Bigmouth Strikes Again

The Seeker of Good Songs

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there is any influence that Morrissey may have gotten the "Bigmouth Strikes Again" title from.

My reason for asking is this: This past weekend, on the Cartoon Network, there was a marathon of every "Flintstones" episode made shown in order. (This is how I spent most of my holiday weekend, with my children on my lap, in my over sized thinking chair.)

In one episode, I don't recall which, one of the supporting characters, says about Fred: "Bigmouth Strikes Again".

Any chance Morrissey is a fan of the Flintstones?
Never know he probebly sat their in his chair watching the exact same thing smiling to himself when the character said that hoping people wouldnt catch on that he got his song title from a childrens TV programme :D
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