I am SO alone



On the Girls and Boys TV programme the laugh-out-loud moment for me was Johnny M speaking about The Smiths connecting with all the shy people sitting on their beds writing poetry things such as' "I am alone" no, no "I am so alone" .

He's very whitty that Johnny Marr. (nb the word may have been lonely rather than 'alone')
> On the Girls and Boys TV programme the laugh-out-loud moment for me was
> Johnny M speaking about The Smiths connecting with all the shy people
> sitting on their beds writing poetry things such as' "I am
> alone" no, no "I am so alone" .

> He's very whitty that Johnny Marr. (nb the word may have been lonely
> rather than 'alone')

What made me laugh was that he was so happy with the fact that people
who "work in shops" bought Smiths records, and he knows because he's
met them.
I found it a bit annoying myself. It was like he was saying the second type of fan were better than the first. But maybe he didn't mean it that way.
eh what's funny about him meeting fans?

> What made me laugh was that he was so happy with the fact that people
> who "work in shops" bought Smiths records, and he knows because
> he's
> met them.
I'll talk slower....

> eh what's funny about him meeting fans?

> On the Girls and Boys TV programme the laugh-out-loud moment for me was
> Johnny M speaking about The Smiths connecting with all the shy people
> sitting on their beds writing poetry things such as' "I am
> alone" no, no "I am so alone" .

> He's very whitty that Johnny Marr. (nb the word may have been lonely
> rather than 'alone')
I'm always intrigued when i see Johnny on documentaries, he always enthusing about how good and important The Smiths were. But since then what has he done? I mean is he happy knowing that he was culturally important once? Does he want to achieve greatness again? Or is it just enough to know that his star once burned bright?
I enjoyed the show also
> What made me laugh was that he was so happy with the fact that people
> who "work in shops" bought Smiths records, and he knows because
> he's
> met them.
I worked in a Shop! I used to nip out 4 or 5 times on a monday if a new single or album was released. They were always changing the delivery times- i'd feel a bit silly after the 2nd visit and i'm sure they often told me it would be in the next day just to get rid of me.
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