out.

However, what doesn't sit well with me is that he is playing the States and talking about how awful the government is (which is it is, obviously)....however, he still brings money to US economy and some of that money, if one wants to be picky, does go to US invasion efforts. I just think he shouldn't say anything at all if he is not ready to say 'no' to the States as well (and I realize why he cannot do that...)

I think it comes down to- he doesn't want to do it, if we like his music, we'll travel, if we are angry, we won't.

I'd just like to know what Morrissey is doing to help this issue, aside from boycotting Canada. Probably monthly dontations to PETA. However, that is sometimes not enough.
I agree, however, other than by way of tax revenue, the canadian gov't makes nothing from the seal hunt and in fact they are a huge contributing factor to depleating the already fragile fish stocks.... ( of course the fish are theirs to begin with and we screwed that up) but moz cant fix that by boycotting canada...

i actually think that we will see him play here again, i suppose all of us forgetting this might assist in that matter....

perhaps a smiths reunion....
the rage will subside. i promise. i too reside in the land of beavers and mounties and was all too enfuriated when moz announced that he wasn't coming here. but time passes, and you get over it. now i am truly astounded that he has the courage to really stand up for a cause that he believes in. i admire that so much that i don't mind travelling to shows. and why are you holding our natural resources over his head? that makes no real sense at all. "ooo, look we've got the oil, come and get it morrissey."
he's not going to come here, not for oil, not for anything. and it's not because he's stubborn he simply has beliefs and will not compromise them.
and obviously it would be ridiculous for morrissey to not come to the united states because he would be ignoring half of his fanbase. i suppose the phrase is "pick your battles." he can stand up for a cause that he believes in without committing career suicide. furthermore, i would rather him not come here because after the bad press he recieved during this whole thing, radicals with pitchforks might attempt to kill him. :p

Good job of pointing out his lack of integrity... :rolleyes:
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