Article: "Morrissey Fansite Founder Responds to Alleged Threats" - Yahoo Music; Statement and TMZ Li

Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Ha well done for jumping blindly to the defense of one of the most pampered over-privileged and protected people alive. It was a murky and awful tale tale wasn't it. Lets face it the woman would be alive if Kate had gone elsewhere. Was there pressure for Clarence house? I imagine they were not at all happy about the leak. Do the family have a history of wielding their power ruthlessly?.... Oh wait yes they do..but lets not mention it because the DJ's can go hang....

Do you think Kate Middleton employs someone to put salt on her chips too?
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Wait...what sick bastard wished death on Morrissey's mother?

I think it was Skylarker. I also think it was in poor taste, the darker side of free speech which Morrissey himself partakes in. He can't expect a forum to coddle his image when the tone he sets himself is so very outspoken and brazen, often leaving someone with hurt feelings. That is my opinion.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

"Bring me the head of Elton John, which is one instance in which meat would not be murder, if it were served on a plate."

I suppose the best person to ask would be Elton John. If he found it funny, then fine, if he did not you could just claim he didn't have a sense of humour.

Re: DavidT speaks about threat


Utoya too? Chinese subspecies? Support for Argentina's claim on the Falklands on stage in BA? Come on, let's all share these hilarious Morrissey bon mots, as you are privy to his innermost thoughts.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I think it was Skylarker. I also think it was in poor taste, the darker side of free speech which Morrissey himself partakes in. He can't expect a forum to coddle his image when the tone he sets himself is so very outspoken and brazen, often leaving someone with hurt feelings. That is my opinion.

Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Utoya too? Chinese subspecies? Support for Argentina's claim on the Falklands on stage in BA? Come on, let's all share these hilarious Morrissey bon mots, as you are privy to his innermost thoughts.

Do i really need to

quick version sigh....
Utoya - see here for a detailed explanation.
Chinese subspecies As you well know this is about context and the quote is always purposefully taken out of context- he said "you can't help but feel (after watching dogs being skinned alive) that the Chinese are a subspecies (meaning they are inhumane for not preventing and for allowing such cruelty).
Falklands Not sure how you could think the Falklands (Malvinas) belongs to the British? Have you seen a map?
Need I go on........
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

I think it was Skylarker. I also think it was in poor taste, the darker side of free speech which Morrissey himself partakes in. He can't expect a forum to coddle his image when the tone he sets himself is so very outspoken and brazen, often leaving someone with hurt feelings. That is my opinion.

He sets the tone for you does he? Or do you set it yourself?
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

The point is you can't have it both ways you can't say "the tone he sets himself is so very outspoken and brazen, often leaving someone with hurt feelings." and then when you yourself hurt someones feeling use Morrissey's "tone" as justification for the hurt. If you think hurting peoples feelings is wrong, just don't do it. If you think its okay don't criticize Morrissey when he does it.

You can criticize something AND use it as justification or use it as justification AND then criticize it. Set your own tone. Grow up.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Chinese subspecies As you well know this is about context and the quote is always purposefully taken out of context- he said "you can't help but feel (after watching dogs being skinned alive) that the Chinese are a subspecies (meaning they are inhumane for not preventing and for allowing such cruelty).
the funny thing is that the Chinese, at least the ones here on the mainland, took no perceptible notice that Moz said anything at all about them :cool:
I've talked to a number of them about it, mainly people that, for here, could be considered "worldy" or "Anglophiles" or "intellectuals" or "Chinese Britpoppers" or "simply know a lot of Westerners"
yet not one of them even heard about him saying the whole subspecies thing, not because it was hushed up, but because the Chinese simply don't care
they don't even listen to their own vocal groups about "animal cruelty" and I was far more likely to hear someone rattle off government propaganda labeling Chinese based groups advocating some kind "vegan diet" as being highly subversive as I was people that would be for them
however, property owners rights are becoming ever more important here so

for the first time in history, the Yulin city officials did not formally endorse the city's annul dog meat eating festival :eek:
this after activists groups staged protests and got the word out that:
the event is a public health risk because the dogs undergo no quarantine to ensure they are free of disease
that they are mainly strays grabbed off streets around the country*, but many are stolen from China's growing population of pet(dog owners)
& that the dogs are often poisoned with toxic chemicals that could be harmful to humans

