'Bring Back JJ' Petition

OK, I wasn’t going to join in this thread but now maybe is the time.
I’ve used a brand new name as I know JJ slightly so don’t want to offend him with my words but also don’t want to have my regular user name put on a black list either!

Personally I think JJ did get himself banned and can’t grumble too much after his warnings. Yes some of his (many) postings were banal, but I also feel his more serious postings far outweighed the ‘annoyance’ of the banal ones.

However, one point I feel in this saga that does need addressing is that of the role of Kewpie in all of this that appears to have been overlooked amongst all the ‘bring back JJ’ pleas.

I’d like to ask 4 open questions to Kewpie and hope that she has the decency to respond. So far, only DavidT and Bored have responded about the banning of JJ.
So, Kewpie:

1. JJ says you messed around with his thread titles. Is this correct?
2. JJ says you sent PM’s to members who had responded to his threads about Viva Morrissey, requesting that they should not do so again. Is this correct?
3. Oh my god it’s Robbie said you sent him a PM similarly asking him to not post further ‘Happy Birthday’ threads. Is this correct?

If they are correct, then personally I feel you should do the honourable thing and resign. I am sure many members of this forum would have no confidence in a moderator behaving in this manner. Do you feel no shame or embarrassment?

To DavidT, you said a few pages ago ‘what else could I do with a member who kept breaking the rules’ – or words to that effect.
Well, what have you done with a Mod who appears to be working alone creating some sort of vendetta against a member (is that not considered to be trolling?), who when responds to such behaviour, receives a ban?
I keep hearing that Kewpie is good at ‘doing searches for old threads etc’. I’m very pleased for her, but surely any member with the time, energy and inclination can do that. Kewpie does not have to be a Mod to do that function.

I think this is the crux of the issue here – not so much the banning of JJ, but the apparent injustice of Kewpie just keeping her head down for a week or so and then carrying on as normal as if nothing happened. How have you justified your stance on Kewpie remaining as a Mod?

Kewpie, I hope you can at least come clean and answer these questions. The allegations have been made before and met with silence…….

Mods are also users, #2 and #3 I do not classify as actions of moderation. For issue 1, Kewpie was told to stop that behavior as changing caps on threads is not appropriate as far as I know that was stopped.

JJ was also warned on his behavior (several times) but the difference is he refused to stop.
So, Kewpie:

1. JJ says you messed around with his thread titles. Is this correct?
2. JJ says you sent PM’s to members who had responded to his threads about Viva Morrissey, requesting that they should not do so again. Is this correct?
3. Oh my god it’s Robbie said you sent him a PM similarly asking him to not post further ‘Happy Birthday’ threads. Is this correct?

So,that's a yes to all three ? Why ?
I'm highlighting the fact that you lot often equate some of your gripes and bitching as bad as somthing like famine and natural disasters.

No, take a look around and realise you have nothing to moan about.

Who does that ?

This place is GREAT when there's a bit of argumentative nonsense going on.
If it didn't it would be just a rather dull pop star forum with people talking about hidden meanings in lyrics,guessing setlists ,wondering if M is gay and WHO is Julia ?
But I don't make a thread or contribute to a thread about missing the train or stubbing my toe do I? It's not important, just like it's not important when you're moaning about wanting to get banned.

You talk about wanting to get banned with so much passion and so much conviction you make it sound AS important as something which is a real problem. Stop moaning and being dramatic.

No you don't make a thread about those things but in the context of being in the railway station or wanting to walk in a straight unhobbly line of a day, those things are important.

So yes, there are children starving & people stranded in far off places but this is an internet forum & on an internet forum, it is important that people be allowed to speak freely & it's important for internet forums to have interesting people.

So on this forum & the context of this forum ONLY, if someone gets banned directly because of someone else, that's worth making a song & dance about.

I talked about getting banned once, it's not like my signature says it or anything.

Most of all though, I hate it when people won't admit they're wrong & won't concede that they've f**ked up which in this case they undoubtedly have.
No you don't make a thread about those things but in the context of being in the railway station or wanting to walk in a straight unhobbly line of a day, those things are important.

So yes, there are children starving & people stranded in far off places but this is an internet forum & on an internet forum, it is important that people be allowed to speak freely & it's important for internet forums to have interesting people.

So on this forum & the context of this forum ONLY, if someone gets banned directly because of someone else, that's worth making a song & dance about.

I talked about getting banned once, it's not like my signature says it or anything.

Most of all though, I hate it when people won't admit they're wrong & won't concede that they've f**ked up which in this case they undoubtedly have.

I don't think there's any need to make a song and dance. It's not like we're fighting for Nelson Mandela. Point said.

