Do you think Morrissey will have a child one day?

Morrissey does not believe in procreation for ethical reasons. Furthermore, he has already declared that no child will be pulled screaming "out into this seething whirl, by chance or whim or even love." Morrissey is married to music and would not settle into a family life. Neither is he a shallow rock star who goes around planting seeds in vaginas. He could adopt, but he can dispose of his estate to his nephews or their issue or animal rights charities, so it's not like he needs an heir.

He will marry and have a child

Baby blue eyes :rolleyes:
Morrissey does not believe in procreation for ethical reasons. Furthermore, he has already declared that no child will be pulled screaming "out into this seething whirl, by chance or whim or even love." Morrissey is married to music and would not settle into a family life. Neither is he a shallow rock star who goes around planting seeds in vaginas. He could adopt, but he can dispose of his estate to his nephews or their issue or animal rights charities, so it's not like he needs an heir.

You forgot to mention he's married to his fans. :rolleyes:
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