New Songs


Steve L.

I've been allowed to say that there are new songs that have been through the demo process and that should make it on the new album. One of which is called "It's Where I Love"
> I've been allowed to say that there are new songs that have been
> through the demo process and that should make it on the new
> album. One of which is called "It's Where I Love"

Nice title
> I've been allowed to say that there are new songs that have been
> through the demo process and that should make it on the new
> album. One of which is called "It's Where I Love.... fling an otter? stuff Mexican jumping beans in my shorts and call myself a chimichanga? collect X-Men comic books?

What kind of song title is that?
I Don't Believe You

> I've been allowed to say that there are new songs that have been
> through the demo process and that should make it on the new
> album. One of which is called "It's Where I Love"

Call me Captain Cynical, but are we expected to believe that Steve Lillywhite really reads the Morrissey message board...
Re: Not so much askew as cockeyed

Captain cynical, Police Constable Pessimist or Right Honorable Realist?

oh and on a different but slightly associated subject; that saying about whether you see the glass half full or half empty. It doesn't make sense, it clearly hasn't been thought through. For instance if you were pouring something into the glass and stopped half way you would have half filled it so it would be half full. Yes?! But if you started with a full glass and poured half away you would have half emptied the glass, so the glass would be half empty, surely?!

When you think about it your glass can be both half full and half empty.

I don't wish to sound pedantic about this...what am I saying?! Pedant is my middle name...well actually it's my first name, I was raised in the wild by hethans who liked mythology but were too dumb to even get pandora right! (I am now re-united with my beautiful and intelligent biological family. The family by whom I was raised, after they found me in B&Q, I slaughtered for making me wear brown corduroy trousers worthy of a 1970's OU proffessor.)
> I've been allowed to say that there are new songs that have been
> through the demo process and that should make it on the new
> album. One of which is called "It's Where I Love"

That's a catchy title
Can't wait to hear it!
In Praise of Denim

> I don't wish to sound pedantic about this...what am I saying?!
> Pedant is my middle name...well actually it's my first name, I
> was raised in the wild by hethans who liked mythology but were
> too dumb to even get pandora right! (I am now re-united with my
> beautiful and intelligent biological family. The family by whom
> I was raised, after they found me in B&Q, I slaughtered for
> making me wear brown corduroy trousers worthy of a 1970's OU
> proffessor.)

Yes, I know EXACTLY what you mean...
Re: In Praise of Denim

Personally, I think that Lawrence's best work was in Felt...
Re: I Don't Believe You

> Call me Captain Cynical, but are we expected to believe that
> Steve Lillywhite really reads the Morrissey message board...

He has been known to read and post on Morrissey boards.
I Still Don't Know If I Believe You

> He has been known to read and post on Morrissey boards.

Okay, okay - nobody likes a smart Alec... and you should never blow your own trumpet... but if you're reading Steve, why not just send us an MP3 of Mozzers demo... that would settle the matter...
there are too many Steves in the world and not enough Stevens

> He has been known to read and post on Morrissey boards.

He has been, but I don't think he's lined up to do anything on the next album.

You see, Mozzy now writes books! He just doesn't have time for the rest of it :^)
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