Berlin - Zitadelle Spandau (July 18, 2011) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in. Beware of anonymous set list trolls!

Set List:

I Want The One I Can't Have / You're The One For Me, Fatty / You Have Killed Me / Speedway / Scandinavia / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / People Are The Same Everywhere / Action Is My Middle Name / Alma Matters / Satellite Of Love / I Know It's Over / Everyday Is Like Sunday / One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell / There Is A Light That Never Goes Out / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Meat is Murder / Irish Blood, English Heart // First Of The Gang To Die

set list provided by an anonymous person

Review links posted by sistasheila (more):
Morrissey in der Zitadelle Spandau (photos, 20 total) - BerlinOnline
Morrissey verkündet solide den Weltschmerz - Berliner Morgenpost
Ein Vegetarier beißt sich durch - Der Tagesspiegel
Morrissey spielt jetzt für die neuen Normalos - Welt Online
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David, I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of us incredibly appreciate all your work throughout the years. I am truly grateful for all the work you do, and am pretty stunned by Morrissey's actions, as much as I love his music.

Hear hear!
The Berlin-concert was very good but not perfect. It was my personal morrissey-concert number 8 and the first open-air. Think Morrissey is better inside. He played to many slow songs. I like them but to create a happy "outside-audience" you need to give a bit more power. Morrissey is not dancing that much anymore and also he forgot to throw his shirt into the crowd. And my friend Boz is getting slower. The setlist is fine but the mix is not perfect to many slow songs in a row. I´m also not happy with the new songs. "Action" is the only good one. We´ll never hear of "Scandinavia", "People" or "Kid" again. They all remind me a bit of "Mexico" played on the 2002-tour. Morrissey is, like everyone, getting older and he has to find a new way to perform. Outside, inside, fans standing, fans sitting, (...). We´ll see what the future brings. But I´m sure this tour will be another turning point. Let´s hope that he´ll find his way.

I´m not sure if someone wrote about this before but there was a star guest on this gig in Berlin: David Walliams. You may know him from "little britain". He came with his wife (?). Both dressed up like they were joining a classical concert (so in one way or the other it was the right outfit...)
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
For those of you who say I've lost my sense of humour...

I bought that blackboard myself here in Germany. I might even bring it out on to the stage one evening...
Posted by Morrissey at 06:06 3 comments My Live Tour Journal 2011

July 12th-18th

These days drifted by like confetti thrown in the blackness of night. The funereal atmosphere around myself and the lads was entirely due to the malicious hate-campaign being waged against me by my own online fans. I don't think they comprehend how painful it is to dedicate your life selflessly to your fans; and to face such contempt from those whom you have stood up for over the many years - the lonely, the lost, the disillusioned. Each man kills the thing he loves. Perhaps I should accept it as a perverse compliment? A part of my soul faded away during these days. A part of me died.

Stayed in bed for most of the 12th. Watched a DVD of 1970s 'Coronation Street' episodes I'd brought with me. Watched a bit of 'Jim Davidson's Big Break' too but broke down in tears during the pot black challenge with Ray Reardon. I was on my feet cheering as he got down for the pink. Raised a glass as he lined up the black and... same old story. Reminded me of the reviews for 'Years of Refusal' actually. Falling at the final hurdle. He missed the black; I tagged 'Ok By Myself' on the end of an otherwise classic album. Like myself, he's another who enjoyed his career peak in the Autumn of his life. A kindred spirit, a late blossomer. He's not quite Judd Trump or Ronnie O'Whitevan, of course, but he's still got it, old Ray. Don't dismiss him just because he's getting on a bit, will you? Cardinal error.

I have to say, Judd's potting at this year's world championship raised the bar in my humble opinion; pushed the game on to a new level. And that's an opinion I share with five-times world champion Steve Davis. Lovely victory over that Ding chap too. Now Ding's a funny fellow. His choice of a Lady Gaga song for his 'theme tune' was unintentionally hilarious. 'Mah p-p-poker face.' Someone ought to tell him he needs some professional PR advice, and I don't mean that in a racist sense. Morrissey's note**: Consider registering a private limited company for sports-related PR advice in 2012.