-Its the pet owners that have the real sway, they already got the Zhejiang provinces ancient festival of a similar nature cancelled for good 3 years ago and I expect they will do the same with this one in the next few years. This is what will slowly bring change to the treatment of animals in this country, not the cultural imperialistic rants of some Western singer :rolleyes:

*=meat vendors frequently lie and say the dogs come from "dog farms" many searches for such farms and exposes and how the dogs are really round up have appeared in countless "news" shows or articles
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

The point is you can't have it both ways you can't say "the tone he sets himself is so very outspoken and brazen, often leaving someone with hurt feelings." and then when you yourself hurt someones feeling use Morrissey's "tone" as justification for the hurt. If you think hurting peoples feelings is wrong, just don't do it. If you think its okay don't criticize Morrissey when he does it.

You can criticize something AND use it as justification or use it as justification AND then criticize it. Set your own tone. Grow up.

Morrissey's complaint about this site is that it is so LOW. Morrissey's criticism is that this place is hateful. That the moderators don't take care to insure only positive, uplifting comments and stories are posted. Yet Morrissey has free reign to rip the royalty a new asshole? What part of WE HATE WILLIAM AND KATE is promoting the love and empathy he lacks? And should someone not support his ideas they are not a "true fan?" NEVERMIND the very concept of allegiance and unquestioning loyalty is the backbone of what he detests in the royals? Do you see what I'm saying?
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Morrissey's complaint about this site is that it is so LOW. Morrissey's criticism is that this place is hateful. That the moderators don't take care to insure only positive, uplifting comments and stories are posted. Yet Morrissey has free reign to rip the royalty a new asshole? What part of WE HATE WILLIAM AND KATE is promoting the love and empathy he lacks? And should someone not support his ideas they are not a "true fan?" NEVERMIND the very concept of allegiance and unquestioning loyalty is the backbone of what he detests in the royals? Do you see what I'm saying?

Having said this, I have empathy for Morrissey that more objective thinkers may not. I am under the impression he's been exposed to poorly conceived ideas that he is mirroring in his own thoughts. For years I was brainwashed and just parroted the ideas of another in my circle for the cocaine that was a 2 second empty nod of approval that made me feel I was on the right path when I wasn't. There are probably seven to eight layers of politics in every TTY statement. Something to keep the family happy. Something to keep the band happy. Something to keep the label happy. Something to make him feel like his pain is heard. Add it all up and it becomes a mess of conflicting ideas. He'd NEVER order David hurt or killed, yet the jab that he isn't worth his thought? That's politics. So I feel pain in my heart for how COMPLICATED Morrissey's every utterance is, that he hardly is allowed to be himself and he dips into a mask of being an outlandish attacker. But the pain of having his feelings hurt by comments on solo is still real. I want to hold that mess of ideas and emotion and stupidity and intelligence and soothe him. I could be wrong of course. I don't know him.
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Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Ok Barley, but don't you think comparing someone with a foul mouth to a paedophile like Savile is a tad far-fetched? P compared you to a journalist - it reminds me when a tabloid accused Morrissey of penning "a child sex song" with Suffer Little Children. It is a crass implication.

And honestly who took his ludicrous comments on Kate Middleton seriously, did you really? And I'm going to assume you don't want to see him dead just like he doesn't want to see Elton John dead.

