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  1. M

    Contacting Jo Slee?

    Contact the publishers of Peepholism, they may be able to help you deliver a message.
  2. M

    New Era for Morrissey

    I'd love to see that. I'd like to see a vintage tee with "Morrissey - hip guy" on it.
  3. M

    London Natives - Help me with Moz References

    "Where taxi drivers never stop talking Under slate grey Victorian sky"
  4. M

    Morrissey and the quiff

    Wasn't Frankie Howard in that? ...
  5. M

    It is a shame Morrissey didn't mention anything about Jerry

    He probably wants public crying, banging of the coffin, and anguished cries of 'why?' The audience demands it.
  6. M

    So how come Morrissey hasn't got a Mancunian accent?

    I hear hints of a Mancunian accent, it's just much softer than the abrasive Gallaghers. There are many variations of an accent, even in a small locale as Manchester, where North / South / East and West divisions will differ. Also, he was from a different age, raised in the 70's, where the tone...
  7. M

    'Sorrow' Appreciation Thread

    Funny you should post this, as I was about to do the same. I really like the music in Sorrow.
  8. M

    Did you ever use Morrissey lyrics in or as a love letter?

    Re: Did you ever use Morrissey lyrics in or as a love-letter? I once re-ordered the content of "Sorrow will come in the end" to form a love letter. Why hasn't she called?
  9. M

    ‘Paris’ first single from New Album?

    I am absolutely delighted that Paris will be the next single.
  10. M

    Girlfriend in a Coma meaning?

    I think it was some girl in the states that made headline news for being in a coma, and Morrissey was present in the USA when it was happening, pre-Smith days, when he was in his late teens / early twenties visiting a relative.
  11. M

    Girlfriend in a Coma meaning?

    It's a funny song, but to be honest, I always thought it was slightly over-exaggerated in terms of comic value and used far too often in the "Morrissey lyrics are humourous and not just depressing" argument. I've always read it as faked concern / sympathy / mourning, as Jones mentioned...
  12. M

    Moz scat on 'Drive-in-Saturday' ?

    Re: Moz scat on 'Drive-in Saturday' ? I think we are all guilty of missing out on an obvious one, with a few space bar alterations. "Handing Love"
  13. M

    Moz scat on 'Drive-in-Saturday' ?

    Re: Moz scat on 'Drive-in Saturday' ? He covered that in his Smith days with "This night has opened my Thighs".
  14. M

    Moz scat on 'Drive-in-Saturday' ?

    Re: Moz scat on 'Drive-in Saturday' ? First, he bares his arse an'all, then scats, whatever next? ...
  15. M

    "Meat is boss!!"

    I thank you. And one for the veggies arsenal.
  16. M

    "Meat is boss!!"

    This is a bit of a non event in my eyes. Some kid from a band complaining about lack of meat in the free refreshments. Whilst others in this world starve. Being a working class kid, which he sounds, he should know better. Would you complain if you went to a free buffet and there was no...
  17. M

    Oscar Wilde photo - Smiths is Dead Tshirt

    Re: Oscar Wilde Photo - Smiths is Dead t-shirt Where can i buy this tee shirt?
  18. M

    Pigsty / Happy Birthday

    I liked the Auld Lang Syne at the end of Pigsty. I thought it had a lovely chilling element to it, and such a poetic way to finish a beautiful song. You could imagine dying to it, the end of the year, the end of time, as others ring in the new year, the start of new life whilst yours is about to...
  19. M

    The Time Moz Held Your Hand

    Never have, never will.
  20. M

    Designer T-Shirts? Yes sir!

    Imagine walking through an airport with that on. Why are there no tees in small size? I would definitely buy one if there was.
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