Recent content by Drago

  1. Drago

    Do you like the Gorillaz?

    Can't get into them at all. Then again I've never like Blur or more importantly Albarn the prick.
  2. Drago

    Morrissey - "The Royal Family are benefit scroungers"

    He's right though, so what's the fuss?
  3. Drago

    Trippy Cure site

    Nice. Thanks.
  4. Drago

    R.I.P. Poly Styrene

    :( r.i.p
  5. Drago


    No. :thumb:
  6. Drago


    I do like some of the bands but I want to kill whoever coined the word "britpop"
  7. Drago

    Any new bands that are mindblowing?

    I'd imagine so. :thumb: Take it you've seen them then?
  8. Drago

    Any new bands that are mindblowing?

    Yuck, The Joy Formidable, Esben & the Witch and Cut Copy is the best new stuff I've heard. I wouldn't go as far as calling them mind blowing though.
  9. Drago

    Your ONE wish for the new album

    One wish? Easy, a back up band of Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke & Mike Joyce. ;)
  10. Drago

    Who has been the greatest frontman ever?

    In no particular order.. Morrissey Ozzy Kurt Cobain Jim Morrisson Andrew Wood Layne Staley Robert Smith Ian Curtis Nick Cave Billy Corgan
  11. Drago

    Favorite female singer

    Not sure if she's been mentioned. Alison Mosshart New Kills album sounds great on first listen too. Will need a few more listens to sink in properly.
  12. Drago

    conversation using only morrissey lyrics

    The nights are too long, When the questions are long
  13. Drago

    What concert/show are you going to go to next?

    What were they like live?
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