On the 13th, the lads were a bit worried about me. Boz phoned at lunchtime because I hadn't spent the entire morning scoffing at the veggie breakfast buffet. He asked if I was sick; 'no,' I replied. 'I'm sick of life though - if that counts.' Boz, Jesse, the one who sounds like stalker but isn't and that other medium-sized man came to my room, bringing with them a Swedish monopoly board. It was a lovely gesture. Of me, I mean. Letting them into the penthouse suite. They're all sharing a twin room, you know. The rhythm section are sleeping on the floor, apparently. Cheap skates. £100 a head we put down for the game. Couldn't believe it when Boz sold me the purples with hotels for 2 Kronor (the big oaf, no idea about exchange rates...) and Jesse looked away when I landed on his greens with three houses - twice. So distractable, that lad. Honestly, they have no idea. No business sense. Oh I had won before I had begun. Victory lifted one's bruised spirit - and made me £400 sterling into the bargain. It won't pay for my retirement, of course, but it will buy me a new mobile phone with bigger buttons and a better quality camera. Practicing one's facial expressions and poses in the mornings is so difficult with such a poor quality camera. And mirrors can be so misleading... Morrissey's note**: consider for b-side song title.

Had a quickie of monopoly on the Apple prior to the Aarhus gig. Went up to 'intermediate' level following my earlier crushing victory in real life Monopoly. Lost to the Hat, which of course was controlled by Joyce. B*****d. Twenty-eight glorious victories in a row, only to bollo**s it all up by moving up a level before I was quite ready. The defeat almost triggered a bout of clinical despair, actually. Naturally I wiped Joyce from my Apple and replaced him with Petridis in the AI profiles section. The principal irony being that neither of them have any intelligence whatsoever, yet are considered forms of 'Artificial Intelligence' by this plodding computer. Shows what computers know. Considered wiping my hard drive in disgust. Now I might not enjoy beating Petridis quite so much - but neither would hypothetical defeat to him be so utterly soul-crushing. At least I haven't lost to Vic Reeves yet. Felt a bit better as the chauffeur arrived to ferry me to the venue, safe in the knowledge that the northern parasite is out of my Monopoly life for the foreseeable future.

Spent the morning of the 14th updating the so-low chapter of the biog. The section on cyber bullying and online harassment is powerful stuff. Enough to melt the coldest of hearts. Speaking of which, does that man have a heart? Had a drink or three. Played a bit of Football Manager 2011. Added Joey Barton to my Manchester United squad. That will stiffen up the old midfield. None of this namby-pamby foreign nonsense. Barton, Smiffy and Carrick. Can't beat a bit of British beef, so to speak. Also transferred that Park Jung Si prick out to some obscure Spanish team (reminds me of you-know-who) and placed a bid for Cristiano Ronaldo as his replacement. I'd like to see Ronaldo spraying those balls into Javier Hernandez. Always a pleasure to watch a big man who can dribble playing in the hole behind a mobile young player, feeding it into him with real delicacy of touch. Lost to Benfica in the ECL quarter finals. Real Madrid rejected my £30 million bid for Ronaldo too. Bollo**s. Still, the future looks promising. British steel and continental silk. It's Hughes-Cantona all over again. And Barton's the new Roy Keen. I hope the fans take to him, despite the City connection. I expect he'll appear in the 'icons' section before the curtain comes down, along with Smiffy, whom I brought back from obscurity at the Magpies.
nice weather...kind audience...Moz in good shape...good mixture of songs...missed 1-2 songs...but ok...sound was poor in front...anyway...good gig
Why don’t you people go eat the soil and vomit it out and then eat it again.
Pathetic bunch of losers. It is, We are Morrissey, not Davidt.
We are Morrissey. And we always will be. He’ll always be a part of me. Morrissey is me, and you can never be us.
By the way Morrissey despises you and hates your guts and so do I because I am him.