Regarding the threat, although Morrissey is notorious for holding a grudge or two and hating Solo (so much so that he couldn't even bring himself to write a decent statement), I can't imagine him doing what he is accused of as I can't see him risking to do anything that may put him in prison. What if the bodyguard had given David a beating and there had been a witness or a camera or other? Or what if it had turned all wrong and ended up much badly than expected? You can't predict these things (or maybe I watch too many thrillers). He may have voiced the desire to do it ("I hate this David, I'd love to give him a lesson") but I really doubt he ever planned to actually do it.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Having said this, I have empathy for Morrissey that more objective thinkers may not. I am under the impression he's been exposed to poorly conceived ideas that he is mirroring in his own thoughts. For years I was brainwashed and just parroted the ideas of another in my circle for the cocaine that was a 2 second empty nod of approval that made me feel I was on the right path when I wasn't. There are probably seven to eight layers of politics in every TTY statement. Something to keep the family happy. Something to keep the band happy. Something to keep the label happy. Something to make him feel like his pain is heard. Add it all up and it becomes a mess of conflicting ideas. He'd NEVER order David hurt or killed, yet the jab that he isn't worth his thought? That's politics. So I feel pain in my heart for how COMPLICATED Morrissey's every utterance is, that he hardly is allowed to be himself and he dips into a mask of being an outlandish attacker. But the pain of having his feelings hurt by comments on solo is still real. I want to hold that mess of ideas and emotion and stupidity and intelligence and soothe him. I could be wrong of course. I don't know him.

That was beautifully put, CG. I've always viewed some (certainly not all) of Morrissey's harsher statements in the context of who he is feeling empathy/sympathy for that motivates him to attack someone. More often than not there's an underlying, unspoken defense of someone (be it animals, bandmates or even the general voiceless public). He's a complex, emotional guy that's given more of himself than any of us here ever will.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

That was beautifully put, CG. I've always viewed some (certainly not all) of Morrissey's harsher statements in the context of who he is feeling empathy/sympathy for that motivates him to attack someone. More often than not there's an underlying, unspoken defense of someone (be it animals, bandmates or even the general voiceless public). He's a complex, emotional guy that's given more of himself than any of us here ever will.

Agreed—with both of you. Thank you.
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

That was beautifully put, CG. I've always viewed some (certainly not all) of Morrissey's harsher statements in the context of who he is feeling empathy/sympathy for that motivates him to attack someone. More often than not there's an underlying, unspoken defense of someone (be it animals, bandmates or even the general voiceless public). He's a complex, emotional guy that's given more of himself than any of us here ever will.

And (I suspect) he talks to ghosts. That in itself is exhausting, but keeping the real people in life happy on top of that can't be easy while maintaining some semblance of a public image that schizophrenically teeters between tommy-gun wielding mob boss to delicate yet stern, lovelorn wisp of a lady clawing to get out of a man's body. Nothing is easy for him. The brutes here often have it all figured out, how his campaigns should be run, what interviews he should do, whose shirt he should wear. What they don't get is that a car moving as fast as Morrissey's shifts gears SO FAST to pin him down and have him be consistently one person or another like this artist or that artist or so-and-so is IMPOSSIBLE. He's not like us. And it's not that he's a diva, he's not entirely human. But he's trying to be.
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Re: DavidT speaks about threat

Do you think Kate Middleton employs someone to put salt on her chips too?

In all fairness I think he has do more than just put 'salt' on Morrissey's 'chips.' :thumb:
Re: DavidT speaks about threat

And (I suspect) he talks to ghosts. That in itself is exhausting, but keeping the real people in life happy on top of that can't be easy while maintaining some semblance of a public image that schizophrenically teeters between tommy-gun wielding mob boss to delicate yet stern, lovelorn wisp of a lady clawing to get out of a man's body. Nothing is easy for him. The brutes here often have it all figured out, how his campaigns should be run, what interviews he should do, whose shirt he should wear. What they don't get is that a car moving as fast as Morrissey's shifts gears SO FAST to pin him down and have him be consistently one person or another like this artist or that artist or so-and-so is IMPOSSIBLE. He's not like us. And it's not that he's a diva, he's not entirely human. But he's trying to be.

Once again, spot on. He's not like us, but everyone seems to want to put him in the context of us.

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