Alain Whyte's favourite songs he wrote with Moz

I'm surprised at Ambitious Outsiders, which I don't hate, but top 4?? The udders are primo.
Oh Pigsty is one of Moz's best. That song is a damn masterpiece.
I have to hand it to Alain, he is always very courteous on his facebook and replies to the fans.
Interesting selection...

"My favorite songs I've written and most proud of are these.The Edges Are No Longer Parallel, Ganglord, Life's A Pigsty and Ambitious Outsiders. I'm proud of all of them but these are top 4."

From this thread on Facebook...

Thanks for the link, UncleSkinny. Interesting how his top favorite co-writes are all from his later Morrissey-period. I'm surprised nothing from Your Arsenal or Vauxhall made his list. And wasn't Southpaw Grammar his favorite Morrissey album for a while? Unless I'm terribly mistaken, of course! Guess he really did feel that he and Moz progressed quite nicely down the road together.

Also, one last thing...Alain didn't even play on Ganglord. He did write it but it was Jesse and Boz on guitars with that one. I believe that was the start of the post Alain-playing compositions, lasting until World Peace is None of Your Business.
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Thanks for the link, UncleSkinny. Interesting how his top favorite co-writes are all from his later Morrissey-period. I'm surprised nothing from Your Arsenal or Vauxhall made his list. And wasn't Southpaw Grammar his favorite Morrissey album for a while? Unless I'm terribly mistaken, of course! Guess he really did feel that he and Moz progressed quite nicely down the road together.

Also, one last thing...Alain didn't even play on Ganglord. He did write it but it was Jesse and Boz on guitars with that one. I believe that was the start of the post Alain-playing compositions, lasting until World Peace is None of Your Business.

He didn't play on "Ganglord," but the band copied his demo very closely, including the main riff. Another poster added a link to it. Alain later concurred with someone that "Seasick Yet Still Docked" should be added.

He has since added an anecdote about meeting Bob Marley at a Westbourne bus stop in 1977.
Alain is suddenly opening up a bit on Facebook - a few other interesting snippets for those who might have missed them:

"Mark Nevin wrote great tracks and he gets a bad rap. He dropped out otherwise he would have been in the band in Boz's shoes. He wrote my favourite song Our Frank and Sing Your Life"
"Marks radio noise backing track was still in there and he did come down to the studio for that song when we were recording the Arsenal album"
"I think Kill Uncle was ahead of time as that soft approach would favor better now."
Interesting selection...

"My favorite songs I've written and most proud of are these.The Edges Are No Longer Parallel, Ganglord, Life's A Pigsty and Ambitious Outsiders. I'm proud of all of them but these are top 4."

From this thread on Facebook...
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Slight dig at Boz? Alain's cryptic comment to Moz before his own departure was most likely in reference to B, no?

First three choices are sterling (plus addition of Seasick… Absolutely). Never would've guessed Ambitious Outsiders. Trouble Loves Me towers over it, among countless other tracks.
But it could also be about the experience of recording it, his mindset when he wrote it, something Morrissey said about it.

Morrissey recently said how much he enjoyed writing with Alain and now Alain is talking. Who knows?

Alain is suddenly opening up a bit on Facebook - a few other interesting snippets for those who might have missed them:

"Mark Nevin wrote great tracks and he gets a bad rap. He dropped out otherwise he would have been in the band in Boz's shoes. He wrote my favourite song Our Frank and Sing Your Life"
"Marks radio noise backing track was still in there and he did come down to the studio for that song when we were recording the Arsenal album"
"I think Kill Uncle was ahead of time as that soft approach would favor better now."
I assume the 'cryptic remark' is when Alain pulled Moz aside and said 'I know who is planning your downfall. It is not me'...
Morrissey recently said how much he enjoyed writing with Alain and now Alain is talking. Who knows?

While that would be nice, I think that's pretty unlikely. I suspect it's down more to time having healed some wounds and looking back with some creator's pride at his accomplishments. For a long time, he was shtum about anything Morrissey-related. Ditto Gary Day and Spencer Cobrin on their profiles.

Personally, I find it obnoxious that people continue to pepper his profile with pictures of Morrissey and occasionally praise of Boz and/or Jesse. I'm sure it's all well-meaning and blissfully ignorant, but I can't imagine that Alain's so above it all as to not feel somewhat jaundiced by such posts. What is he supposed to say? "Good point - that guy who replaced me is doing a great job." I guess I would question how these people would feel if they were in his shoes and their replacement got praise on their profile.

Of course, there is "no replacing anyone" or whatever Morrissey said before he replaced him permanently, whatever the party line is now.
These discussions lead nowhere. When I think about how many people I knew in my life who have come and gone in the last 20 years and what they would say about me now ... I don't even like to think about it. That's life! However I find it quite fascinating that most people get so tied up over the question of Moz's relationship to everyone else but almost never think about how difficult it could also be for Moz if there were tension between band members or if you have to chose between demos given to you and therefore probably snub someone in the process. I wouldn't want to be in that position.
Morrissey's childish disdain for Alain was the one thing that dissapointed me the most in autobiography as it was a top class partnership.
Morrissey's childish disdain for Alain was the one thing that dissapointed me the most in autobiography as it was a top class partnership.

What drugs are you on? I never read anything which led me to believe there is a feeling of disdain on Moz's part. Quite the contrary, actually. Not everything in life is plain to see. You have to read between the lines. I just say "as if it could have happened with anybody." i.e. it was something special.
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