I have never generalized people in here...I'm smarter than that.

  • Thread starter James (the "REAL" despised)
  • Start date

James (the "REAL" despised)

This is again in response the person who has nothing better to do on a weekend than to sit in front of the computer and pretend to be someone more intelligent than themselves.

Take Note: all the really very silly posts by my impersonator
"james (the despised)" never left an e-mail address.
I have ALWAYS left and ALWAYS will leave my real address some that people can say hi or say @#!!! off to me in a more personal manner.

I also want to say just what this posting says above:
I have never generalized people posting on this web page
I know for a fact that alot of people on here are NOT homophobic or racist or sexist or meat eaters.
I have more brains than to generalize folk.
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