I am Heathcliff.
I am a collie and I am tied to the door of this site and I want to shed my fleas onto you all and lift my leg as this site is like a fire hydrant to me as I am a satanic collie.
You are all place mats at a table with forks and spoons and knives that should be lifted from the table and plunged into your crumbling heart and put into your places because you have made mockeries and disgraces out of angel Morrissey’s name. he has powers and he is a visionary and he is going to put you out of your misery and Karma is going to bite you all as we are happy to watch you in your graves as the sand falls over you all. I have a migraine and you people give me a pain and no wonder Morrissey thinks you are all psychotic and insane.
OK anyway

I want to blow my nose into your face and roll you into an open manhole.
Morrissey is God, he is Jesus and God and Santa Claus all rolled into one.

I need to have an exorcism performed on myself as Satan has taken over my soul and he makes me wag my tail up and down and in circles and I stand in the all waiting for my ex gf to spy on her as she screams in the night and I ignore her getting enjoyment out of her torment and I am Satan and I am evil and I live to do things that are mischievous and illegal. My ex gf says I should be tied up like a beagle to the doorknob as I like to listen to her cry and sob and her migraines throb and needs help I tell her to get lost.

I want to plant vegetables in your scalp and paint your face green and black and your buttocks red, white and blue and then stick a flag pole up your anus.

Morrissey knows the truth, he knows all. He is the one. He knows when you’ve been good or bad and he knows that you tried to eat Rudolph and he hates you

You need to wash your hair in menstrual blood and be infested by bed bugs.

Raindrops keep falling on my head and I want to be fed, but to this door I’ve been led, and I want to go to bed, but I am a collie and should be dead, that’s what my ex gf said. I live to torment and torture her and I want to watch her turn into a drug addict or a sorcerer. Morrissey is hanging on her wall and I peek thru the door in the hall.

Morrissey deserves better than this site. He deserves to have a church built for him and all of you need to donate your 5 pennies, your 3 bittons and your butterfly collection to the collection plate

Why is a six an upside down nine? And why does everyone not think there are three nines branded on my buttock instead?

You all need to wash your faces with poison ivy and then kneel down and ask for forgiveness from God Morrissey who will show mercy on you all by killing you.

I am a collie and I want to go night.
THAT'S why THIS web site should be close, so MORRISSEY is right
you can't set up a fan web site and let people say shit to Morrissey
one thing is to do criticism in a criticism in a constructive way another thing is just let people insulting for free
if you would cleaned all this shit, Morrissey solo would be a good site
otherwise, sorry, Morrissy is right f*** Morrissey solo
Lorenzo from Milan

Get off the stage!

You silly old man
In your misguided cowardice
With your Julia-R and your security brutes
And you think you can arouse us?
THAT'S why THIS web site should be close, so MORRISSEY is right
you can't set up a fan web site and let people say shit to Morrissey
one thing is to do criticism in a criticism in a constructive way another thing is just let people insulting for free
if you would cleaned all this shit, Morrissey solo would be a good site
otherwise, sorry, Morrissy is right f*** Morrissey solo
Lorenzo from Milan

Keep the site, but close the forum
reviews and a few pics
first some from flickr
one of the most beautiful pics from this tour:
have a look!
close profile



from tagespiegel

a good review and also has some good pics

more pics


the title of the newspaper is misleading is actually a left wing paper^
this newspaper doesnt show the article but surely has some pics in it at the review so whoever has the 2 reviews please scan it or make a cell phone pic of it.

more reviews
pics the same as berlininline prob?

there were a lot of flower throwing going on on that gig..
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How can you say such things about Morrissey?

Listen to 'There is a Light,' 'I Know It's Over' and 'First of the Gang to Die' and thank God he was brought into this peculiar world.

reviews and a few pics
first some from flickr
one of the most beautiful pics from this tour:
have a look!
close profile



from tagespiegel

a good review and also has some good pics

more pics


the title of the newspaper is misleading is actually a left wing paper^
this newspaper doesnt show the article but surely has some pics in it at the review so whoever has the 2 reviews please scan it or make a cell phone pic of it.

more reviews
pics the same as berlininline prob?

there were a lot of flower throwing going on on that gig..

nachos grassiass
How can you say such things about Morrissey?

Listen to 'There is a Light,' 'I Know It's Over' and 'First of the Gang to Die' and thank God he was brought into this peculiar world.


If Morrissey decided to top himself, I'd be okay with it. It's about time really.
For some strange reason his hurted finger makes me go aww.. He's adorable :3

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