Morrissey and Ayn Rand

Well, I'm not old, fat, or bearded.

Hahaha. Well, finally, someone who has broken the stereotype!

I just remembered that I was taking a class and our teacher was posting things on his projector of Rand speaking and all the people being old, fat and bearded and making jokes about how those were the only people that liked her. I found it amusing.

goinghome said:
Her almost groupie-like devotion to the American Dream, freedom for the willing and able to rise, reflects her background.

Yeah, I can see that. I don't really know how she would react to someone who couldn't take care of themselves, but it seems like from her position on ethical egoism and altruism, I would assume she would just say something like "Ah, well, that's too bad! Sorry to leave you like that, but I have some things to take care of!"

goinghome said:
Except for the respect for individuality, it seems we're mostly agreed there not much else in the comparison.


McLovin said:
I don't see the resemblance in terms of the major aspects, i.e., what really matters. I see some commonalities such as their strong independence, which puts them at odds with certain conventional wisdoms and such, but it seems that the substance of what they stand for point to different means and ends as far as societal, political and economic views are concerned.

Yes! Agreed!
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