Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey

MORRISSEY, THANK YOU - Anne Marie Waters Official Website
April 2018 / 19

Dear Morrissey,

Thank you for your recent kind words about For Britain; you are obviously a person with the courage to tell it like it is. In fact, I suspect you and I have a few things in common. I’ve always believed in stating plain facts, and that’s what will bring success For Britain.

We will talk to the back-bone of this country – the working majority. Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids, and stays within the law. Their opinions mean nothing to a political elite that sees the world as its chess board. Human life is a game they play in Westminster. They have no right, and we will take back the power that rightly belongs to us.

Like you, I feel a strong compassion for animals, and our policies on animal welfare are very close to my heart. I have two dogs next to me as I write this, and I know how wonderful and clever and affectionate and loving they are. Humanity’s treatment of animals is one of its darkest aspects, and I believe we must change this, for our own sake, as well as for animals.

Change is coming, and a lot of people won’t like it, including the established press. I see that they are doing to you what they do to me. ‘Journalists’ have decided to portray us as though we’re unhinged, when actually it is they who are simply not intelligent enough to understand the arguments we’re making. They therefore resort to name-calling to disguise this. As you said, they never print what we say, and like you, I wonder why they bother asking me questions at all.

Thank you for this boost to For Britain. You are one of the only remaining British icons who hasn’t sold out to the thought police.

Thanks again, you’ll always be welcome on board.

Anne Marie


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Unless there is a mighty about-turn from him, and a complete rebuttal of any association with For Britain, I doubt there is a label on the planet who would release anything by him now.

Perhaps that was the plan - retirement.

He's got all your money, he knows it's over, he doesn't care and is reverting to type. I think he's happy in his Nazi cocoon.
hahaha , hahahha,.
Thats about Morrissey's lot, fat as f*** pub drinkers . London is an international city , of course there are different languages .
What a fat tosser, eric is prick as well .

Was - he died a couple of weeks ago!
Interesting to see how many brain washed racists have appeared on the site over the last few weeks, not including Vegan whatever as he would f*** a dog if Morrissey asked him to. Maybe you should take a look at the links below which highlight what Muslims in the UK think about terrorism.
I'm sure they will grow... and thank the Tories gracefully :lbf:

Oh for a proper Tory party rather than the current imposters.

You are really a torie propagandist. Workers and poor people don't go voting like priviledged people, the tories won 3 times in a row with her but this doesn't mean that the vast majority of workers and employees supported Thatcher ' for people who earn well their life

“Workers and poor people don’t vote”? Jesus. How patronising. Who on earth do you think put Thatcher into Number 10?

Politics clearly isn’t your strong point. Here, have a Haribo.

Is it Anne Marie Waters or Walters?

I found her sleeves too distracting. Also, she fails the reasonably normal test. In fact, she’s really quite odd. AMW won’t be forcing the vote counters to take off their shoes and socks any time soon, and as her most famous supporter doesn’t vote I predict a limited future for her party. Her beliefs, however, are another thing.
The folk still defending Morrissey can be placed in two camps:

1) They are rabid right-wingers, they love his stance, and...yeah...racism.
2) They cannot separate themselves from their own internal dialogue which has married them to the story for so long - the divorce would be a gross act of self-denial which would be too painful.

In the case of (1) - you're welcome to your Nazi overlord.
In the case of (2) - lots of people have already made the break - have courage, and step away.
God Bless Anne Marie & God Bless Morrissey.......... Two brave and truthful people , who are not afraid to say the truth.
This new website is going really well. It's like watching a Facebook friend having an online breakdown.
After a while you think it is probably better to unfollow them.
for britain
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