Don't forget the Radio 2 show tonight

Ha! You're right there about Morley- he's a bit of a saddo rock journalist at heart who just wants to be quoted on a dust jacket. Liked the way he placed himself at the centre of the scene, making childish comments on some loser's footwear..will resist comment about shoe being on other foot etc, won't kick a man when he's down etc Have also had enough of Preston now thanks..
When I was reading Morley's article in last year's NME Smiths special, there were times when I would get the pleasant image in my head of the 16-ton weight from "Monty Python" falling down on Morley. :D
When I was reading Morley's article in last year's NME Smiths special, there were times when I would get the pleasant image in my head of the 16-ton weight from "Monty Python" falling down on Morley. :D


Morely came across as a bitter arse in that article. Maybe he was being 'ironic'......?
The funniest bit was when Morley was saying Morrissey was the first blogger. He always has to shoehorn some popular cultural reference in to make what he's talking about "relevant". I bet he was gutted he couldn't find some parallel to Big Brother. He's like a past it Dad desperately trying to be "with it".

Far be it from me to start the Morley Appreciation Society...oh, go on then...but what's wrong with bringing in a bit of relevance to popular culture?

Isn't that what Morley does? Comment on popular culture? BBC 2's Newsnight Review and all that...?

OK, I can understand how he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I think he provides some interesting anecdotes and context on a topic that we are all interested in. He's a good writer: informed and informative, sharp, witty and, if not controversial, then at least interesting and thought-provoking.

Neither is he a spring-chicken anymore but, then - who is? Maybe it's a generational thing...I always enjoyed reading him in the NME and still enjoy what he has to say now.
Far be it from me to start the Morley Appreciation Society...oh, go on then...but what's wrong with bringing in a bit of relevance to popular culture?

Isn't that what Morley does? Comment on popular culture? BBC 2's Newsnight Review and all that...?

OK, I can understand how he's not everyone's cup of tea, but I think he provides some interesting anecdotes and context on a topic that we are all interested in. He's a good writer: informed and informative, sharp, witty and, if not controversial, then at least interesting and thought-provoking.

Neither is he a spring-chicken anymore but, then - who is? Maybe it's a generational thing...I always enjoyed reading him in the NME and still enjoy what he has to say now.

Stop it! You're being incredibly even handed and fair minded and it makes me feel lke a right shit! Nah, see what you mean- I really enjoyed his autobiography- but, along with other talking heads, he's wheeled out to 'comment' on 'culture' and it gets bit tiresome. Not his fault, pays the rent. I find Newsnight Review sooo annoying I HAVE to watch it. This is Robert Morley we're talking about here, isn't it?
Paul Morley can really talk out of his arse sometimes. How the hell would he know if Morrissey was jealous of attention Johnny got?! :rolleyes: Oh yes, it must be because Morrissey was so jealous that he decided to leave the band... wait a moment, Morrissey wasn't the one who did that... :rolleyes:

OMG why's everyone turning on paul morley?
the guy is genius, i tend to agree with everything he says or writes, he is one of Moz's biggest supporters and wears his heart on his sleeve, i have never ever heard him say anything i disagreed with.
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OMG why's everyone turning on paul morley?
the guy is genius, i tend to agree with everything he says or writes, he is one of Moz's biggest supporters and wears his heart on his sleeve, i have never ever heard him say anything i disagreed with.

Phew! That's a relief - I thought I might have been going out on a limb there.

If it's not JK Rowling or Bono on "The Importance of...", it's poor old Robert (Hi Dougal!); some people are just never happy are they?

I'll get the Morley Appreciation Society forms printed off tomorrow; now, where did I put those placards...?
Phew! That's a relief - I thought I might have been going out on a limb there.

If it's not JK Rowling or Bono on "The Importance of...", it's poor old Robert (Hi Dougal!); some people are just never happy are they?

I'll get the Morley Appreciation Society forms printed off tomorrow; now, where did I put those placards...?

agreed :)
When I went to see G-Mex festival in 86 I found Paul Morley totally disrespectful to the bands on the bill.
Although my English wasn't very good and didn't know Morlery was doing mc still I could sense his sarcasm.

Hopefully some people who were there also confirm that.
So you all agree that Morrissey was the first blogger then?

You don't think it was a shallow comment designed to put a arrow over Morley's head saying "look at me, I'm in touch with the 21st Century and down with the kids"?

I think he's been living in media land too long. Nothing is relevant and important unless it's what the media world are currently obsessed with and for the last six months or so, that's been blogs.
Paul Morley does like Morrissey, and i have seen him at shows with his family before.

However we must remember that he knew of morrissey before he was famous, so he can see beyond any facade that we may be obstructed by
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Paul Morley does like Morrissey, and i have seen him at shows with his family before.

However we must remember that he knew of morrissey before he was famous, so he can see beyond any facade that we may be obstructed by

Nonsense. He made it quite clear he hardly knew Morrissey at all in the early days because he was part of the cool crowd and Morrissey wasn't. I wouldn't claim to know anything about someone just because I was on nodding terms with them.
In the docu, it said that Morrissey used to write reviews of local bands for a music mag. Does anyone have reference to these reviews? What kind of criticism or praise did he give?
So you all agree that Morrissey was the first blogger then?

You don't think it was a shallow comment designed to put a arrow over Morley's head saying "look at me, I'm in touch with the 21st Century and down with the kids"?

I think he's been living in media land too long. Nothing is relevant and important unless it's what the media world are currently obsessed with and for the last six months or so, that's been blogs.

Hello Danny

Well, I don't really know too much about blogging, but Moz has said that being in The Smiths was like putting his life to music (I paraphrase). Perhaps the 80s musical equivalent of an on-line diary? Although, I suppose that many singers/songwriters could claim to be putting their experiences in muscial form, so Moz is obviously not unique here.

I hope that this doesn't sound pompous, but I prefer my talking heads to do it in a cross-generational way and I thought perhaps Morley did that - evidently not!

But, as you say, blogs are topical - everywhere you go, there's talk of blogs so yes, he could be simply paying lip service to current trends. The blog comment from Morley did stand out, didn't it?

I'd be interested to know others views on this specific comment of Moz as first ever blogger.
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