I'm standing in the dock

Aly Panic

Slap Me On The Patio
I'm standing in the dock
With my innocent hand on my heart
I've changed my plea
I've changed my plea to guilty
Because I did 58 in a 50
See how your rules spoil the game

I'm up in front of Goole magistrates in the morning.

f***ing Humberside Police and their hidden speed cameras!
Funny, i've been having that song in my head all morning since hearing my Reardon Street boot!
Nine times fined
Never mind
Things can only improve
We are just stood here
Waiting for the next great wound

And we just can’t wait to make more mistakes
And to fluff our breaks, and to stuff our faces with cake

£60 fine plus £40 costs plus three points, all for going 8mph over the limit.
I'd like to know how many muggers and rapists get caught in Humberside.
Isn't Humberside police the fokkers who let Ian huntley go...... and do what he did.

Everytime I've been arrested in South Wales I always have a go at the rozzer's dismal record in miscarriages of justice pleading, "haven't you got proper criminals to catch... like in all those unsolved murder cases!"

I'm usually drunk!
Aly Panic said:
£60 fine plus £40 costs plus three points, all for going 8mph over the limit.
I'd like to know how many muggers and rapists get caught in Humberside.

You need to get a Talex Lite or Indic8tor GPS camera detector (around £100 if you shop about)

They are brilliant and even warn you with a nice sounding female voice of possible mobile sites too in addition to fixed cameras.You can update them weekly via the net to find out where the latest position of those damn camera vans are.Unlike traditional laser and radar detectors, the GPS (satellite) versions wont be illegal soon when the law changes so no danger of wasting your money either.Only devices which tell if a camera is operational or not will be banned,GPS units only tell you where the cameras and mobile traps are, not whether they are switched on and working.

I bought one recently (Talex) after getting done by a stationary camera van doing 69 mph while overtaking in a three lane road directly at the end of a dual carriage way (70mph limit) where overtaking was only allowed on my side of the road but the limit goes back to 60mph but with no signs to warn you.The sneaky van was hidden back behind a bridge flyover pillar only yards past the end of the dual carriage way.I didnt even know I had a ticket until a week or more later as I thought I wouldnt get done at the speed I was doing which I thought was in the upper 60`s,but I did!

I was well pissed off.
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