Back to the old house...


New Member
Just asked my mother did she know where all my old Smiths stuff was - posters, scrpabooks etc, she said that they may still be in my old bedroom!

Back in the 80s I would buy every mag and paper I could afford if it mentioned The Smiths, would be cool if it all still existed.

I could be a total saddo and bring it along to the S&G! ;)
Why did you ever leave it behind to begin with?

Just curious...
Why did you ever leave it behind to begin with?

Just curious...

I've moved around a lot over the years. Firstly I didn't want to risk losing it, then I just seemed to forget about it. I knew/hoped it was safe where it was.

If it's all there, it will be a suitcase full of stuff.
hope it turns up for you. And, we'll all be depending on hearing any interesting nuggets fromm the past that you may find!!
Screw the S & G, man, get that stuff on eBay!

Burn him, burn him! ;)

It would be stuff from NME, Sounds, Melody Maker, Smash Hits, that sort of thing. If it is all there, there would be originals of 'Smiths Indeed' as well.
It would be stuff from NME, Sounds, Melody Maker, Smash Hits, that sort of thing. If it is all there, there would be originals of 'Smiths Indeed' as well.

Right, right. Just old stuff, sitting around. Flotsam and jetsam. After a few minutes of nostalgia, you'll get bored. Then you'll have to find something to do with it, get it out of the way. *cough* eBay *cough*
Right, right. Just old stuff, sitting around. Flotsam and jetsam. After a few minutes of nostalgia, you'll get bored. Then you'll have to find something to do with it, get it out of the way. *cough* eBay *cough*

Or if I wanted rid of it all dead quick, I could just give it all to you?
Let's face it - it's a pile of old tat, best tell my mother to to put it all in the recycling bin.

I'd hate to burden your mother with that extra work. You can always send it here, I can find some way to dispose of it. If your conscience is bothering you, I can promise that I do recycle.
I'd hate to burden your mother with that extra work. You can always send it here, I can find some way to dispose of it. If your conscience is bothering you, I can promise that I do recycle.

It's OK, she decided to use the paper to make a papier mache model of Jessica Simpson.
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