And who's wrong? I'm not and i've not f***ed up.
I don't think there's any need to make a song and dance. It's not like we're fighting for Nelson Mandela. Point said.

And who's wrong? I'm not and i've not f***ed up.

Did you read the first part of that sentence? The part where I said in the context of this forum ONLY, it's important. I've capitalised 'only' twice now, don't make me do it a third time.

And I'll admit I probably didn't make this clear enough, but it wasn't you that I was suggesting was wrong & had f***ed up, it's the site admins I was referring to.
No you don't make a thread about those things but in the context of being in the railway station or wanting to walk in a straight unhobbly line of a day, those things are important.

So yes, there are children starving & people stranded in far off places but this is an internet forum & on an internet forum, it is important that people be allowed to speak freely & it's important for internet forums to have interesting people.

So on this forum & the context of this forum ONLY, if someone gets banned directly because of someone else, that's worth making a song & dance about.

I talked about getting banned once, it's not like my signature says it or anything.

Most of all though, I hate it when people won't admit they're wrong & won't concede that they've f**ked up which in this case they undoubtedly have.

Oh don't be so high and mighty Mozza. You have no idea what any posters here go through on any given day. This is a f***ing escape.

And yes there were lots of back and forth PMs between JJ & Kewpie, the most recent ones where he asked her to please back off and could they leave each other alone but after the fourth time of her being an ass to him, that was it. But we're never going to see those right Kewpie? We just see your side of it as usual. Your 'edited' side. You also accused him of getting me to 'bait' you. Stupid. I do have a mind of my own, and JJ would never even ask me to do something like that. I don't like you because I have seen you act like a condescending, rude, know-it-all bitch to posters. But it's easier for you to believe that JJ has some sort of mind control over me than to take a look at yourself isn't it?

I've said this before-there's a reason why Kewpie is the most well know mod.
And JJ certainly isn't the only one who has had problems with her.

And God NO don't post anything about PAUL or his band!! It's not important
about Paul's tribute band, (even though this is a Morrissey
site) the important thing is that David T. doesn't like him.

So what's this f***ing site about?

1. JJ says you messed around with his thread titles. Is this correct?

Mods are also users, #2 and #3 I do not classify as actions of moderation. For issue 1, Kewpie was told to stop that behavior as changing caps on threads is not appropriate as far as I know that was stopped.

JJ was also warned on his behavior (several times) but the difference is he refused to stop.

she* did the same thing to one of my threads. i started a thread titled 'my favourite - and therefore the best - films of the '00s' and within a few minutes of the thread being posted the title had been changed to 'my favourite films of the '00s'. i realize that this is just an internet and we're nothing but words, but if changing the names of threads is against the rules then this suggests that kewpie also refused to stop doing certain things after being warned about her behaviour. surely she should be banned too? **

* i have absolutely no idea which of the mods changed the title of my thread. i assume that it was kewpie based on her previous actions and similar complaints against her. if it turns out it wasn't kewpie then i readily apologize for besmirching her good name.

** please don't think i'm taking an internet seriously.*** i do think it's shitty that jukebox jury can't post here (if he wants to post here) because i honestly can't see exactly what he's done wrong aside from vague accusations and also i want him to start his usual thread about the star and garter except i want him to title this thread 'star and garter may 7th 2010 AKA yesitis' birthday celebration' and then use some of his solo influence - proven by all those calling for his return - to get everyone who shows up to buy me a drink. what i'm getting at though is that i'm really not taking any of this seriously and i'm pretty sure this hasn't destroyed jj's life either. it's just shits and/or giggles.

*** my favourite silent comic actor is charlie chaplin. what about y'alls?
Oh don't be so high and mighty Mozza. You have no idea what any posters here go through on any given day. This is a f***ing escape.

And yes there were lots of back and forth PMs between JJ & Kewpie, the most recent ones where he asked her to please back off and could they leave each other alone but after the fourth time of her being an ass to him, that was it. But we're never going to see those right Kewpie? We just see your side of it as usual. Your 'edited' side. You also accused him of getting me to 'bait' you. Stupid. I do have a mind of my own, and JJ would never even ask me to do something like that. I don't like you because I have seen you act like a condescending, rude, know-it-all bitch to posters. But it's easier for you to believe that JJ has some sort of mind control over me than to take a look at yourself isn't it?

I've said this before-there's a reason why Kewpie is the most well know mod.
And JJ certainly isn't the only one who has had problems with her.

And God NO don't post anything about PAUL or his band!! It's not important
about Paul's tribute band, (even though this is a Morrissey
site) the important thing is that David T. doesn't like him.

