Improper, I've changed my mind again.

  • Thread starter low down dirty beaner
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low down dirty beaner

Improper, I've changed my mind, I want this Little Cholo dead!

He is a f*** who insults:

1) 80's music

2) homosexuals

3) just about everyone and everything here

Where does he reside?

Where does he play shows?

What kind of low rider does he drive?

What is his full legal name?

What sweatshop does his mother work in?

What street corner does his sister work?

Where does his father peddle ice cream?

Where is brother selling piss poor quality pot?

In which Tamale shop does the rest of his family slave?

For which homes is his uncle a gardener?

How many of his cousins has he had sex with?

Do they eat black beans, pinto, or refried in the family home?

Does their Horchata give one food poisoning every time you drink it, or just 50% of the time?

Does the I. N. S. know they are living illegally in Moz Angeles?
C'mon C'mon If You Think You Can Take Us On

Whatchu' know about this big dick right hurrrr??? Lame post Josh. But I'll quote the great Thom Yorke in response to your challenge ...
"You want me??
f***ing well come and find me.
I'll be waiting.
With a gun and pack of sandwiches."

See you real soon bitch.
hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa oh my f***ing god,this is funny. You forgot that some of his family memebrs have stood on lawns for years holding those red pots.
Re: C'mon C'mon If You Think You Can Take Us On

Sadly,i didnt write it. but hey,You said before you'd see me soon,and im still here. You're full of shit essa.
Dont forget those excellent times when i see most of his family out peddling those roses they stole from the local graveyard to sell??? or those oranges,banana's,cherries,and what the f*** are those blow up things you sell?????? who the f*** would buy those things?????? oh and please for the love of god,STOP f***ING WEARING COWBOY HATS AND COWBOY BOOTS. its not halloween. You dont see anyone walking around with a viking outfit on do ya????? you're not a cowboy,so stop f***ing wearing that shit.
Shit nigga!!

You went post crazy on this mothafucca!!
Re: Shit nigga!!

No,i went post crazy on your dumb ass...go mow my lawn.
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