"Fag," and double standards


Simple gematria, Bach used it. Now vowels are free, you don't have to use them.

What number or no. was Bona Drag?

no 67

no fg

He's not gay. :p

A few honest men are better than numbers.
-(I've been dreaming on a time when the english are sick to death of labours and tories and spit upon the name)
Oliver Cromwell

But then again

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.
Ms London... if you made up that Plato quote and i get sprung by my Profs when i use it... i'll be round your house with a hammer - ballistic style!!!! :guitar:;):p

Any man may easily do harm, but not every man can do good to another.


Morrissey summed that thought up with waaaay more elegance. Something about gentle and kind or something.
Any man may easily do harm, but not every man can do good to another.


Morrissey summed that thought up with waaaay more elegance. Something about gentle and kind or something.

^^^ tee hee CG... I'm worried about getting sprung for forcing Moz lyrics into various theses/papers etc.... someone's bound to catch me!:eek:
Honestly, and I've been coming in here for years, people can
be pretty damn harsh, but I've heard people (including me) being called a lot bloody worse things than fag!
You have to just ignore the people you don't
like and try to understand that there is always someone ready to
"have a go" in life. Really? You can't be that sensitive.
If I worried about what people said or thought about me, I would
never leave the house and that's just because I'm the only single
parent in the street......plus my car was repossessed this year.
hate football (very un - Australian) and might I just say the fact that
you are in here means you must have someone in here who is nice to you.
Come on, water off a duck's back, etc......
As Kewpie mentioned - examples are needed here.

People are allowed to say what they feel and they can be called on it. Have you replied to that person? What is your suggestion, banning people for being offensive or censoring them?

David you have a Poll on the front page asking for the "gayest" morrissey video , personally i find that quite offensive ...
David you have a Poll on the front page asking for the "gayest" morrissey video , personally i find that quite offensive ...

Why do you find it offensive? I have just posted some explanation of my thoughts here.
I'm homophobic. I don't have an irrational fear of the gays. I f***ING HATE THEM. The f***ing poofs:thumb:

The gayest video ever is quite obviously the little known late 1930's classic String The Buggers Up For Capital Punishment. Its black and white.
Relax is really bent tho

In other news I associate fags with giving up smoking. I haven't read the minutae (SIC) but butt (pardon the pun)
good riddance
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