So what's this f***ing site about?


Well said. All of it, not just the bold part.
my favourite silent comic actors......Laurel and Hardy
Mods are also users, #2 and #3 I do not classify as actions of moderation. For issue 1, Kewpie was told to stop that behavior as changing caps on threads is not appropriate as far as I know that was stopped.

JJ was also warned on his behavior (several times) but the difference is he refused to stop.

David, your loyalty to Kewpie is admirable, but I fear misplaced.
Yes sending PM's to other members is a facility for all members, of which Kewpie is also one. But come on, do you really think when Kewpie was sending those PM's to members, she was doing so 'as a regular member' and not as a mod?
Maybe you should ask Oh my god it's Robby what the content of his PM was, as he clearly felt it was a threatening PM - so much so that he wouldn't comment further 'for fear of recriminations'. What 'threats' could Kewpie carry out as a regular forum poster? (either way, aren't making threats to other members against TOS?). Kewpie (to me) was obviously using (make that abusing) her 'power' as a Mod to stop certain members from posting on threads that she personally had a problem with - threads that carried no abuse, threats or broke TOS.
If you feel that is fine and within the boundary of acceptability, then I don't think I am the only member who will disagree with that point of view.

Your final comment about JJ refusing to stop has been answered expertly by snowfallsoon.
And yes there were lots of back and forth PMs between JJ & Kewpie, the most recent ones where he asked her to please back off and could they leave each other alone but after the fourth time of her being an ass to him, that was it.

Will Kewpie ever answer any questions posed to her on this thread? Does Kewpie really think going back into hiding for a few days just wipes everything clean?
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David, your loyalty to Kewpie is admirable, but I fear misplaced.
Yes sending PM's to other members is a facility for all members, of which Kewpie is also one. But come on, do you really think when Kewpie was sending those PM's to members, she was doing so 'as a regular member' and not as a mod?
Maybe you should ask Oh my god it's Robby what the content of his PM was, as he clearly felt it was a threatening PM - so much so that he wouldn't comment further 'for fear of recriminations'. What 'threats' could Kewpie carry out as a regular forum poster? (either way, aren't making threats to other members against TOS?). Kewpie (to me) was obviously using (make that abusing) her 'power' as a Mod to stop certain members from posting on threads that she personally had a problem with - threads that carried no abuse, threats or broke TOS.
If you feel that is fine and within the boundary of acceptability, then I don't think I am the only member who will disagree with that point of view.

Your final comment about JJ refusing to stop has been answered expertly by snowfallsoon.

Will Kewpie ever answer any questions posed to her on this thread? Does Kewpie really think going back into hiding for a few days just wipes everything clean?

People are now leaving the forum. You see the nice people banned and it gets you down. It's unfair when you consider the idiots who post just to provoke are still here and seem to be untouchable.
You'd think the obvious thing to do when so many people are unhappy with how a place is moderated is to have the mod stood down and hold a vote for a new mod by the people who use the board. I know it's DavidT's site and he ultimately can do what he wants, but I think sometimes you gotta rise a bit above your own ego and put it to the people.

Like I said, I've personally had no run-ins with kewpie, but from what I have seen there have been some pretty bad moderating going on. Someone said before that the best mods are the ones you never notice. That doesn't mean ones that do nothing at all, but ones that aren't always inserting themselves.
Going thru the post I was confused about who posted the seals being clubbed pic, but just want everyone to know it was not JJ, it was Daddy Cool.

So no posting pics of seals being clubbed or Kewpie.
David, your loyalty to Kewpie is admirable, but I fear misplaced.
Yes sending PM's to other members is a facility for all members, of which Kewpie is also one. But come on, do you really think when Kewpie was sending those PM's to members, she was doing so 'as a regular member' and not as a mod?
Maybe you should ask Oh my god it's Robby what the content of his PM was, as he clearly felt it was a threatening PM - so much so that he wouldn't comment further 'for fear of recriminations'. What 'threats' could Kewpie carry out as a regular forum poster? (either way, aren't making threats to other members against TOS?). Kewpie (to me) was obviously using (make that abusing) her 'power' as a Mod to stop certain members from posting on threads that she personally had a problem with - threads that carried no abuse, threats or broke TOS.
If you feel that is fine and within the boundary of acceptability, then I don't think I am the only member who will disagree with that point of view.

Your final comment about JJ refusing to stop has been answered expertly by snowfallsoon.

Will Kewpie ever answer any questions posed to her on this thread? Does Kewpie really think going back into hiding for a few days just wipes everything clean?

Why was Tommy Gun banned?
Did he Clash with DavidT?:thumb:
jj evans pathetic we want jj back
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